Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1840: Those Years After You Left

"Don't be so nervous, I would also like to thank you all. If you didn't force me to evolve to a complete body, I would not recover part of my memory, and...thanks to you actually'evolving' to a template similar to mine." Sakuyamon said.

However, compared to the image of the "saint" in Guan Liyuan's impression, the current Sakuya Beast still has a somewhat evil tone...

"Are you doing a ghost in that mountain?" Taichi distrusted the former "evil beasts" and didn't quite understand the meaning of Sakiya beasts. He felt that the three ultimate bodies on his side had great advantages, so he bluntly rebuked them. Asked.

"That mountain? Hehe, you can say the same...If it weren't for me to'fuck a ghost', now the last ocean has been integrated into that mountain." Sakuya Beast said frivolously.

Only then did Guan Liyuan understand that it was not entirely because they came back "early", but because Sakuyamon was also fighting against the "formatting" of the Four Dark Kings before.

"Wait, Master Sakuya Beast...what about Sabah?" Wizard Beast suddenly asked.

Judging from his name, the wizard beast should have already guessed that the Sayamon in front of him is probably related to the ancestor Sakimon of Vicherni!

"The Sabat Continent was the first to be formatted, and the surrounding sea areas and islands are already there." Sakuyamon said and looked at the Dark Tornado Mountain.

"Well, what about the Digimon on it?" The Wizard Beast became anxious.

"Although the environment in a small area does not change much, because it is easy to form dead space when traveling to the Dark Tornado Mountain, the Aboriginal Digimon may die in an accident... About 30% of the death. And in the Dark Tornado Mountain, The Digimon of the "Founding Place" can no longer be produced." Sakiyamon said.

Guan Liyuan remembered that when the children selected in the original work returned to the digital plane, they encountered the Chimonmon that they had encountered on Fayilu Island, and Chimonmon's friend, Stool Beast, was happening. Time to death—At that time, the land of Fayilu Island appeared and cracked irregularly, and what was exposed was not a crypt, but a misty space like chaos.

The unlucky stool beast in the original work has never appeared again after falling into it...

Just when the wizard beast breathed a sigh of relief, a more familiar voice from Guan Liyuan and others came from the bushes: "I seem to smell a nasty guy!"

The immature voice, the strange "beep" mouth addiction... As expected, from the bushes, the familiar figures of Guan Liyuan and others...

The pinkish, furry, chubby body... the fairy beast holding a magic sacrifice spear flew out of the bushes.

"Teacher..." The Wizard Beast cried out in a choked voice.

Just now he was worried about the safety of the fairy beast. Although he did not leave with the fairy beast in order to follow the Dilu beast, the fairy beast was very annoyed for this reason, but the master and the disciple were obviously concerned about each other.

"Huh." The fairy beast turned his head... to be precise, twisted his body as if he didn't want to pay attention to him.

"Fairy beast, who is the enemy now? Where is it?" asked impatiently.

"The enemy is not something you can deal with right now. They are the dark four heavenly kings on the Dark Tornado Mountain. They once led the nightmare legion and ruled the terrible existence of the entire Sabah continent. Now even the four sacred beasts have been sealed and even used..." Said the beast.

"Well, fairy beast, come and talk to them! You, come with me." Sakuya beast interrupted.

"Me?" Guan Liyuan pointed to himself.

"Brother Liyuan..." Meimei was a little worried that the other party might be disadvantageous to Guan Liyuan.

Although the other party seems to have something to do with the god of Vicherni, but...the children who are called are more concerned about the fact that this servant is the evolution of evil beasts!

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter, I also have some questions I want to ask Sakiyamon." Guan Liyuan said.

Then the fairy beasts and the selected children began to talk about the four dark kings...

It has been almost thirty years since they left the digital world. Just a dozen years ago, the Four Dark Heavenly Kings, who had stalemate with the Four Holy Beasts, finally succeeded in sealing the Four Holy Beasts back and out of control.

He also successfully used the seal to absorb the power of the Four Holy Beasts to unlock the original appearance of the "Dark Spiral Mountain".

In the first few years, the Dark Four Heavenly Kings reunited the Nightmare Legion. Whether it is the commanders who are not reconciled to be little brothers again, or the new little Boss who rose up during the Four Heavenly Kings’ seal, they were either subdued by the Dark Four Heavenly Kings in a short time. Or kill.

Then the "Dark Tornado Mountain" located in the center of Sabah was activated. Starting from Sabah, the entire digital world began to format...

In a few years, the entire Sabah Continent and the surrounding waters have all become part of the Dark Tornado Mountain.

The Digimon on each island had no resistance to the four kings of darkness.

But at this moment, the witch beast on Fayilu Island managed to prevent Fayilu Island from being formatted by means of a certain kind of barrier.

Even when the Four Darkness Kings personally attacked her, they used the completely dark geared Fayilu Island to explode the power of the ultimate body. In addition, Fayilu Island can now move and has been stalemate with the Four Darkness Kings...

Originally two years ago, the Dark Four Heavenly Kings were about to completely break through the barrier of Fayilu Island, but at that time... the demon beast evolved into Sakuya Beast, relying on the geographical advantage of Fayilu Island and directly defeated the Dark Four Heavenly Kings. !

So now, in the digital world, there is only a piece of ocean left, which has not been formatted into the dark tornado mountain.

The fairy beast was originally in the continent of Sabah, occasionally making some trouble for the Nightmare Legion. I heard that the fairy beast on Fayilu Island had successfully resisted the formatting before coming to this sea area.

However, because of the prejudice against the Nightmare Legion that the Beast was born in, the Beast did not directly come to Fayilu Island, but helped out on the surrounding islands.

It wasn't until the monster beast evolved into the Sakuya beast that the fairy beast immediately rushed to Fayilu Island and resided here. As a Vicherni, he still has an instinctive respect and trust for the Sayamon.

At the same time, Guan Liyuan and the Sakuya Beast came to a palace similar to a "temple". This should have been built by the Sakuya Beast or the Monster Girl Beast later. The old nest of the evil beast was not in this style.

"Can you tell me now? What is the relationship between you and the'Sakuya Beast'? Why did you come to me specifically?" Guan Liyuan asked.

The masked Sakuya Beast looked at Guan Liyuan for a while. Guan Liyuan felt instinctively. The other party might be frowning, but in the end he said, "Since you have done me a favor, please answer your question first. Now... it can be said that I am the Sakuya Beast, the original ancestor Sakuya Beast!

"You can say? What happened after you died in the Dark Sea? Why did you rebirth in the world of Igudrasil?" Guan Liyuan noticed the point.

Sakiyamon was silent for a while, and then said, "I don't know..."