Dimensional Forum

#1381 wind disaster pterosaur

Facing the oncoming Beast Pirates fleet, Colorful Juice took the initiative to go to the forefront of the fleet, and Smoky, the captain of the ship, also stood at the bow.

I had already met on the boat with Wyan Bay before. When the two boats crossed, Guan Liyuan threw a few sacks of oranges to her. As a fruit juice expert, Smoky was naturally not short of fruit on board.

Because Guan Liyuan wanted to fight with the Beast Pirate Group later, he asked Wynbe to leave first to avoid being involved.

And Wyanbei also reminded Guan Liyuan that most of the members of the Beast Pirate Group had already climbed up the elephant's legs!

"Hey, isn't this the long-legged Smoky of the BigMom Pirates? Why, I have already joined the Revolutionary Army? Or... the entire BigMom Pirates are now running dogs of the Revolutionary Army? "A woman in a fancy dress mainly in red and a fur coat over her, mocking Smoky on the bow.

Her boat is also very distinctive, it looks like it has a pair of huge wings gathered up to protect the two wings of the hull.

"Bitch, I mentioned the iron plate in the country of He, are you ready to come here to vent? We protect the country of Zuo, where can I go back and forth!" Smoky said coldly.

It goes without saying that Guan Liyuan can also hear it. Smoky and the other party should have an old grievance, far more serious than the dispute with Wynba, and Guan Liyuan also noticed that the other party is a long-handed clan—with arms over knees. And there are two elbow joints on each arm.

The third sister Snamon explained to Guan Liyuan at this time: "The other party is the Typhoon Quinn from the Three Disasters of All Beasts. The animal is an ancient species. My sister has fought against it several times before."

Guan Liyuan nodded... Actually, he knew that, after all, the Three Disasters of the Beasts, as Kaido's cadres and the first-tier cadres of the Pirates of the Beasts, is still very famous, even if some housekeeping skills will not be revealed, probably the characteristics And fruit ability will also spread.

Guan Liyuan is not a fledgling rookie, nor is he a carefree buddhist fool. How could it be possible that even a master who is about to meet soon will not bother to pay attention to it in advance, and will be surprised after the other party blew himself up?

But I just paid attention to it, and didn't know that Smoky and Quinn had a grudge...

But it is natural to think about it. After all, among the four emperors of the New World, the strongest desire for power expansion is Kaido and BigMom before. Quinn is one of the three plagues and Smoky is one of the four stars. , It’s not surprising that they often fight.

And... Quinn seems to have a lot of resentment for "Long Legs"?

On the other hand, Smoky and Quinn had already disagreeed and turned their faces to each other. Quinn transformed into a giant pterosaur with a wingspan of nearly 20 meters. A hurricane made the ship unstable during the instigation.

And Simoji snapped his fingers at this time, and the water in the cistern on the ship, as if there was life, spread to him...

This is not ordinary water, but the sister juice that Smoky usually squeezes-Smoky's ability to squeeze juice from any object.

Not only can be used as a means of attack, but also can strengthen oneself!

This "sister juice" is not an exaggeration, but she squeezed it out of her own body and the bodies of her two younger sisters in her free time. Anyway, if she is not squeezed too dry, she can recover. She can absorb herself in battle. The juice and sister juice come to grow bigger.

I saw that Smoky, who was a bit taller than Guan Liyuan, was getting bigger and bigger. Guan Liyuan wanted to reach out and hold her shoulders, but he didn't have time. You should know that because of the difference in height between the two, Guan Liyuan would have to raise his hand high. Pressing on her shoulders, as a result, she is still getting bigger...so the falling palms became brushed behind the base of the thighs.

"There is no time to delay, I'll come." Guan Liyuan pretended that nothing happened.

Smoky was originally a little embarrassed and bowed his head, but seeing Guan Liyuan's serious face, he couldn't say much.

Since these two have fought against each other several times, if they fought again, obviously it will only be the same result-no one can do anything!

