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Chapter 1366 No Memories, No Pirates (2 in 1)

"Don't worry, the basic principles of our Gulan are of course followed, but there may be some minor flaws, and I will fix them later." Tezzoro said indifferently.

Guan Liyuan didn't say anything more...

In fact, most of the Dragonites who escaped from Mariejoa had a miserable end. After all, the League of Nations would have to face it if they stayed in Mariejoa. If they said it would not be difficult for them, they would not do anything in the face unless they I can't accept the change of identity and die, as for those who escaped from Mary Joa by their cleverness... can only be said to be a model of death!

What was the treatment of Doflamingo's father back then?

After leaving Marigio, there is no place on this sea where they can live steadily...Oh, the red dog is probably one, but at least they have to be able to arrive alive.

Moreover, the recognition of the Tianlong people is too high. After so many years of arrogance, they can't change their habits for a while. There are even some idiots who wear isolation gowns and don't know who gave them the courage...

It is said that some arrogant pirates were beaten to death by people as Tianlong people?In short, during this period of time, whether they are pirates or merchants, they are a bit low-key, lest they be mistaken for Denonites, especially those with low appearance.

And it would be good if the League of Nations could guarantee their safety in Mariejoa. Can they really turn their faces for the Denon and their supporters and potential supporters?

It’s just that there are few people as arrogant as Tezzoro-he can handle it secretly, but when he puts it out for auction, Guan Liyuan has to say... Autonomy is one thing, but the basic principles still need to be observed, such as "Unconditional racial equality", "permanent abolition of any slavery".

However, since Tezzoro said "it will be resolved", Guan Liyuan died to see the aftereffects.

After all, the “no matter what the previous sins were” to the Tianlong people was an expedient measure to reduce damage... According to Guan Liyuan’s knowledge, most of the Tianlong people who left Marijoa "disappeared for no reason" in the waters where no other ships passed by. Yes, "no other ships passing by" does not mean a shipwreck, but a murloc!

The Tianlong people ignore the reconciliation between humans and the murlocs, and still wantonly capture and trade murloc slaves. Don't blame the murlocs for stepping back...

And it is also good for them to vent to the Tianlongren, so as not to hold back their energy and always feel that all mankind will harm them.

However, the Tianlong people can be shameless and disregard the promises of the world government and the murlocs, but the revolutionary army cannot do it. The sneaky revenge will only open one eye and close one eye, "blatantly" violate the basic principles, and come up with something Tianlong. The auction of human slaves must not be the first.

However, since it was only a "first offender", Guan Liyuan was just a reminder, after all, Tezzoro was in his gang, and he had just made great achievements.

And the reason why Tezzoro got involved with Guan Liyuan has to start from two years ago...

At that time, Tezoro invited Guan Liyuan, or the minister of Anbu, to go to the Gulan.

Because several core members smashed their horses on the Gulan and were discovered the background of the revolutionary army, and the extremely ambitious Tezoro did not make any announcements, but took advantage of the situation to invite Guan Liyuan to the Gulan, and wanted to join At that time, the ever-expanding revolutionary army also secretly colluded... even secretly controlled!

Needless to say, Guan Liyuan taught Tezzoro a very simple truth-the most precious things are often impossible to buy with money.

Tezolo initially dismissed this and asked, "For example, your life?"

Later, he was violently beaten by Guan Liyuan... Halfway through, Tezzoro secretly controlled the gold powder that infiltrated Guan Liyuan's body, making him unable to move, and asked again: "Isn't your fortune the'most precious' thing?"

As a result, it turned to Guan Liyuan’s answer that he was loyal to the revolutionary cause: “No, kill me, and later generations. This is what our revolutionary army is pursuing, not something that money can buy.”

Tezolo saw Guan Liyuan ridiculing herself again. The old story that caused her to be tortured to death by the Tianlong people came to her heart because she was unable to redeem her first love "Stella". The gold powder in Guan Liyuan's body turned into a sharp blade and pierced his body...

After that, Tezzoro met the "Later".

Another Guan Liyuan appeared in place...

"You, you..." Tezoro didn't understand. The feeling when he had controlled the gold before clearly killed a living person, and even the corpse was still at Guan Liyuan's feet. How could another one come out?twin brothers?

