Dimensional Forum

The plot is a bit uncomprehensible, two more today

After that is a plot of the main world, and then... is Guan Liyuan and Liu Maoxing's journey of beauty (ji) food (lao)!

Dongdong knows that the "captive of food" (or food hunter) is not as popular as the other books written, but it does not matter. Dongdong did not want to write according to the original setting. After all, the original power system collapsed too seriously in the later period. Moreover, in this book, it is set to be the same world as the "full-time hunter". Dongdong will try his best to write in a style that has not read the original and does not affect the reading style.

But let’s do some statistics. In this chapter, let’s reply to "Have seen" or "Never seen". As long as you have watched more than ten episodes, even if you have watched...