Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1443 When we get rich...

"The gastronomic capital of the world is truly extraordinary!" Liu Subaru stared at the gastronomic city of "Jiuchi Meat Forest" in front of him, his eyes flashed.

Food is a famous tourist city in the human world, and in the human world, as a necessary factor of "attractions", it is naturally "food"!

Different from most tourist cities, the gastronomic capital is not known for a certain kind of specialty cuisine, but for "collecting world famous dishes and gathering elite chefs."

The iconic food tower is similar in size to the Sky Arena in the Hunter World...Because they are all under the same universe, they have similar aesthetics?

Among them, there are many seven-star restaurants on the 100th floor and above, and reservations are required for dining. Almost all the top 100 chefs in the world are on the 200th floor and above. Many restaurants are not open for a few days throughout the year...

In addition to the food tower, there are also many gourmet restaurants, and some inconspicuous storefronts may hide the boss of the culinary world.

And there are no small stalls on the street, and all the self-service projects run by the gourmet capital. For this reason, when entering the city, if the authority of the gourmet ID is insufficient, a large amount of money will be spent, which is almost a year for an ordinary family. income.

However, even so, it can't stop everyone's enthusiasm. Even ordinary people are willing to save money to play.

As a chef, even Pleiades Liu, after coming to the gourmet city, is also excited-excited to see many ingredients and cooking techniques that he has never seen before!

However, compared with ordinary cooks, Liu Subaru's heart is obviously bigger...

Other chefs have ambitions, but one day they will be able to have their own store above the 200th floor of the food tower. After Liu Maoxing came to the food tower, he pointed to the food tower and said to Guan Liyuan: If you have the money, just set it down and refer to the rules of the Sky Arena and let them use the halberd to grab the floor?"

Guan Liyuan:...

Some people around heard Liu Subaru's words. Although they didn't know what the halberd or the sky arena, they understood what they were doing, and they couldn't help but sneered at the two of them.

At the same time, on the other side of the food tower, Tokiko and Komatsu met the legendary Chef Kaino, one of the "national treasures of food" in the human world!

Just knowing that Toriko was here to meet Setsuno's Komatsu, he couldn't help being shocked.

After all, Jina's position among the chefs is equivalent to the position of Jiro among the food hunters-hundreds of years old, a legendary character!

Although like Guan Liyuan and others when they met Jiro at the Puffer Whale Cave, Setuno seemed to be very old at this time, her figure shrunk to a petite level, and she seemed to be trembling with a walking stick, but no one would. Doubt her ability.

"Master Jie, Jie Nai? Huh? The person Mr. Alu wants to see is actually Master Jie Nai?" Komatsu was shocked by his facial features.

"Don't be so polite, just call me Jienai mother-in-law." Jienai's voice is that kind of delicate mother-in-law sound.

"Wait! Mr. Alu... You, don't you want to ask Mr. Jienao to eat the halberd with Chef Liu? It's impossible, right?" Komatsu suddenly remembered that Alu had written to Guan Liyuan and Liu Maoxing before.

"Of course not, how is that possible! I also dated Master Smoke and Chef Ann. He is on the 206th floor of the Food Tower and has his own restaurant... Once before, he commissioned me to hunt for an ingredient, so I could make an appointment with him Once," said Alu.

Komatsu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that he was not about to fight with Setuno, but after hearing the name of Master Smoke Master, he was also excited again.

"Master of Smoke? Is that Chef Ann, who is ranked 73rd in the world?" In Komatsu's eyes, stars flashed again.

"En? Are you talking about the chef Liu who took the puffer fish and whale venom sac alive? What is the halberd?" Jie Nai was aside, and did not understand what they were talking about.

Toriko quickly explained to Jenai...

"...That's it. Later, I want to introduce him to Grandma Jienai. I believe he will be very excited when he sees Grandma Jienai."

"So, it's better to be young...oooooooo." Jennai smiled.

At this moment, the trio noticed the small commotion caused by Liu Subaru's bold words. They followed the laughter and saw that Guan Liyuan and Liu Subaru were also under the food tower. The latter also returned from the perception of their eyes. Looked over.

"It's Toriko and Komatsu." Guan Liyuan said.

"En? Isn't the one next to..." Liu Subaru found Jenai's figure.

Setuno and Jiro are different. Even now, they often appear in various magazines every year, so Liu Subaru recognized each other at a glance.

"Ah! You guys came just now? Let me introduce..." Alu was about to say hello.

However, Liu Subaru, who was in excitement, already patted his shoulder and said, "It's worthy of being Torture! Originally, I was worried that the cook you were looking for would not be strong enough. Sure enough... the Four Heavenly Kings still have a lot of face!"


"Wait, wait a minute... Don't..."

Before I could stop, I saw Liu Subaru stood in front of Jie Nao and said: "Chef Jie Nao, I am very happy to meet you, and I am very happy to be able to initiate the halberd to you! Since it is the halberd that I initiated, Then the theme and the bet are up to you!"

Liu Subaru's fighting spirit is already visible to the naked eye...

Don't talk about Komatsu on the sidelines, even the always careless Toriko was completely shocked at this time-what kind of brain circuit is needed to take for granted that Jie Nai is the "rival" he found for him?

"What a confident young man..." Jenai said.

"No, no, wait! The opponent I'm talking about isn't Grandma Jiena... and you want to challenge Grandma Jiena, is the span too big?" Toriko couldn't help but say.

"Oh? Do you still need any prerequisites before challenging the chef?" Liu Subaru asked with interest, as if he was already focusing on Jena.

When Jenai was young, he was not good-tempered. Even the masters of "Yosaku" and other IGO zone zeros still have lingering fears when they mention Jie Nai, but for young chefs, Jie Nai looks very kind.

"I don’t need qualifications or anything... But the old lady may not be able to have so much physical strength when she is old, and she doesn’t turn her mind fast enough to compete with you young people. It’s tiring to think about recipes, so it’s better... Eat something in his shop, and we'll talk slowly later," Jenai said.

"Eh? Mother-in-law Jienai, too partial, right? I have booked it for two years before I have arranged this meal for today!" Aru said helplessly.

"Ooh ooh ooh, preoccupied man, can not be popular." Is the festival said, laughing.

Toriko, Komatsu, and even Guan Liyuan might have guessed Jenon's intentions--probably with the idea of ​​supporting the backward, and wanting Liu Subaru to retreat.

Although Jie is a chef of this level, he should be very accurate when looking at his peers, but... Liu Subaru's incarnation in this world has the aura of a first-class chef, but he does not have the "food luck" that a first-class chef should have. Therefore, there are some defects in temperament. Jiesai judges Liu Subaru’s cooking skills only based on impressions, which may not be accurate...