Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1357 This is Chapter 1.5

"Mr. Guan, what's the matter? Don't you mean that as long as you put on the sea floor stone handcuffs, your mother will soon regain her sanity, and can you think of a solution later? Why does your mother keep sleeping?" Asked anxiously.

"No, what I said is that'should' will wake up soon, and by comparison, your judgment is completely wrong, right?" Guan Liyuan cast his eyes.

Yes, Guan Liyuan initially thought based on the experience gained from Doflamingo that as long as BigMom was tortured, that is, to curb the trend of fusion of devil fruit and soul, BigMom's own sanity should be restored.

However, after the Hailou stone handcuffs were handcuffed, it did have an effect, but BigMom fainted directly...

Smoky and Keli were very excited at first, because according to their expectations, the Hailoushi handcuffs would be broken directly by BigMom.

However, Guan Liyuan said that the Hailou stone handcuffs should be effective. Now I have tried it and it is indeed effective... That is to say, Guan Liyuan does understand this situation and has a way?

When BigMom first fainted, Guan Liyuan thought it was because BigMom had been "crazy" for too long, and his physical exertion was serious. Unexpectedly, after a few days passed, BigMom was still sleeping...

The snoring was so loud, I just fell asleep no matter how I looked, I couldn't see any hugs, but I just stayed asleep for a long time!

Under the care of Guan Liyuan in the middle, Kelijia also tried to remove the Hailoushi handcuffs, but the result was...Although BigMom woke up, it still indulged in madness and had to subdue it again.

At this time, Perrospero walked in and said with a serious face: "Mom's matter has been leaked. Soon Kaido and Whitebeard will get news!"

At this time, the five strongest forces in the new world are the Four Emperors plus a revolutionary army that seems to be "settling down" here.

However, listening to Perrospero's meaning, it seems that he is more "relaxed" for Shanks, only Whitebeard and Kaido are mentioned...

As for the revolutionary army... people already know it!And if you don't worry, you can't say it in front of Guan Liyuan.

"Mr. Guan, I'll be out of company first, please pay attention to one or two more here." Smoky said, leaving with Perrospero.

It is estimated that within the BigMom Pirate Group, we should also start to discuss what should be done if BigMom loses its mind.

I had a fight with Guan Liyuan before, and in the end, although it was announced that it had been resolved peacefully, the specious truth still spread on the sea.

It's not that Creeper and Smoky didn't have such preparations. The reason why BigMom was held back was just that they didn't want to be exposed so quickly.

And at this time, the BigMom Pirate Group, which was originally under the brutal rule of BigMom, was barely glued together, and it was already precarious.

In addition to the Charlotte family, most of the cadres in the "World" belong to the "Knight Order" and the "Chef Order". At this time, the 31 chefs are bound by the long bread, and there is not much fluctuation. The Knights have already defected!

Many of the pirate groups originally attached to BigMom have lost contact with Cake Island, and even some of the desserts belonging to the country have not been delivered as scheduled...

Although the main body of "World of Nations" is indeed the Charlotte family. Now BigMom's children are still there. If BigMom is not considered, the decline in strength is not great, but Guan Liyuan suspects that the reason why BigMom's children are still there is also because of them. With the surname "Charlotte", it is difficult to take refuge in the other four emperors after defecting, and it is easy to be listed by the enemies of the BigMom Pirates, so there is no separation for the time being.

After all, BigMom's rude way of ruling, even her own children, did not have much affection for her.

Among the Four Emperors, Shanks has the most "easy-going" character, with only one ship in the core turf. The pirate groups recruiting and following him are also reliant, and the islands sheltered are the fewest. Give the flag.

As long as it doesn’t involve his bottom line, Shanks’ attitude is very happy...Of course, if the average shrimp yells at Shanks, even if Shanks doesn’t care about it, the red-haired pirates don’t care about it, subordinate. So many pirate groups are not vegetarian!

Because the demand for power is the lowest, it can even be said that it does not pursue power, so the other three emperors, the navy, and even the world government will buy him a bit of face, and if you really get serious, the Redhead Pirates It's not ashamed to face the other four emperors.

Whitebeard is not as reasonable as Shanks, but his opponent is the best. He recognizes his son everywhere and protects his shortcomings. He is the most famous among the Four Emperors and has the most territory...

However, just like Shanks, people must be able to board the ship, the pirates who are worthy of it can be attached, and the kingdoms who are worthy of it can be flagged, and the Whitebeard Pirates are also the most united.

Although there is one biggest problem right now, that is, the white beard is not only getting old, but also suffering from illness. It is rumored that his strength has declined a lot, but even so, no one dares to ask for a beard.

As for Kaido...

Captain Kaido is known as "the strongest creature", and his greatest achievement is "do not die", and he is very fond of animal fruit. Almost all officials are capable of animal fruit. Compared with Baibeard and Shanks, Kaido’s Be more aggressive.

However, even the "group culture" of the Kaido Pirates is biased towards "beast nature", but "cooperative hunting" is also part of the beast nature.

