Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1762 Jiro: I want to call the police

After Ada and Xi'er found someone was following, they quietly walked around the alley with few people...

(Positive Energy East Friendly Reminder: If you encounter this situation, please call the police nearby, go to crowded places, call for help, and do not learn from the animals.)

Just after the sneaky stalker followed a dead end, Ida and Xier were standing facing each other!

"Who! What's the purpose of following us!" Ida yelled.

"Since you are sincere... become someone else's husband, why do you still come to me?" I saw the apparently female stalker, and suddenly said unexpected lines to his companions around him.

"Huh?" Kojiro was startled, wondering what Musashi was doing.

That's right, the stalker is the Rockets duo!

When I heard the other party asking about his identity, Musashi instinctively wanted to "introduce himself", but only after he said it did he react-now he cannot reveal his identity!

They are now going to follow "Xie'er" and figure out her identity, rather than conflict...

"I'll raise the child by myself, let's go!" Musashi looked sad and angry.

It's just... this kind of expression and emotion like a stage play actress, and the circumflex and frustration of the lines, in reality, it is a bit exaggerated.


Seeing that Kojiro was still looking stupid and did not react, Musashi jumped on his head and stomped him severely.

"It hurts!" Kojiro exclaimed.

"My heart hurts more, don't chase me, don't chase!"

I saw Musashi squeezing Kojiro's collar while "escaping" quickly, looking like Kojiro was about to die...


"Is this a human?" Xi'er looked at the two people who ran away in confusion.

"No, this is a pervert..." Ada has already seen these two guys familiar.

On the other side, after seeing the grandmother on the other side of the river in a daze, Kojiro woke up in time: "Ahem, kha... Musashi! What are you doing?"

"Idiot! Our purpose is to find out who the'Xie'er' is and why would he follow the owner of Guan and not reveal his identity!" Musashi reprimanded.

"So... wait! I didn't reveal my identity at all, did you? You want to introduce yourself, right?" Kojiro reacted.

However, Musashi pretended not to hear, and said to himself: "What should I do? We must report to the boss as soon as possible. When we left Longzhixiang before, the Xier was not there, right? It's difficult..."

That's right, the reason Musashi and Kojiro follow is precisely the ultimate task that Sakaki gave them-to investigate the relationship between Guan Liyuan and the opposite sex around him.

After thinking for a while, Kojiro asked seriously: "Wait, why are we following quietly? Actually, nothing bad has been done, right?"

At the same time, Guan Liyuan was in a stalemate in the training of the little pervert.

Originally, according to Guan Liyuan's idea, the opponents simulated in the training ground were only simulated images or targets. There was no problem of "gender", and the little pervert should be able to train normally.

However, in actual operation, Guan Liyuan found a problem...

Guan Liyuan's guess is correct. It is indeed possible to train, but the results of the training are not satisfactory.

The little pervert has almost zero combat experience without entering the "struggle mind" state, and through Guan Liyuan's observation, the accumulated combat experience during the training in the normal state will not make the "struggle mind" state at all. The little pervert gets stronger...

Just like the human body in the Ultraman world, it only takes three minutes to transform into Ultraman by practicing plank every day.

Moreover, the usual combat abilities of the little color ghost and the combat abilities in the state of "fighting heart", even if they are not as far apart as the contrast between Ultraman and the human body, they can be called cloud and mud. At this time, training for combat ability is meaningless.

"It seems that you need to master some of the power of the'fighting heart' before you can start combat training... Before that, it is better to learn the tricks first." Guan Liyuan said.

The improved combat experience is only effective when the little pervert is in a state of "struggle mind", but now the little pervert is unable to stay awake when the "struggle mind" is activated because of strength, so he cannot train.

[Are you sure... what kind of power I can master?] The little pervert said through the contract without any confidence.

"It's not a big problem. Although your level increase is slow due to uncontrollable reasons, and the battle process is very dangerous, as long as I help you choose your opponent reasonably, plus skill assistance... it should not be slower than ordinary Pokémon. "Guan Liyuan said.

Without Guan Liyuan's special training methods, the little pervert's situation is indeed deadlocked-if you don't improve your strength, you can't master the state of "combat mind"; if you don't master the state of "combat mind", you can't "leveling" effectively.

However, with regard to Li Yuan, the little pervert's "leveling" efficiency can at least reach the level of a general Pokémon, providing a possibility for mastering the state of fighting mind.

The training of Xiao Heiyan, Xiaowanzi, and Xiaodandan are still methodical at this time. The most efficient one is the Xiaowanzi with unlimited energy; Xiao Heiyan also relies on his own hardworking personality to show the effect of Guan Liyuan's skills; although Xiaodandan is because of " "Single-headed dragon" as the initial evolutionary form, the reason for the limited fighting style and limited vision, and the difficulty of training, but the speed of improvement is higher than the average level...

At this time, Musashi and Kojiro had already re-planned, no longer quietly following them, but directly appeared in front of Ada and Xier-after thinking about it, the two found that there was no need to hide, they Now it is Guan Liyuan's "makeup artist", not a suspicious person!

It's okay to appear directly in front of Guan Liyuan's friend, right?It was completely professional before...

"Well? What are you two doing again?" Ada slammed a blind eye after seeing Musashi and Kojiro.

"Again? It's as if the two of us have looked for you. This is the first time we met today, right? It wasn't us who followed you to the alley before! Hahaha...ah!" Kojiro explained halfway through, just Was stomped heavily by Musashi.

"Sister Ada, these two people are so stupid, like...like a duck." Xi'er secretly laughed.

"So what the hell are you doing?" Ada raised his forehead.

"Nothing, just a greeting, the weather is good today... Huh? Is this your new companion? What is the relationship with the owner of the house? Don't get me wrong, we are just greeting and chatting by the way..." Xiao Jiro bluntly transferred topic.

"Relationship? What is a relationship? Mom told me, is it a relationship to listen to him?" Xi'er didn't notice anything.

"'Be obedient' this is a bit general... What do you think of the owner of the house?" Musashi immediately continued to ask after seeing this.

"Well...very good person! Last night he taught me step by step how to open a house, and I learned quickly!" Xi'er said proudly.

Kojiro and Musashi were silent for a moment, as if they were hesitating-should you go to Junsha?