"Yes, this is the revolutionary spirit." Guan Liyuan said righteously.

Tezoro wanted to curse at the time-believe in your evil!Can co-authors with revolutionary spirit be resurrected in place?Then what are you doing sneakily? Go straight to the "beep" of the Tianlongren!

However, after Guan Liyuan was resurrected, there was no gold powder in his body, he directly pressed Tezzoro to the ground and rubbed it again, and then lay out facts and reason again...

And Tezzoro was really upset, even if Guan Liyuan had pressed him to the ground, he could smash his dog's head with one punch, but his mouth was still stiff.

So Guan Liyuan made a bet with him and let him go as long as he could "buy" a true love with money.

As for the unmeasured thing like true love, how do you try?Guan Liyuan gave him a domineering halo of seeing and hearing - Guan Liyuan's seeing and hearing domineering, after all, has the special effect of observing the soul. Although it cannot be as accurate as mind reading, it can at least see general emotional changes.

First of all...you must have a "pumping" emotion, right?

So Tezoro went away in response to the appointment, and for the sake of effect, he also specially changed his face, lest his true identity on the Gulan is awesome and difficult to love.

As the most high-end entertainment city, there are naturally many women engaged in the special service industry. Tezzoro first went to a romantic place, threw a lot of money down, and called several skilled women to accompany the wine... to no avail.

Judging from Guan Liyuan's domineering experience, when they saw the money, they did indeed fluctuate greatly, but it was not "pumping" but "excited."

Tezzoro left unhappily and thought it was because they were too tacky, so he went to find the girls who came to play, and sprinkled a lot of money, but the effect was still very small, and the emotion he got was "contempt" first, and then more and more. The more...some of them will "shake", and some of Zhenlie's girls will directly act on this old wealthy and stinky hooligan, but they will have "anger" instead.

Tezoro also thought that he was not prepared enough. At this time, he was not only simply throwing money, but also planning and creating a romantic atmosphere while using the money, and showed his ability. This time he got "appreciation" and " Worship"...but it made him angry.

Guan Liyuan inserted: "Actually you can work harder..."

However, Tezzoro gave up decisively, and said in embarrassment: "If you continue to'work hard', you will not only buy it with money!"

Now this is not only a bet with Guan Liyuan, but also Tezzoro proving his philosophy of life.

At this moment... Tezoro thought of Stella, his first love that he could not forget.

So Tezzoro went to the "market" of the slave trade, the human trade that he hated so much that he had already done it at his fingertips.

In the slave market, Tezzoro had a lot of choices and found a young girl.

Although the girl looked at the world outside the cage fearfully, Tezzoro could see that she was different from most other slaves, and there was still a yearning for beauty in her eyes...

Even Tezzoro couldn't help but think of the scene when he first met Stella... So Tezzoro bought her and let her go.

"You are free!" Tezzoro said.

When he said this, Tezoro felt a slight pain in his heart-what if he could have said this to Stella before?

However, it was only a sting, and it did not even affect his decision to continue to do population business on the Gulan.

At the same time, in his opinion, the reason why he was not able to be with Stella at the beginning was because of this damn "money." If he could save enough money for Stella to ransom him earlier...

However, at the next moment, Tezzoro was stunned-the girl was very moved, and even wanted to be Tezzoro's maid in return, but... there was only a deep gratitude!

The script is wrong!

He couldn't even save Stella at the beginning, but he still fell in love with Stella. Now that he can redeem this little girl by pulling out his legs, the other party is just grateful?

Could it be that... Stella was just grateful to herself?

wrong!What is Stella grateful for?

And even if he was not covered by the domineering Buff back then, he knew that it was not grateful...

But why now...

Suddenly Tezzoro noticed one thing!

That is, he always thought that he lost Stella because he had no money... This is indeed correct, saying that he did not have money to redeem Stella, and he did not have the power to save Stella and go far away. Okay, it makes no difference.

But Tezolo has forgotten one thing, that is, his love is not unresponsive, and when he has nothing, it is not that he gets nothing at all-he gets the love of Stella.

Although Stella is dead, but the last time she saw Stella, that is, when she was taken away by the dragon people, she smiled and said to him, "She is happy to have the time with Tezoro"... …

"Stella..." Tezolo murmured softly.

