Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1515 A Bad Premonition


Nifibit, who was being treated with the "Toy Repairer" ability, suddenly flicked its ears and swung its tail twice.

"What's wrong?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"That pseudo-king is dead," Nifibit said.

Although the goal of allegiance has changed, the racial sensitivity will not disappear.

The immediate guards cannot telepathically communicate with the division and corps commanders, but they can feel the king of ants!

Because the other two guards have already been killed, besides Bit, the only thing that feels the King of Ants is...

"Squeak-squeak -" an oversized ant let out a desperate scream.

The only creature that still maintains the body of an ant is the queen of chimeric ants, and the queen, as the culprit, has always maintained the body of an "ant"!

Her swallowing ability is different from that of the ant king. The king ant swallows other creatures to strengthen herself, while the queen swallows other creatures to improve the genes of her own eggs, and she will not change.

The reason why the queen ant who is not good at fighting is here is because after the king ant was defeated but rescued, Nifibit, with the power of victory, began to recruit other chimeric ants for Guan Liyuan.

Although he did not kill the king ant, and the victory of Nifibit was not perfect, it has been proved that she is the strongest chimeric ant.

In addition, even if the other chimeric ants do not agree with Li Yuan, they dare not say it now. As for escape... there is no chance.

At the same time, I did not forget to search the ant nest again. In addition to some soldiers who had not been forced to read, the queen was also found.

After the birth of Meliam, the queen who has been providing energy to the king's egg has also been exhausted.

In the original work, after the birth of the king ant, because of the "get up gas", the queen was directly injured seriously, resulting in the queen's death... But now it seems that even without that, the queen will live soon.

As a chimeric ant in its original state, but with some mutations, the queen's vocal cords are not enough for her to speak. Fortunately, other chimeric ants can understand her meaning.

At the beginning, after the queen knew the situation, she denounced Nifibit...If it weren't for Guan Liyuan to stop her, Nifibit would almost kill her.

Not only does the queen have no feelings for chimeric ants other than the "king", Nifibit himself, as a direct guard, has no feelings for the queen, especially now that the "king" of Nifibit is Guan Liyuan!

Just when the queen refused to accept the fact that Meliam had lost, she suddenly felt... the news of Meliam's death.

"I was killed by someone else! Damn meow... don't bark!" Nifibit was very angry that he was robbed, and even some cats had a small temperament. The red eyes flashed with fluorescence, so he had to go straight. Kill this big ant who is calling.

At this time, a division leader with a bird's wings, but with a human shape as a whole, with only a strange nose and ears on his facial features, rushed out, blocking Bit's casual blow...The price was flying upside down and severely injured.

"En?" Nifibit looked at him curiously.

Judging from the limbs, hands and feet of this "eagle", as well as the obvious insect characteristics, it should be one of the first division leaders.

"Do you want to die? Or... You actually have a guardian heart beyond instinct for her?" Nifibit asked curiously.

If it weren't for Nifibit's curiosity, Korudo would have no chance to block this, and Bit could kill him and the queen with a single blow.

The reason for saying "beyond instinct" means that when the queen is still reproductive, the pheromone secreted will make other chimeric ants instinctively guard the queen, and inhibit the reproductive ability of other chimeric ants.

This is why, in the original work, when the queen was dying, the chimeric ants that had originally protected her were used as birds and beasts, but only a few of the most loyal stayed by her side, in order to treat the queen, he did not hesitate to surrender to humans-at that time, pheromones no longer secreted.

Now the queen has also lost her ability to reproduce. Normally, other chimeric ants will no longer be affected by her.

At this time, there are chimeric ants protecting her, which can only be said to be behavior other than "instinct".

"Ne... No, your majesty, King Ant, your bravery shines forever, the queen has no ability to reproduce, why don't you forgive her to show your mind." Although Kludo was injured, he immediately stood up and knelt and said.

"Chimera ants still have human emotions?" Na Kudu couldn't help whispering from the side.

And his teacher Mo Laowu said: "Don't forget, some of them are humans in previous lives, and they will even gradually have memories of some humans. It is not surprising that they will be affected by this."

Guan Liyuan at this time did not pay attention to Nifibit and other chimeric ants.

For Guan Liyuan, whether other chimeric ants join the Dark Continent wasteland reclamation group or die, although there is a difference, it is not that big!

The most important thing now is who killed Meliam...

Guan Liyuan is not worried about the strength of the king of ants, but his ability to think makes Guan Liyuan uneasy!

If the ant king honestly counsels for a period of time, and constantly devours other people with mental abilities to improve his own strength, it may be able to drive the danger level of the entire chimeric ant population up several steps!


To some extent, this is Guan Liyuan's nemesis in the Hunter World.

"Infinite resurrection + the more dead the stronger" what is most afraid of?——Daguai upgrade!

Guan Liyuan didn't want to be regarded as a Boss that gave others long experience, or the kind of Boss that can be refreshed infinitely.

Regarding the culprit who "takes away" Nob's mental power, Guan Liyuan had some guesses from the beginning, and at this time, he got the "real hammer" from Nob's mouth.

Just a few days ago, a village with only children and women left was attacked. Nob was a step late. However, just before the village was slaughtered, a chimeric antmaster leader who looked like a lion , Killed those soldier ants earlier...

"En? Are you here to protect them? Hehe, human beings are still the same long overdue... This time the uncle is in a good mood, save your kind once, don't forget that you owe me personal love!"

At that time, Lei Ou Lu looked like he could not get used to the tyrannical behavior of his men, or the memory of human nature was a little awakened, which affected his personality.

Therefore, Nob didn't doubt anything. Facing the opponent's "ridicule", he just replied without prestige: "Well, I remember, I can spare you in the future."

Without knowing this sentence, he has been recorded in the "Xie Debt Issuing Machine"...

At this time, Nob reviewed the memory of the incident again with the eyes of "investigation", and found that since he "accidentally" learned the news of the attack on the village, there have been too many coincidences!

"It looks like it's him...some trouble!" Guan Liyuan couldn't help but mutter.

Guan Liyuan knew something about Lei Ou's ability from the original work.

In the original work, Lei Ou always hoped that the "king" would owe him a favor, but the result was naturally that he would die before he became a teacher...

And Guan Liyuan always suspected that even if the "king" in the original work was helped by him, he would not admit that he owed him personal love?Is it the standard ending to just throw the tail to death?

However... Excluding how he did this, judging from the assumption that he has already done this, being seized for 1 hour with the "king" power of devouring mind is no different from taking it completely.

Replaced with a "king" with Lei Ou's brain...Even if the body is weaker, Lei Ou knows how to forbear and show weakness, and given time it will not be difficult to surpass the "king"!

"Where are the exits of the four-dimensional apartment?" Guan Liyuan asked Nob.

"There are 12 in the NGL autonomous country, 6 in the Saint-Ross, 4 in the Batuya, and 3 in..."

[Something is not good...] Guan Liyuan said in his heart.