Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1489

"You, how did you do it?" Lebbeyala clutched his stomach and stood up laboriously.It seems that he still cannot understand why his calculations would fail.

"Probably...because I have more krypton gold!" Guan Liyuan said, grabbing a large handful of gold coins and stuffing it into his mouth.

And Liu Subaru said on the side: "Actually, I can handle that fruit in time...Why are you so anxious?"

Guan Liyuan, Lebbeyala:...

Seeing Lebbeyala being hit and flying out, the surrounding bodyguards and underground cooking people were also a little flustered, not knowing whether to deny it.

But Lebbeyala stood up swiftly at this time, and walked towards Guan Liyuan and Liu Maoxing again.

"En? Fists haven't eaten enough? Of course, if you still want to gamble, I can accompany you..." Guan Liyuan threatened and hoped to continue betting.

However, Leibbeyala's reaction surprised Guan Liyuan.

"You misunderstood... Just... I didn't want to do anything to Chef Liu, I just wanted to... I want to worship Chef Liu as a teacher!" Lebbeyara said righteously.

"Huh? Do you think I would believe it? Adore him as a teacher... You just want what's in his mind, right?" Guan Liyuan said with disdain.

"No! I have already figured it out clearly! With Chef Liu, I have seen what I lack, and I can't do it only by memory... So, Chef Liu, please accept me!" Leibbe Yala said very seriously.

Liu Subaru was not entirely doubtful, after all, he had seen Lebbeyala want to kill in memory before, but he just didn't know what he thought of, there was such a big change.

"This..." Liu Subaru was hesitating.

Guan Liyuan said, "Hehe, wishful thinking, it is so easy to go to a teacher? I guess...you will definitely not pay for the teacher!"


In the end, under the persuasion of Guan Liyuan's "gentle and charming", Liu Subaru reluctantly agreed to accept an apprentice—just an apprentice, not a disciple!

The corresponding gourmet casino will be related to Liyuan in the future...Ah no, there will be Liu Subaru's shares, and Guan Liyuan will only take care of it.

"By the way, this casino still has a copy of the Kingdom of Gilda? Are you really... okay?" Guan Liyuan wanted to ask even if Lebbeyala could be the master.

"Actually, people from the Gilda Kingdom recently don’t know why, they don’t often come to collect money... The'Dark Chef’ Joea, who originally had a great influence on King Gilda, doesn’t seem to have seen him recently. "Lebbeyala said.


It seems that Lebbeyara is always "urging" to pay the "protection fee" every time. This explains why Lebbeyala has so much cash here.

As for "Dark Chef" Gioia, in the original work, it is Sanhu who dances at Froze's grave every day... No, it is the existence that "woke up" from the grave after pouring "water treatment" on the grave.

He has exactly the same appearance as Qiaoya, but there are more cracks that seem to be reincarnated from dirty soil, and... more of a male!

And the most tragic thing is that Qiaoya’s identity is not clear to the end, and even the end of the villain’s Boss Acacia is whitewashed, and the blue Nitro finale is whitewashed. As the villain No. I died too early, I didn't reveal the secret at all...

Obviously, Mengmengda has always followed Acacia, but in the end he became the only "villain".

For Joa’s identity, the expression is rather confusing. On the one hand, it is the result of the evil seeds planted by Acacia by Flosser, and on the other hand, after Flosser ate the "full menu of the planet". His personality, even said to be the son of Acacia and Froze...

As for the personality, or soul, of "Joya", he himself probably doesn't know what it is. Now, almost all of the NEO organizations behind the scenes are in charge of Qiaoya.

"Did Qiaoya disappear..." Guan Liyuan whispered.

It seems that the situation is indeed becoming more and more dangerous and secretive. It is very likely that the ingredients for the full set of menus on the planet, which is based on GOD, are gradually awakening, or it is time to capture them.

Whether it is an IGO, a food club, or the so-called behind-the-scenes NEO, they are all about to move!

However, these things have little to do with Guan Liyuan for the time being, and now he is just "making money" with one mind.

Guan Liyuan left the three trillions at the gambling table after he had eaten raw, and every month thereafter, he could receive Lebbeyala’s "filial piety" from the gourmet casino.

After three singles, Guan Liyuan obviously felt that he was stronger...

When krypton gold was one hundred billion and one trillion, the penguin had two obvious awakenings.

After the first awakening, Guan Liyuan, who uses penguins as the food demon, finally has his own special ability-similar to the "learning innovation" of ZanPai Dao, so that Guan Liyuan can replicate the special characteristics of his opponent in the world of "Food Hunter" ability!

However, compared with in the world of death, because the carrier of ability is not Zanpakuto, but the real "body", it is not copied at will, and the effect of the "mirror neuron" of Sanhu is also different.

For example, the "poison" of Coco in the Four Heavenly Kings. Guan Liyuan can learn the principle of rapid antibody production and toxin synthesis, but he cannot make the same antibodies or toxins appear in his body immediately; like Sani’s hair, Guan Liyuan also I can learn how to "maintain" my hair into that state, but it won't change my hair instantly...

Even with Leibbeyala before, Guan Liyuan can learn how to activate the hippocampus, but he won't immediately make his hippocampus stretch out its tentacles...

The special abilities of the food cell are the result of comprehensive consideration of the owner's own characteristics and the characteristics of the food devil.

In contrast, Sanhu’s mirror neurons can instantly learn any abilities that their body can use.

After the penguin awakens, Guan Liyuan can learn how to "how to" transform his body structure, and then use other people's special abilities, and because Guan Liyuan's body has the highest aptitude, penguins can imitate all other food demons, so other factors cannot limit!

Comparing the two, Guan Liyuan is like a top-of-the-line computer, but the network speed is average. It can parse the other party’s "mysterious code" and generate download tasks, and can run any software; while Sanhu is just an ordinary high-profile computer, but the network speed is super Fast, you can download any software you want in an instant, but it may not run...

"Where shall we go from now on? Gourmet desert?" Liu Subaru asked.

The materials needed by Lifang haven't been gathered yet, it's just a question of where to go first.

"No hurry, go back to IGO first. I need to discuss something with the president of Yilong."

That's right, Guan Liyuan is eyeing Yilong's "minority enchantment"...