Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1813

I saw Guan Liyuan standing in the center of a deadly earth, with a huge yin and yang ball above his head, spinning quietly...

The more you rotate, the more lonely... Oh, no, the more you rotate, the more complete the state of the yin and yang ball, and it gradually shows the appearance of yin and yang fish hugging each other from every angle—it cannot be explained by ordinary spatial structures.

Although the changes can no longer be seen with the naked eye, after rotating quietly for more than two hours, a qualitative change suddenly appeared-the "fish eyes" in the yin and yang fish appeared, and the yang appeared in the thickest place of the yin. Where yang is strongest, yin appears...

At the same time, Guan Liyuan could feel that something under the ground seemed to wake up!

Not only Guan Liyuan, but Xiao Ai, Ada, Nana and others who were on the heights of the Earth Sword Castle, also felt a certain change.

Immediately after Guan Liyuan was the center, a purple crack-like light gradually appeared on the ground, as if there was an oversized purple searchlight under the ground, and the ground began to crack in the distance from Guan Li!

However, Guan Liyuan knew clearly that the ground did not crack, but the "dragon veins" below, or "primitive energy", had a certain resonance with the power of "yin and yang harmony" simulated by the outside world...

The primal energy at this time hasn't shown its fangs yet, but is gradually spreading around Guan Liyuan.

But Pictini was already nervous at this time, and said quickly: [No!Stop him!The dragon veins are not stable yet...]

Xiao Ai didn't make a sound, but looked at Guan Liyuan quietly.

Pictini quickly explained: [The original energy itself does not have the concept of color, but... after contact with air, the air appears color, the original energy under normal conditions will appear green, and the original energy that is out of control is purple!

"Color" is a concept that only existed after the world was opened up, but with the perfect plane rules, the color of the original energy can be observed indirectly.

Pictini was right. At this time, the "dragon veins" inspired by Guan Liyuan were purple...thanks to the fact that "yin and yang" were under Guan Liyuan's control at this time, so they only gradually spread around.

If it were like two princes, fighting each other to stimulate the dragon veins, it would have "exploded" now.

Even now, Guan Liyuan is no different from sitting on top of a nuclear bomb...

However, on the other side in the Earth Sword Castle, after listening to Pictini's explanation, Xiao Ai only gave an "Oh" and continued to look at Guan Liyuan's direction.

Before receiving Guan Liyuan's signal, she will not interrupt Guan Liyuan's experiment...

This is not "connivance", but absolute "trust".

Pictini wanted to manipulate the Earth Sword Castle by himself, taking advantage of the loss of control of the dragon veins to suppress it again, but he was directly held back by Xiao Ai.

Instead, Dredo said anxiously at this time: "If it's really that dangerous, it's better to stop him first, I...and I don't have to restore the country so much."

Ada, Nana:...

At this time, it was completely unclear who was the "culprit." Guan Liyuan had successfully forced the paranoia into a strong demand for treatment with gentleness.

"It's not here." Xiao Ai just said calmly.

[Although it was not affected last time, but... what if the seal of the Sword of Earth is not timely?] Pictini said.

"He will judge." Xiao Ai said.

[He, he...] Pictini wants to say that guy is a lunatic.

At this time, Guan Liyuan, who is in the center of the Dragon Vessel, should be the most like sitting on pins and needles, but he is not in a hurry!

I saw the yin and yang balls in mid-air at this time, gradually sinking towards the ground...

The next step is to integrate the "yin and yang" into the "chaos (pseudo)", and then obtain a part of the control of the "chaos (pseudo)", and then...you can gradually "unfold" it.

Gradually, the purple luster of the dragon veins has extended to the edge of the dead zone, but the power that destroys everything has not fully erupted...

[Let me down!Come down, come down!It's too late!] Pictini struggled, but it was useless to break his throat.

Even if Xiao Ai doesn't become the state of a beast, it is only the palm of human form, but for Biketini, it is an iron clamp that cannot be broken away.

At this moment, the yin and yang ball was finally completely integrated into the "chaos (pseudo)", and at the same time...under the control of Guan Liyuan, the trend of spreading solidified!

Pictini gradually stopped struggling, but stared at the scene in a daze.

[Controlled?Hurry, take advantage of it now...]

Pictini hadn't finished speaking yet, but saw the original purple energy, gradually turning colder and changing to green!

[This, this is...] Pictini was taken aback.

Others just heard Pictini talk about the way of color judgment, and they all reacted at this time-not only the rampage was stopped, but also... the dragon vein power was calmed down again!

Dredo showed a look of excitement. If this land is revitalized, maybe it can...

"This piece of land has already been contracted." Xiao Ai told the truth silently.

In the area of ​​the deadly place, Guan Liyuan specially marked the surrounding mountains and topography, and rented it from Hezhong Alliance for 100 years-as the first house in the world in the cultivation area of ​​Hezhong, it is also the second cultivation area after the cultivation of the four islands.

This was when Guan Liyuan decided to "open up the world" during the day, and he entrusted Sophon to apply. He has already passed the application quickly and even paid the rent.

"What? Wait... This is the homeland of the people of the earth, and only the sword of the earth can manipulate the dragon veins..."

When Dredo was about to refute, Xiao Ai interrupted: "Not anymore, look carefully."

"Huh? Why does it seem to be... farther?" Ada was suddenly surprised.

Dredo looked over immediately, and as expected, he also found that...the center where Guan Liyuan was located was gradually getting farther away!

But then, Pictini has also reacted: [Not "farther"!It is getting bigger... Dragon Veins... is evolving into a new space!

Although the area of ​​a piece of land is increasing, it does not involve plate collision and friction-the process of deriving primitive energy, not only matter and energy, but also space is also evolving, as if everything should be the case!

The volume of matter also depends on the existence of space, because the space is essentially one more piece, so...even if one piece of the main life planet's surface has become larger at this time, it did not cause a trace of vibration around it.

Gradually, you can see that the green crack-like light is beginning to become weak and narrow, while the space between the “cracks” is constantly getting bigger!

As if the "folds" were gradually being stretched, the place of dead silence was no longer dead, and...the area was several times larger.

Dredo watched this scene, wanted to speak several times, but had nothing to say...

At this time, Guan Liyuan undoubtedly has the highest legal ownership of this land, because he can pat his chest and say-this world, I opened it!