Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1161

Facts have proved that Guan Liyuan’s quality cannot be measured by imagination...

Looking at the "Super Tyrannosaurus" and Tiansi, who were very different in size on the field, the audience off the court responded with sympathy to the "Super Tyrannosaurus" who looked super fierce and oversized.

The wings of the super tyrannosaurus are like a red crescent moon, but at this time the "moon" is besieged by the "stars"-a storm of pink crystals swept the super tyrannosaurus!

Although he is more adept at rock skills, Ting Ting, who has the power of the fairy type, can completely ignore the attacks of the dragon type power...

The difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides is not small. One party is also immune to the other's main force.

Within a short time, the Super Flying Dragon was shot down by Di Anxi and lost its combat effectiveness.

Lao Long deserves to be a trainer who has traveled the world for decades, and his lineup is not luxurious!

The quasi-sacred beast in Fengyuan area, the "Tranquil dragon", the quasi-sacred beast in the Hezhong area, the "Three Dragons", the quasi-sacred beast in Carlos area, the "Sticky Dragon", the quasi-sacred beast in Alora area, the "Cole-tailed Scaled Dragon"...and the old card "Quick Dragon", a quasi-sacred beast from the Kanto region, appeared in his hands one by one!

Major regions have strict control over their own characteristic quasi-sacred beasts, and it is almost impossible to obtain them through transactions. With the financial resources and background of the world's first house, most of the acquired quasi-sacred beasts are "defective". It's just that it can be cultivated to the point where the seller wants to cry without tears.

As for the quasi-sacred beasts of the old dragon, it is obvious that he traveled in one place and experienced many difficulties, personally conquered or was recognized and gifted by the alliance...

However... a series of five great heavenly king-level quasi-divine beasts failed to sway Guan Liyuan's Di'anxi. The strengths are quite different, and there is also absolute attribute restraint. Even if Guan Liyuan did not trigger the evolution of the bond, the old dragon's eyes were exhausted!

"Quick Dragon loses combat effectiveness, please Xiaolong player, send the next Pokémon to the field within ten seconds." The referee announced.

Although the situation was not good, the old dragon still did not give up, and... the sixth Pokémon he was going to play, everyone had guessed what it was!

"Go! Earth, let him know how great!"

Sure enough, the sixth is also a quasi-sacred beast, it is the "Bite the Land Shark" in the Shenao region, and it is also the main Pokémon that Long Xiaolong has been cultivating just before he became the dragon king and was given a string of six!

In the previous game, the old dragon also sent out to bite the shark, but this time the situation is obviously different...

When he just saw the old dragon biting the land shark, Guan Liyuan keenly felt a sense of "danger" and lurking power!

At the same time, in the old world oasis, Dai Ochisis, he teleported Guan Liyuan with his heart: [Green stick, green stick.

Because he still needs to teach Deoxys to integrate into the Pokémon society a little bit, Guan Liyuan allows him to spread his perception through the "back door" on the dragon tooth pendant...

However, in the non-"now becoming docile again" state, the sound transmission of Deochis always makes Guan Liyuan baffling.

In particular, Deochisis did not sign a contract with Guan Liyuan at all, so the way he contacted Guan Liyuan was just an ordinary mind.

[What green stick?] Guan Liyuan was puzzled.

[The irritable green stick... Don't tell me if you ask for directions, but still hit me... Good or bad, good or bad...] Deochis said.

Guan Liyuan: ……

Regarding the description of Deochsis, Guan Liyuan felt speechless, but also guessed what he was talking about!

Speaking of when Deoksis descended on the planet of Pokémon, the person who hurt him the most and would be described as "good or bad" should be the ancestor Liekongzai!

With the support of the title of "green stick", it is no doubt that Liekong is sitting in all likelihood...

Guan Liyuan couldn't help but look around—could Liekong sit and peek somewhere?

Deochisis will not suddenly mention Liekongsi for no reason, and Deochisis’s perception system is very different from human beings and most Pokémon. The main sensing target is the magnetic field, so you will find the hidden Liekong. Sitting empty is also normal!

What is Liekong doing hiding nearby?Chasing Dioces?

But... there are Ipertal and Lao Jia. Even if the original ancestor Lie Kongzai is considered to be a super-class beast that is second only to Al Zeus, and the ultimate form of Kigeld, Guan Liyuan is not very worried.

Instead, in order to test the absence of Liekong, he whispered: "As a sacred animal, he hides his head and reveals his tail...tsk."

No one could hear his voice, but Guan Liyuan estimated that if Liekong was sitting nearby, he would have heard it!

However, there was no response for a while, making Guan Liyuan a little confused.

But I don't know... Lie Kongzai is indeed not nearby, but he was invisible in the vicinity of Arceus, but at this time he missed an arrow, and countless "kinds" in his heart roared: This one provokes me?This guy dare to provoke me?Under my name, swaying around, dare to provoke me?

Arceus originally heard about Guan Liyuan's "blessing", and there is news that after winning the championship today, Guan Liyuan will announce the distribution of "blessing"...

That's why I came to see what Guan Liyuan was doing in her name!

Originally because Guan Liyuan had assisted Arceus before, and there might be more things that need to be assisted by the "Canning Pass" in the future, Arceus has decided that as long as it is not something bad, he will not pursue it.

But now...

Arceus silently changed his mind, and when he was ready to wait for Guan Liyuan to make an announcement, he jumped out and frightened him, and stepped on his face with a hoof to see how he made up... It's useless to stop him!

At the same time, Guan Liyuan understood Deochisis and suddenly mentioned the real reason for the "green stick".

I saw the old dragon biting the land shark, and now it entered the "super-evolved" form, but...the super-evolved appearance is somewhat different from the normal "super biting land shark"!

Normally, a super-evolved land shark will have a larger dorsal fin and a slender tail. At the same time, the arm fins on both arms will become larger and have a scarlet sickle-like shape!

However, after the super-evolution of the old dragon’s biting land shark, the dorsal fin has become a long strip along the back, and the arm fins on both arms have also become rectangular "choppers"...

If only this is the case, Guan Liyuan, like most trainers, will only be confused, but these three "fins" also have a distinguishing feature, that is, they are no longer the blue-purple that a biting land shark should have, but Appears aquamarine.

With the hint of "green stick", it is easy to think of this fin...something like the fin of Liekong sitting!

And you can think of it, the former champion of the United Nations, Alice from the Land of Dragons also mentioned that the old dragon has been recognized by Lie Kongzai and received the dragon wings of Lie Kongzai. Although Liekongzai is a flying type , But there are no wings. The so-called dragon wing is exactly the part of the "fin" where Liekong sits.

At the same time, the momentum of the super fierce land sharks in front of us has soared, and it has exceeded the level that normal super evolution should have...