And this time the beasts and pirate group came to Zuowu country, but it is not just Quinin’s team. It has been a long time, maybe someone has climbed on the back of the elephant, but this Zuowu elephant master is very buddhist and doesn’t care at all. Someone is crawling on him, and even the fur clan who lives on his back does not know that the elephant master has autonomous consciousness!

Since the main purpose is to rescue Zow Country, there is no time to spend time here.

Although there is still another option, that is, Smoky’s fleet stays and Guan Liyuan goes up by himself, but the same problem remains—Smoky and the others are here to fight, otherwise Guan Liyuan can fight a group, but cannot protect a group!

Smoky knew the reason, hesitated for a moment, and drew back.

"Do you usually rely on getting bigger to deal with targets in the air?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

If you want to reach the opponent's flying height, I am afraid that the ship will sink-this is not the size of the girl's juice absorbed, but the absorption expansion of dozens of times, hundreds of times.

"No, it becomes bigger, and the attack range of the sword energy will be larger." Smoky explained.

And Guan Liyuan had disappeared beside her, jumping to the height of the pterosaur...

"It is rare in the navy to be able to train the moon step to such a high level. Are you... a member of the revolutionary army?" Quinn asked.

"You haven't watched TV and newspapers for a long time?" Guan Liyuan still felt that he was a celebrity.

"That ghost place in the country of Hezhi, shield all external news!" Quinn said uncomfortably. Before, she belonged to the first group of cadres of the beast and pirate group to fight in the country of Hezhi.

"No wonder... I'm Guan Liyuan, Anbu of the Revolutionary Army. If I want to quit..."

Before Guan Liyuan finished speaking, Kuiyin's transformed pterosaur's eyes blushed, and his wings were violently fluttered at him. Several "sword energy" that was more than ten meters long and formed by wind pressure slashed towards Guan Liyuan. come!

However, Guan Liyuan also brought a sword this time. It was a big and long black sword that matched his height. Anyway, it turned into a black sword if it wasn't a black sword, so there was no decoration.

Although unlike that pair of giant wings that are nearly ten meters long, they have more than ten meters of wind pressure sword energy, but Guan Liyuan's slashing is shorter and more powerful.

Regardless of Guan Liyuan being shorter, it was just a five-meter black and purple slash that shattered all the cyan slashes of the pterosaur, and there was even more power to swipe in the direction of the pterosaur!

And below Snamon also suddenly remembered: "Sister, that guy has a good relationship with Doflamingo, right?"

"It's the same smell," Smoky said.

That's right, Guan Liyuan also reacted at this time, Quinn's previous outfit was indeed somewhat similar to Doflamingo's style!

Originally, long-handed people tend to have short legs, but Ming's style... even more short legs!

Taking advantage of Guan Liyuan's shortness and dignity, Quinn was shattering his growth and being obstructed in the gap, and fluttered his wings to avoid the black and purple slash, and at the same time said in a deep voice: "There are two things, no wonder that fellow Joker will capsize."

Although Quinn didn't know what Guan Liyuan looked like, she knew who the guy who defeated Doflamingo was.

"I don't mind taking you to be with him." Guan Liyuan said that his figure flashed, and he had already reached Kui Yin.

With a heavy cut, Quinn had to cross her wings to block her, and under the huge impact, she fell for a long time and almost fell into the sea.

Guan Liyuan also discovered at this time that when Quinn transformed into a pterodactyl, the first and second wings of the wings are about the same length as the third, and there is a claw between the second and third wings. , Is somewhat similar to Quine’s own long-hand tribe—there are two bendable joints on a single arm, but the position of the "wrist" is different from the long-hand tribe.

And under the pterosaur transformation, the wing bones on the outer side of the wings are as sharp and hard as two long swords. Therefore, although it is in the pterosaur state, Quiny’s wings are more like two Three or four-meter long arms, holding two three-four-meter long swords in the backhand, and there is a wing membrane between the "long sword" and the "arm"...