Dimensional Forum

1408 The Quiet Door of Truth

"Truth, are you there? I'm going home, and I won't come to play with you recently!" Guan Liyuan said to a strange gate in a strange space.

However, the door did not respond, but when Guan Liyuan said "Not coming soon", some joy was vaguely produced...

"Does the'Gate of Truth' also have a menstrual cycle?" Guan Liyuan muttered, while retreating from the strange space, and then withdrew from the "Alchemy World"-with his "Sage's Stone".

That's right, in the legend, the god created the world in seven days, while Guan Liyuan took seven days to create the "God" props, the sage stone!

what?Raw materials need tens of millions of humans to make sacrifices?

Of course Guan Liyuan is not so cruel, he has a special way of refining-alchemy refines himself!

Guan Liyuan came to this world seven days ago and asked Edward about the methods of "Human Body Refining" and "Sage's Stone".

If it were replaced by someone else, Edward would even regard the former as a taboo, let alone the latter's anti-human technology.

Even on the grounds of "as a reference"!

But as a visitor from another world, Guan Liyuan said it was only for reference. Edward believed it. After all, the rules of different worlds are different, just in case... Edward also put forward a condition that the church will restrict his freedom of movement after Guan Liyuan. , So that it can only move in a castle.

Guan Liyuan readily agreed. Originally, he just wanted to "refining" at home and wandering in the ocean of knowledge.

When Guan Liyuan saw the gate of truth for the first time, he was able to see a humanoid thing, come out and speak some lofty lines, what all is one, what truth, what universe, what god... In short, God talks of.

"Don't talk nonsense, take what you want, don't disturb my study!" Guan Liyuan said clearly.

When an alchemist is involved in a taboo field, such as the cultivation of the human body, a "gate of truth" will appear, which contains all the rules of this world, but after opening, a "toll fee" will be charged, which is the body of the alchemist. Even the whole person...

However, if you can “come out” alive and remember the knowledge gained in the door, the alchemist will have a glimpse of the “truth” and thus possess abilities that other alchemists do not have.

When the Edward brothers were trying to "resurrect" their mother through the human body, his younger brother Al lost his body and only his soul was attached to the armor. The older brother Edward exchanged his brother's soul for him, and was confiscated!

However, Edward was able to refine the formation without sketching, and directly refine it after interpreting the matter.

Usually because even the "whole person" is a sacrifice, it is far from enough to get a glimpse of all the truth. At the most, you can use your body as a refinement. If you want to see more, the whole person has to be exchanged.

But Guan Liyuan is not so particular about what you want, just take it all...

After that, Guan Liyuan died.

However, I don’t know if there is individual consciousness in the gate of truth. If there is, he may feel weird, because someone immediately touched the gate of truth, and it is Guan Liyuan!

The "tuition" that should be paid is unambiguous...

In seven days, Guan Liyuan could not count how many times he saw the door of truth and how many times he paid tuition.

I only remember that the lines of the Gate of Truth changed six times. The first time was when Guan Liyuan had listened too much and memorized its lines in advance... In the end, the Gate of Truth had rarely paid attention to him.

And Guan Liyuan also discovered something that others will never discover!

That is, as the number of "tuition fees" increases, Guan Liyuan feels that the knowledge he learns each time seems to be gradually increasing...

At the beginning, Guan Liyuan specifically asked, "Is there a discount for large quantities," but the gate of truth ignored him.

Later, Guan Liyuan himself wanted to understand that since the core rule is "equivalent exchange", it is impossible to preferential discounts. The only reason should be that Guan Liyuan has become more and more "valuable"!

The Guan Liyuan paid is different each time, the first time it is "Guan Liyuan", the next time it is "Guan Liyuan (learning+1)", "Guan Liyuan (learning+2)"... and so on.

So on the seventh day, Guan Liyuan also played a big one. In the formation of the sage’s stone, he continued to recast the incarnation, and finally became the "True·Sage of the Sage" with the "power of one person." stone".

Because on the seventh day, Guan Liyuan is not only "Guan Liyuan", but a "super Guan Liyuan" who has to see almost all the truths. For this world, Guan Liyuan's "weight" is completely different, so... actually only After hundreds of Guan Liyuan, there is no need to exaggerate tens of millions.

Seven days ago, Guan Liyuan came empty-handed, and seven days later, Guan Liyuan took the "True Sage's Stone" and left, leaving behind the gate of truth that had autistic tendency...

After returning to the main world, Guan Liyuan took out the "True and Sage's Stone"-if the "False and Sage's Stone" only touched the rule-level secret treasure, then the "True and Sage's Stone" really carried it. The secret treasure of the power of rules!

Even at the level of Mo Shen Tan, it is still a treasure that can break the head.

At the same time, Guan Liyuan had a deeper understanding of the sage's stone during these seven days. Although he could not directly promote himself to the world realm, it greatly increased the role of the sage's stone.

If "World Realm" is a poem, then every cultivator is illiterate, and the sage stone can act as a dictionary, so that Guan Liyuan does not need to guess the meaning of the word from the shape of the word like other people. This is a simple dictionary, which only allows Guan Liyuan to recite the poems, while the "true" one is more detailed and has explanations.

During these seven days, Guan Liyuan did not learn poetry, but learned how to look up a dictionary...

Perhaps it was because the "True Sage's Stone" was made by Guan Liyuan himself, and after being transformed into the product of the rules of the main world, it was still quickly refined by Guan Liyuan!

In the "eyes" of others, the rules of material transformation are hidden under heavy fog, and Guan Liyuan's material rune disperses the fog, and the sage stone lights up the searchlight...

The original vague material rules were now fully visible in Guan Liyuan's "eyes". From Guan Liyuan's perspective, the world was only one step away from him!

To build your own small world in the world realm, this does not refer to a real space, but a sublimation of your own cultivation system-no matter which kind of system, you will all go through different paths in the world realm, even if it is cultivation. Bloody monsters, dragons cultivating dragon power...After reaching the world realm, there is no essential difference between the system and human beings.

Ordinary human beings want to break through the realm of the world, as long as they exhaust themselves, merge the domain with themselves, and then give birth to a small world.

And because Guan Liyuan possesses the "super-level rune", people cannot live in the "small house", they must master some of the rules to be able to support the small world...

Now, Guan Liyuan feels that he has almost reached the level of building a small world in terms of "material rules and transformation"!