Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1476

Guan Liyuan felt that this was the most depressing match he had experienced-if Shiji could be regarded as a match!

After the cooking started, Guan Liyuan sat steadily in the middle seat of the judges...

It’s not that Guan Liyuan replaced the three tigers, but Zhenzhenzhen didn’t want to sit with the three tigers. In order to avoid a fight between the two...or to avoid Zhenzhenzhen being beaten, Guan Liyuan was very considerate and Jiang Zhenzhen. The town seat moved to his side.

So it became Guan Liyuan sitting in the middle...

At the beginning of the cooking, there was actually a curtain in the restaurant, directly blocking the cooking area of ​​Liu Subaru and the chef Chiyo on both sides.

Guan Liyuan:???

Guan Liyuan looked at Aruffalo incredulously-don't you feel embarrassed like this?

If you don’t even have to watch the cooking process, what would you like the three of us to talk about?

If it were an ordinary person, even if Star Jiu, who was also an enemy, was sitting next to him, Guan Liyuan would not be unable to start topics, such as talking about the life menu or something.

But for the idiot tiger, this is a taboo...

An awkward atmosphere spread on the judges' bench, and Guan Liyuan felt that he should do something!

So he said, "How about I tell you a joke? There used to be a kid named Xiao Ming. One day he was learning idioms, and suddenly he ran to his father and asked, "Dad, are your feet as long as your tongue?" Very surprised and said: "How is it possible?" Xiao Ming pointed to the idiom book and said: "Look...Three inches of golden lotus, three inches of immortal tongue." Hahaha..." Guan Liyuan laughed after he finished speaking.


Because the people on both sides did not respond at all, Guan Liyuan's laughter stopped abruptly, and he always felt Sanhu glance at him.

"Ahem, there is another joke. One day the teacher asked: "What animal has the longest nose?" Xiao Hong said: "Elephant." The teacher then asked: "What animal has the longest tongue?" Xiao Ming said:' Long tongue woman!'Hahaha...Of course, this joke is a bit sexist, why should we say that long tongue "women"? Is there no long tongue "husband"? Hahaha..." Guan Liyuan was half laughing and did not forget to promote men and women Equal rights.


Still in embarrassment, Guan Liyuan's laughter stopped abruptly, and at the same time he always felt Sanhu glance at himself again.

"This...I still have an ancestral joke! One day, the Civil Affairs Bureau came to two centenarians who wanted to divorce. When they saw each other at such an age, the staff persuaded them one after another, but the old lady said: Don’t persuade! Actually, I wanted to leave seventy years ago. I didn’t leave because of the children. Now the children are all dead...'Hahaha..."


Guan Liyuan felt that Zhenzhen was looking at him this time...

"Ahem, Boss, Mr. Guan, Master Zhen, how about I play you a song as a pre-dinner song?" Arufallo really couldn't stand it, and his eight arms took out the violin, cello, harp, and euphonium. , Drum kit.

Sanhu and Zhenzhen Town are noncommittal...

"Really, I still had a national treasure-level joke... But since you are so active, let's start your performance!" Guan Liyuan said.

Alofalo is also very curious-how did this guy grow up so old and haven't been beaten to death?

In Arufalo's music, two hours are fleeting.

"Heijinhu restaurant food halberd showdown. Chef Liu Subaru vs. Chef Chiyo, with the topic'Life'... cooking is over! Please both parties present the dishes for the judges!" Arugalo announced.

In a blink of an eye, Liu Subaru and Chiyo had finished cooking, as if eating a halberd was just the end of the previous chapter.

"Then the lady is the first priority." Liu Subaru said very gracefully after the curtain was unfolded.

"Jie Jie Jie, after I have tasted my fine cuisine, your rough things may be difficult to eat!" Chiyo said with a very villainous temperament.

After seeing Zhenzhen from the side, she couldn’t help feeling sullen, and at the same time she blamed herself——Because of the dying son, Chiyo’s blackening was a “rebound” in all aspects...If she hadn’t taught her how to eat If it is, maybe it will not be completely blackened like this.

The core of "Shiyi" is the gratitude for the ingredients.

This kind of heartfelt gratitude can not only make some delicate and sensitive ingredients edible, but also awaken the unabsorbed power in the ingredients that have been eaten by oneself.

The original Chiyo, like Zhenzhen, was full of gratitude and love for everything in the world. After the death of his son, Chiyo's character began to become withdrawn, and he no longer met Zhenzhen, until today Chiyo has completely left. Going on the opposite road-perhaps this is also a kind of hatred from love?Love to hate the world!

"Then come and taste my life cooking-grilled sea dragon eel!" Chiyo said, placing a special dinner plate several meters long in front of the three judges.

Although the dinner plate looks very long, and there is a matching plate cover, even the plate cover is more than one meter high, but the height looks the same as Setono, who has shrunk to just over a meter, but it is easy to serve it. It’s hard to say it’s hard, or even unable to start at all.

The tables for the three judges are separate tables, but the plate directly spans the three tables and is placed in front of the three!

After feeling the breath from the dinner plate, Zhen Zhenzhen, who was originally white and fat, turned darker...

After Chiyo opened the cover of the dinner plate, what was placed inside was a grilled sea dragon eel exuding a delicious fragrance - Guan Liyuan had never seen such a creature, but the aura was very strong!

It is nearly one meter in diameter, and the upper part is only three to four meters in length, but it can be seen that this should be only one section.

The size is not too big, but it gives Guan Liyuan the feeling that the vitality of this thing is probably more than that of the Ligaru Mammoth!

However, what makes Guan Liyuan uncomfortable is that this is actually a "live roast". The head is placed on the side of Zhenzhen. Although the body has been unfolded, the flesh on the back is not cut off, but the life in the eyes The luster has not faded!

Usually the so-called "live roasting" is just slaughtered on the spot and then roasted. Although after slaughtering, the meat and even the head will be twisted in ingredients with strong muscle activity such as eel and squid, but it is actually just a nerve reflex. , Is not considered "live food", some fresh beef will actually "beat".

In the food world, there are more ingredients with this kind of activity. It is just a nerve reflex, and it is not cruel.

The live food that is really opposed in "Shiyi" refers to "eat when the ingredients are alive." According to the theory of the world in which Pleiades Liu lives, there are similar taboos, because at this time the other party’s life as an animal has not yet ended. Life as an ingredient has not yet begun, it is difficult to feel the chef’s will in the mouth at this time...

Although they are all eaten in the end, from the perspective of food justice, it is not hypocrisy, but a part of gratitude for the ingredients. Guan Liyuan also accepts this statement to a large extent.

Corresponding to the righteousness of food, there is another kind of profound meaning called "suppression of food", that is, oppressing the ingredients with one's own courage and carrying out absorption without taboos. Both have their own difficulties.

Although the sea dragon eel hadn't moved now, Guan Liyuan and Zhenzhen Zhen could see that this thing was just acupuncture, and in fact it was not killed at all!