Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1778 Lv.7

"The sauteed monkey loses its fighting power, the baboon...Miss Fei has eliminated all six Pokémon, and the winner...is extraordinary!"

At this time, in the duel, a scented monkey fainted on the ground, and beside it was a small ball still wiggling.

Although Xiao Maruko is in the battle...ah no, it should be said that he is very excited at all times, but unlike the uncontrollable little sex ghost, Xiao Maruko's excitement is caused by excess physical strength, and it does not Chase the fainted opponent out of control!

It is said that Pokémon like Pang Yanguai should not be willing to move at all. Normally, it is not moving...

However, the small balls with "infinite energy" are obviously not the case.

Feifei deserves to be an excellent young trainer with eight badges, and finally forced out Guan Liyuan’s Xiaowanzi-of course, Xiaowanzi is just a normal fight, and does not show too much "infinite energy" nature, let alone "You are not" Is there still life?"

"Your shining giant rock monster... is very special." Feifei sighed.

"Well, it's more...lively." Guan Liyuan said, taking back the small balls that seemed to be dancing hip-hop, and even used a few short stone claws to circulate on the court.

"Congratulations, you have reached the second consecutive victory..." Luluke said, still thinking to Xiao Luo who was aside.

"Your Pokémon doesn't need a long period of cultivation, right? If you apply now, you should be able to queue up after closing today." Xiao Luo said.

"Huh? Is it too late today?" Guan Liyuan checked the time, and it was almost nine o'clock. The club should close at zero o'clock, and there will be no new duels open after 11 o'clock.

"It's too late, after ten o'clock...Trainers under the age of eighteen are forbidden to fight, and trainers under the age of eighteen are not encouraged to stay up late." Xiao Luo knew this very well.

"That's very happy." Guan Liyuan said happily-it seems that today, there is a chance to reach Lv.7!

Although Xiao Luo thinks he is not as good as Feifei, as a trainer...especially as a trainer who is already twenty-five years old and has not yet collected eight badges, Xiao Luo has begun to realize that he is only doing "sure" The duel is meaningless.

Guan Liyuan's performance before, undoubtedly made Xiao Luo think that the confrontation with him was "meaningful"-with so many unique Pokémon, this would be an unprecedented confrontation experience.

Even if you lose, you will only "empty" your winning streak and you will be able to switch to a "meaningful" matchup, which cannot be more cost-effective.

Xiao Luo did not lie either-her strength was slightly inferior to Feifei. In the end, before the closing of the competition club, Guan Liyuan "sent" three consecutive victories for Guan Liyuan, and before the late registration staff got off work, Guan Liyuan was replaced. Lv.7 badge!

After seeing Guan Liyuan wearing the new badge, Lulu couldn’t help sighing: “Sure enough, strength is the best luck. It’s been a year since I became a Lv.6 player. Although I have tried my luck to achieve two consecutive victories, You haven’t been able to complete the three-game winning streak...and you only changed to the Lv.6 badge this morning and the Lv.7 badge at night."

The three-game winning streak may seem simple, but in fact this is Guan Liyuan's encounter with three battle divisions willing to "effectively engage in battle" in one day.

Otherwise, the usual battle divisions of Lv.6 and above, although they often apply for battles, most of them are just for competition. At higher levels, there are some battles for commercial purposes, but...the battles that both parties actively apply for are effective for promotion. Very rarely!

Most of the battle divisions, after Lv.6, only rely on registration and the club to match their opponents before they can advance to the duel.

Will agree to an active application duel, as an effective duel, it often means that you have a great confidence in your heart... The problem is to apply actively, and both parties must agree-it is still very rare that both sides are confused and confident. of.

Guan Liyuan was able to achieve the three-game winning streak of the initiative this time. Luluke didn’t matter because they all won 0, and they lost if they lost, and Lulu initially thought that Guan Liyuan was just promoted to Lv.6, and he still had it. Can educate new people;

When Feifei agreed to Guan Liyuan's duel, she didn't know his strength-just out of curiosity, she already had eight badges, and she was preparing for the youth competition. "Momo" could really win Luluke. If it is, it’s not bad to be able to have one more duel with no low quality;

And Xiao Luo is already consciously "challenging"-she is sure to be able to win Feifei's trainer, definitely stronger than her, and what she wants now is not the Lv level of the battle division, but a meaningful duel!

Xiao Luo, who always says "I'm not a trainer", is actually "ambition" the biggest...

"I got a lot in the three duels... How about I have a supper in the evening?" Guan Liyuan suggested.

"Of course it's you, do you still expect the three zero wins to be a treat!" Luluke said immediately.

"Supper...I know a restaurant that is open until late. I don't think you should use'Supper' to measure a meaningful dinner." Xiao Luo also nodded.

"Yes, all day... I only ate dessert." Feifei said.

Indeed, the three meals for the four of us today were all replaced by dessert buffets in the leisure area...

Even Guan Liyuan, who has just become an Lv.6 battle division, is well integrated into the ranks of the "street trainer" at this point!

After all, like Luluke and Xiao Luo, trainers of this age and strength have already begun to "work hard" financially, and the subsidies of the alliance are only in the growth period of the trainers, that is, they are still newcomers. It is only valid when they go to the Pokémon Center to eat. Now they have to pay...

This is the same for Guan Liyuan—because his illustrations are anonymous, his welfare level is not high.

Of the three, only Feifei is better. After all, he already has eight badges, and Xiao Luo already has to work part-time in the club...

However, although this "night supper" was replaced with a feast, Guan Liyuan was still willing, and in these three matchups, he did gain a lot!

The first is Queen Bee. Pokémon, who has never had a chance to conquer in the wild, has completed a deal with Luluke. This means that... Guan Liyuan is in the first house in the world. The six three bees that have been nurtured for a long time can rely on "Guardian The identity of "bee" appears as an affiliate of Queen Bee.

Moreover, in the match against Feifei, the performance of the "Warriors" made Guan Liyuan see some improvement directions for "danger avoidance"...

Generally speaking, negative characteristics can also be improved, and after the improvement, there will be no more negative effects, and will not become more awakened and weaker-such as the "laziness" of the king of leave. If awakened to Lv1, there will be additional similar to " As for the recovery effect of "sleeping", as for Lv2... the effect is unknown, because no one has trained the Lv2 lazy leave king.

The same armored warrior, in the existing data, even the individual with Lv1 characteristics is not recorded.

Before that, Guan Liyuan didn't even know what positive effects this characteristic would produce.

When fighting against the Dharma baboons, under the courage of the "warriors" to defeat themselves, "danger avoidance" showed some positive effects, but Guan Liyuan saw the direction...