When a person is at an extreme, he will focus on what he has lost, and the "experience" he summarized is also distorted to the extreme, while ignoring what he has gained.

Guan Liyuan also appeared at the right time, patted Tezzoro on the shoulder and said, "It seems that you have understood! Life is not only money... the value of appearance is also very important! You see, now you are no longer a young man of seventeen or eighteen. No girl will like you!"

Tezoro's head would jump out of the word "well", but he also knew that Guan Liyuan was talking nonsense!

This is self-knowledge, Tezolo still has it-what Stella admired back then was not the face of his youth.

"You, don't talk nonsense! The benefactor...actually...is also very handsome!" The little girl who had just been rescued said to Guan Liyuan in anger.


Looking at the big guy and the "benefactor" who were laughing together, the little girl showed a puzzled look, she didn't know what they were laughing at, let alone why the "benefactor" smiled and cried.

Others don’t even know why the slave market was cancelled after the Gulan. Although the slave business is still in business, it only accepts and does not sell...

It was not until two years later that the exception was made, and this exception was a shocking-the auction of the slaves of the Dragon!

Although the world government is dissolved, there are really very few people who dare to be so blatant...

And just two years before Guan Liyuan suddenly wentssip, Tezzoro "save" the little girl, what happened afterwards, Guan Liyuan and Tezzoro showed a "lost" look at the same time, but it was fleeting and replaced. What was "doubt", and finally frozen in "sneer"...

"It's a coincidence, just come here... and I'm so hateful?" Guan Liyuan smiled slightly and shook his head mockingly.

At that time, after hearing that Tezoro had paid the heavenly gold several times, and after speculating on the trump card of the Dragons, Guan Liyuan refused Tezoro's private support of the revolutionary army's money, cut off all ties, and ensured the relationship between Tezoro and the revolutionary army. , In other words, the relationship with Guan Liyuan will not be exposed, it is indeed the right choice!

This knife in the dark is the most bloody...

"And to recover so quickly, it seems that Old Man Kong has already...hahaha, he deserves it. If you want to be a dragon, you should die!" Tezzoro would not have any sympathy for Ganggukong.

That's right, the reason why the two of them just showed a "confused" look is because at that instant, the ability to "obliterate fruits" was activated, and "Guan Liyuan" was one of the targets of obliteration!

Therefore, Guan Liyuan and Tezoro immediately "stuck" in place. If everything is normal, everyone except "D" will forget him and other things related to him, which means that Anbu will collapse directly. Most of it—even if Dorag remembers him, the members of the dark side who were undercover from various parties, without the memory of Guan Liyuan, can't find it, and even forget that they are undercover.

Tezoro, who was in front of Guan Liyuan, was naturally "confused". However, the effect of "Guan Liyuan" being erased immediately disappeared, and the memory of him resurfaced. Both of them "doubt" for a while and returned. Why did I suddenly have a brain cramp?

However, at the next moment, the two understood what had happened—the wipe fruit was activated, but...the effect disappeared immediately.

And both of them knew that the effect of obliterating the fruit would disappear because the user died!

So I also understand...

The Speaker of the Air University is sturdy and pitted!

Prepared a few concepts to be "obliterated", and also had enough gold, and used full force to activate the fruit ability, and the result... "no oil" in the middle.

Moreover, the use of the power source of the king is a trick. This fruit is to burn life!

Speaker Sora was already old, and there were many "concepts" he wanted to obliterate—the gold to obliterate the entire "revolutionary army" was definitely not enough for the time being, but Sora was prepared to obliterate some of his obstacles to unifying the power of the old world government. As for "Guan Liyuan"...By the way!Who makes his presence so high?

As a result, the empty chairperson directly burned out his life, and the natural effect was also lifted.

If not for those few seconds, people who were thinking of "Guan Liyuan" or other obliterating concepts would not have noticed this process at all...

Within two days, the big news spread all over the world. With the influx of rebels from all over the world, the chairperson of the air congress became annoyed and died of illness, Mary Joa. The League of Nations re-elected the chairperson and restored the council system, reiterating that "Never use The declaration of "Destroy the Fruit"...