Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1500 Guess of Immunity

In a hotel in Duoli City, Guan Liyuan meets Xiaojie and Qi Ya...

"Huh? You didn't have time to stop the chimeric ants? Just picked up a cat and came back?" Qi Ya looked at Guan Liyuan with contempt.

After being exploded by cei on the spot, I piled three bags on top of his head to be honest-this kid's thinking ability has been enhanced a lot in the past six months?

However, the gap with Guan Liyuan is even greater-even if Guan Liyuan is in an "absolute" state, Qi Ya still cannot escape his explosive cei!

Of course, no one’s success is without reason, just like Guan Liyuan’s six months in the human world...

When Qi Ya was idle and okay, when he was chased by monsters on Greed Island, Guan Liyuan was trying hard to eat puffer whales; when Qi Ya was fighting for wits and courage, Guan Liyuan was diligently eating gem meat; Qi Ya Guan Liyuan worked hard to eat ozone grass salad while receiving the teachings of Bi Siji, the old virgin monster, and the training that was just the same thing. Guan Liyuan worked tirelessly while holding his thigh and Kate brushing the dungeon. Eating the set menu of IGO and gourmet...

This is why the gap between the two is getting bigger and bigger!

Aluka on the side, after seeing his brother's cei exploded, his eyes and mouth immediately "disappeared", turning into darkness that seemed to swallow everything, walked to Guan Liyuan, and pulled the corner of his clothes: "Na, na, Guan Liyuan, give me your heart, liver and kidney."

"King, be careful!" Nifibit immediately sensed the danger of the fight, and the hair on his tail exploded, but he still stood in front of Guan Liyuan.

And unlike when facing Nitro, Nifibit was not only blocking his body, but his waist had already fallen down, his paws spread horizontally in front of Guan Li, baring his teeth, as if preparing to fight...

"You really don't have a long memory." After Guan Liyuan rolled his eyes, he dug out one of his own omnipotent organs and handed it to Naniga: "No need to change."

This guy is obviously taking revenge on Guan Liyuan...

In order to vent her elder brother, she launched three "forced demands" on Guan Liyuan, but she also knew that such "forced demands" were nothing to Guan Liyuan, otherwise she would not risk asking him to force them.

After all... in Naniga’s view, Guan Liyuan is extremely poorly connected, and when her side effects erupt, her ability is to kill people who have not fulfilled the force and N people close to him... …Maybe dozens of people can count to Qi Ya!

"I can'request' now, right?" Guan Liyuan asked back.

Naniga, who holds the universal organ, feels wronged...

"Can you explain why you can't'kill' the queen? The queen itself is not strong, right?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"I don't know," Naniga said.

It's as if she didn't know why before and couldn't send Guan Liyuan to the human world.

"In the beginning, did you try to kill the queen? Are you sure you can do it then?" Guan Liyuan asked in a different way.

"Well, my brother made me feel at first." Naniga said.

[Is it really because of "reading"?However, other creatures with "mind" have not seen that Naniga can't kill it, so...it should be because the queen has both the original power and mind?] Guan Liyuan had a thought in his heart.

Whether it is the strength of the queen or the thoughts it has acquired, it is actually not very eye-catching.

However, after adding them together, does it have immunity to Naniga’s ability to "fulfill the request"?

"Kill me again and try again." Guan Liyuan said.

If this is the case, then Guan Liyuan, who has both "mind" and "food cell", should also be able to resist her obliteration!

Then... Guan Liyuan disappeared.

Naniga’s obliteration was the root obliteration, together with everyone’s memory of him. Therefore, as in the last experiment, other people did not notice this. They just froze for a while before continuing to chat... Feibit and Xiaojie!


Just listen to Nifibit's desperate screams, the whole body's qi was released without reservation, an expression of unlovable expression...

After feeling this "qi" at the same time, whether it was Xiaojie or Qiya, and even the other people with the ability to think in the city, they were all frightened, a little timid and even shit, and almost all left Duoli City in one day. ...

"Wait, bit..." Xiaojie was about to explain. Fortunately, Guan Liyuan reunited his incarnation directly next to him.

After seeing Guan Liyuan, Nifibit couldn't help but froze for a while, and then the burst of anger subsided, and his expression was relieved, as if to say "Too great"-this is a rare picture of Catwoman with a readable expression.

Then, before Guan Liyuan could speak, Nifibit plunged into Guan Liyuan's arms, breathing heavily, as if to confirm the reality of this existence...

Guan Liyuan:???

Did you get sucked by a cat?

However, Guan Liyuan also knew that this was a sequelae of the negative emotions that Nifibet, who was absolutely loyal to the "king", broke out when the "king" disappeared from the root.

"Don't worry, I won't disappear." Guan Liyuan said, touching Nifibit's head awkwardly.

At this time, Guan Liyuan didn't really recognize Nifibit. After all, in the original work, she was just a "monster" who had no feelings for creatures other than the king and lacked basic morality.

It's just that now the goal of absolute loyalty is himself, so Guan Liyuan can't be cruel to her.

After receiving Guan Liyuan's consolation, Nifibit sorted out his emotions, let go of the switch, and then lowered his head and continued to stand behind Guan Liyuan.

In addition, Guan Liyuan had no choice but to fail his experiment... which means that the previous conclusions were at least not completely correct.

[The difference between me and the queen... Although there are many, they should all have nothing to do with whether Naniga's ability can be activated?] Guan Liyuan muttered in his heart.

Suddenly Guan Liyuan thought of another possibility, and quickly took Naniga and Nifibit to the room he had just opened.

"Hey, where are you taking my sister?" Qi Ya followed up dissatisfied.

I saw Guan Liyuan's hand, and suddenly there was a large syringe with a lot of unknown liquid in it!

"Naga, you can treat me bite first. After I inject bite for a while, you also watch carefully... If life is in danger, immediately use the healing power and clear the injection effect." Guan Liyuan said.

Requests for treatment require the least consumption of Naniga, so Naniga doesn’t have to deal with Guan Liyuan's demands too much. After all, her ability is now improved, which is very similar to the "pseudo-collapsing jade" provided by Guan Liyuan. The big relationship is that Guan Liyuan can also make a wish directly to her now.

Although Nifibit suffered a lot of injuries, because she had already "repaired" herself, even if she left it alone, she could heal in a few days with her vitality, which was very simple for Naniga.

After healed, Guan Liyuan asked her to lie down on the bed. Nifibit did not ask why, but lay on it after answering "Yes", and then Guan Liyuan moved her to the left chest, (purely behind the clothes) full of injections. A needle of unknown liquid!

This unidentified liquid is produced by IGO, and currently the most stable gourmet cell injection...