Perhaps it can be said to be "united", but the members only worship Kaido more, not like the respect and support of the "daddy" by the White Beard Pirates or the "boss" of the Redhead Pirates Like-minded.

To a certain extent, if Blackbeard is under Kaido, then he doesn't have to pretend to be honest from the beginning...

If one day Kaido becomes old and weak, the cadres of the Beast Pirate Group will also "hate" him like the black beard hates the old white beard!

What they respect is the powerful Kaido, if Kaido becomes weak, they will feel "idol" being humiliated!

As for the BigMom Pirates...

In fact, the biggest problem is that whether it is the generals, the ministers, or the cadres of the attached knights and chefs, they all fear and respect BigMom.

After all, because the desserts are not delicious, the cook will eat them. In order to snatch some dessert ingredients, it can destroy a country. The only IQ is also used to plan some conspiracies that are not on the table, and the appearance is extremely low. Fat women can't get genuine respect.

It’s just because BigMom’s strength is strong enough, and in the new world, this is the biggest factor that adds to the “charm of personality”. In addition, its main body is the dessert general and dessert minister served by his own children. Even if the family relationship is weak, it is natural. On the BigMom side, this is what we have today.

But now that BigMom had a problem, internal problems were immediately exposed, and even if there was no way out, the "World of Nations" would have fallen apart.

After all, Shanks has a superb status among the four emperors, and rarely fights with the other three emperors. In recent years, Baibeard has basically "no one offends me, and I do not offend others". "Beard", "Kaido vs BigMom"-Kaido is not willing to be idle!

Therefore, the generals and ministers of the nations, and Kaido's subordinates had the greatest grievances, allowing the nations to depend on Kaido...Everyone was the first to rule out this idea.

As for the attachment to the white beard?They want to hug Baibeard’s thighs and call him father, and Baibeard guesses he’s guilty...

And the Red-haired Pirates don’t even have to think about it. With Shanks’ temperament, they don’t think about how much strength they can add to Shanks after taking refuge. They only think about whether it’s right or not—obviously, wrong.

The generals and ministers here are already discussing the "future" of BigMom, but it is only about Liyuan who feels that she can still get some treatment...

Just as Guan Liyuan thought about the difference between the current BigMom and Doflamingo, Brin walked in.

"Mr. Guan, how is mom's situation?" Brin asked.

"Eat well, sleep soundly...just not sober." Guan Liyuan said.

I slept soundly without any problems, and now I am still snoring. As far as I am full...you must take off the Hailou stone handcuffs and BigMom will eat instinctively.

"Hey, brothers and sisters are already going to stir up fire, if my mother knows, she will be angry." Brin sighed.

"Oh? What are they arguing?" Guan Liyuan asked.

Brin also has younger siblings, but her elder brothers and sisters can speak for themselves in the decision of the BigMom Pirates...

"I'm discussing whether to belong to the Revolutionary Army...Are you very happy?" Brin gave him a blank look.

It is impossible to take refuge in the other three emperors, so the revolutionary army is a good choice, and Guan Liyuan is not surprised.

But then Brin also added: “Don’t be happy too early. We are not without a place to go except for the Revolutionary Army. Brother Snagg also suggested that we can look at the situation after Marshal Sora. Brother Perrot suggested that history Give the text to Baibeard, and then abandon other subject countries and stick to the 35 islands of the world!"

"It's true that this is also a way..." Guan Liyuan said unhurriedly, and Breen, who had come to remind him specially, was not angry.

As for why to remind Guan Liyuan specifically?

Brin explained to himself that he was infected by Guan Liyuan's noble sentiments. If he had to take refuge in one party, Brin hoped to help Guan Liyuan...Ah no, it was to help the revolutionary army.

Seeing Breen sulking, Guan Liyuan turned and said: "But...I still want to try again, can I recover BigMom, Breen, since BigMom was alive...cough cough! I mean BigMom's sleeping Ex' favorite daughter, you should know BigMom, right?"

In fact, at this time, within the BigMom Pirates regiment, the most important opinions were to join the Revolutionary Army. First of all, Kata Kuri, the head of the star, was sent to the Revolutionary Army by BigMom long ago, and both Smoky and Keli Lean towards the revolutionary army.

The other two opinions can only say "reluctantly count"...

"You...really want to save mother?" Brin's eyes flashed.

It's not how deep she feels for BigMom, but she was moved by Guan Liyuan. After all, with BigMom left alone, Guan Liyuan has a 70% chance to receive the BigMom' Pirates. If she actively fights now, it will even be a 90% chance. , But Guan Liyuan is willing to "delay" time here to rescue BigMom.

"If you can know more about BigMom, there may be a way." Guan Liyuan did not dare to say too much.

After biting her lip, Brin made up her mind and said: "Mom... In fact, many times, she is more like a child, and she is a child with both self-esteem and low self-esteem. She would not open her heart to me, but... if If you believe me, I can try it. In fact, my fruiting ability is..."

Brin seldom takes the initiative to explain her fruitful ability to others. Even if she explained it, she "tooked" the other party. She cut this memory. Only Xingxing and some ministers knew about it, but this time she took the initiative to talk to Guan Liyuan. ...