Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1839 Goodbye to the old "person"

After a brief rest for a few hours, Guan Liyuan and the selected children also decided to go to the digital world right away-the time ratio gap was too large, so they did not dare to rest for too long.

And at this time Tokyo gradually became noisy. After the hypnotized person woke up, he found that the "ghost" who had chased him had disappeared, and many buildings in Hikaruoka had disappeared. There were still many casualties waiting for treatment... Mess.

However, communication was finally restored, and the army on the East Island immediately began to take action, not afraid of any riots taking the opportunity.

In addition, the selected children and their partners have saved so many people to "Hamburg" before, and naturally they are already known by everyone at this time, and many people are still looking for them.

After coming out of the dangerous building where they were evading, Taiyi and others immediately formed a circle and took out the "sacred plan" and stretched it out in the center...

Guan Liyuan has not experienced the journey from the human world to the digital world before, so he has not developed the function of "Divine Plan·Cracked Version", and now he is ready to observe it.

The people of Taiyi and others were just guessing, but the result was good-I saw eight colors of light, lit up from the eight "genuine" sacred plans, and the light went straight to the sky...

Then a huge, radiant beam of light was formed. Obviously this is the open "entry" into the digital plane!

"Quickly, let's go, someone has already come... Or when you come back later, explain to others, otherwise I don't know how long it will be delayed." Guan Liyuan said.

The other selected children obviously think so too.

Nine people, their partner Digimon, and the wizard beast who helped, walked into the beam of light together, and suddenly...except for Guan Liyuan, everyone else began to float upward along the beam of light, and Guan Liyuan... was blocked outside!

"En? Is there any recognition ability?" Guan Liyuan scratched his head.

However, after discovering that the wizard beast, who was not the selected child and his partner, could also enter, Guan Liyuan immediately digitized himself again - at this time Guan Liyuan had mastered this technique.

Sure enough, after becoming a "Guan Li Yuan Beast", he would no longer be blocked from the outside, and he would also enter it and start to rise along the beam of light!

After rising to a certain height, everyone entered a space where there was no gravity and the sense of direction was completely reversed, but it didn't take long before they felt the presence of the ground again...

A group of selected children sat on the ground, and because Guan Liyuan was in a digital state, he was not so embarrassed because of his dignified strength.

"It hurts... Huh? Is this... Fayilu Island?" Meimei said nervously.

This is not the first time I have come to Fayilu Island. Everyone is no longer unfamiliar with the digital plane. The reason for being "nervous" is that Guan Liyuan reminded him of the "Dark Tornado Mountain" in the form of "guessing". Up them!

As for the reason for speculation, Guan Liyuan pushed off to the molecular beast...

Of course, when he saw the molecular beast in the pyramid, the guy didn't provide any useful information about the Dark Tornado Mountain.

But after a brief moment of tension, Meimei immediately sighed with relief: "Brother Liyuan! You scared people again... Isn't this the same? Sure enough, the striped pattern seen before should be due to some kind of optical effect, right?"

At this time, everyone was sitting on a flat high ground on a mountain peak on Fayilu Island, and they could directly see the outside of the island.

I saw that in the direction Meimei was facing, there was an endless sea—not as Guan Liyuan said, all landforms were grouped together according to “forest”, “ocean”, “city”, and “darkness”. Arranged spirally into "mountains"...

However, after Meimei finished speaking, she found that other people didn't respond to her, she couldn't help but looked around, and found that...others were looking in the opposite direction.

So Meimei turned her head...

A huge existence, like a "pillar of heaven", lay on the far side. Sure enough, from this perspective, it looks very similar to the previous time when the human world looked up at the sky!

If it is not far enough, I am afraid that it is not a "pillar", it is more like a "wall of the world".

And Meimei immediately took out the prepared mini binoculars and looked at it, only to see a "ribbon" representing the ocean, which was connected to the sea, and it felt like she wanted to suck all the sea in.

If you look up again, you can find that at the "half of the mountain", the upper half of the spiral ribbon that sees the "ocean" is empty, which seems to be the reason why the entire ocean is not sucked in.

Because of the particularity of the "digital plane" and the essence of the Dark Tornado Mountain, it is not the concept of "ocean" that is sucking sea water. Therefore, outside the Dark Tornado Mountain, it is not the sea level falling, but the essence. Zoom out!

Really see that the Fayilu Island where I and others are located, presents the existence of a "world" at a ninety-degree angle, and the selected children have no fluke—the guy who can make this thing. , Certainly not weaker than the Baleful Vampire Monster!

"It doesn't seem to be the worst situation, at least... the digital plane has not been completely formatted into the'Dark Tornado Mountain'." Guan Liyuan said.

At the same time, Guan Liyuan also secretly speculated in his heart--could it be that in the original work, the resurrection of the Baleful Vampiric Monster was at 6:6:6 that afternoon?Or... on the second or third day?

So even if I and the selected children, even if they rest for a few hours, still come back earlier than in the original work?

"It's really slow...you bastards, didn't you come back after taking a rest?" A feminine voice sounded from another direction.

"Who?" Guan Liyuan turned his head quickly.

"Hey, it's really you... is the material digital? It was right to send you away at the beginning. I didn't expect you to be able to help like this." I saw a man with a golden fox-shaped mask and upper body gold armor. The figure with a battle skirt and black tight leather pants underneath, with a scepter in his hand, said.

Guan Liyuan looked at the familiar and unfamiliar figure in front of him, and couldn't help but stunned...

It was the wizard beast that was even more stunned than him. At this time, he couldn't bear to call out the identity of the other party: "Sakuya, Sakuya beast? This time it is the real Sakuya beast? How could..."

The male version of the Sakuya Beast from humans and digitalization was beyond the understanding of the Wizard Beast, and now the "real" Sakiya Beast has appeared again.

"Ultimate body? Could it be...you drove away that demon...Ah no, it's a female evil demon?" Mei Weiwei asked.

"Keep away...?" Sakuyamon said with a smile, and then you can see a "guan fox" poking out from behind Sakuyamon's shoulder, and Sakuyamon touched it. Head.

Guan Liyuan said at this time: "No, she is the former female evil beast."

"Wh, what? The real Sakuya beast, isn't the'god' of the Vicherni world?" Meimei surprised.

The other selected children were also on guard at this time-their relationship with the female evil beast evolved from the evil beast, that is, the evil female beast, is not so good, and the evil beast should be regarded as one of theirs. Boss!

Guan Liyuan had already guessed when he saw the Sakuya Beast, but after seeing "Guanhu", he completely confirmed his guess. At the beginning, Guan Liyuan felt that the demon beast evolved from the evil beast, the position of the collarbone. The soul body that spread out looks a bit weird.

Like the witch beast encountered in Sabah, the soul body is like an ordinary shadow ghost, while the witch beast evolved by the evil beast, the soul body is like some kind of protruding animal, now it looks like... Looks like?

That’s right, that is to say, when evolving into a witch beast, the opponent has already determined his evolutionary direction, and even has some of the characteristics of the Saya beast, but in the world of Igudrasil, there was no Saya beast. , There is only one Sakuya beast in the entire digital world... The true identity of the other party is obvious!