Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1841 The Sea Of Darkness

According to Sakuyamon, when she was still in the form of evil monsters, she had no previous memories at all, but occasionally recalled some "technologies"-such as making "dark gears"!

Like a protagonist of the "rebirth + amnesia" stream, the evil beast, with a mature level of evolution, became a small leader in the Nightmare Legion, and later was responsible for monitoring the Fayilu Island with the "foundation place".

There is more than one island with the "Foundation Land", and the Nightmare Legion only knew that the selected children would definitely appear from the "Foundation Land", so it ruled out many small leaders to monitor separately.

After the evil beast completely controlled Fayilu Island, he successfully collected the data for making the dark gear, completely forgetting her "past life" ideal and purpose.

Until she evolved to a complete body under Guan Liyuan's "trouble"!

After reaching full body, the monster girl recovered more memories, and remembered that she was the "god" in the world of Vicherni. This also made the monster girl already have some "settings" of the Saya beast in form. .

However, because it has already died once, it is very difficult for the monster girl to re-evolve into the form of the Sakuyamon, even some materials are not found!

Moreover, in terms of memory, the monster girl only gradually recalled that she had no memory of what happened when she entered the "Dark Sea" after she entered the "Dark Sea".

Until Guan Liyuan created the "Guan Li Yuan Beast" template, the world of Igudra Hill also had a template similar to the Sakuya Beast. Suddenly, the evolution of the Beast was greatly reduced, and it evolved into a "Saki Beast" on the spot. Judging from the distortion of the plane of time, it was already two years ago.

That's why Sakuya Beast said to thank Guan Liyuan, when the Dark Four Heavenly Kings were trying to completely destroy Fayilu Island!

After finally returning to the Sakiyamon form, the Sakiyamon once again recovered part of his memory, that is, vaguely remembering that he was killed by an extremely terrifying existence in the sea of ​​darkness.

However, with the help of the force collision when the opponent killed itself, Sayamon threw part of the remaining data out of the sea of ​​darkness... It seems that it is likely to have entered the dark area of ​​"Igudrasil World".

Sakuyamon has been able to preliminarily determine that the "dark areas" of each digital world are the "projections" of the sea of ​​darkness in these worlds, and are inextricably linked to the sea of ​​darkness.

In the "World of Vetcherney", the first place where the sea of ​​darkness penetrates is the "dark zone" of Vetcherney.

Guan Liyuan vaguely guessed that it was this particularity that allowed the evil beasts in the original work to continue to "persist in the shadows" after their deaths. In the second part, they also had a gunshot with the angel beast mouths and even scattered the data. They all have a certain level of consciousness, and they warned Ichijo Temple "Don't underestimate the darkness"...

Although Sakuya Beast was in the dark sea, he still did not fully recall what happened and did, but he remembered a vital thing-Sakiya Beast vaguely remembered that it was in the "Darkness". In the sea, we have already been exposed to the "two-dimensional state" of secularization and digitalization!

"The present world" is what Wichelney said, which is the "materialization" and human dimension that Guan Liyuan understands.

Only after being reborn, the body of the world has disappeared, and Sakiyamon has become a pure Digimon...

"Wait! That is to say... the creatures of the Dark Sea are probably also two-dimensional creatures?" Guan Liyuan's eyes lit up.

"I don't remember, but it's true that I was in the Dark Sea, and I was exposed to materialization... or the ability to be two-dimensional." Sakiyamon said.

"Sure enough, there is some connection between you and the egg beast that strayed into the sea of ​​darkness, right?" The beast saw that Guan Liyuan knew something about the sea of ​​darkness.

Guan Liyuan nodded simply.

As for the reason why Sakuya Beast knows Dandan Beast...It is estimated that the Fairy Beast told her that Guan Liyuan had asked the Fairy Beast how to rescue the Dandan Beast from the sea of ​​darkness. After all, if the contract was used to forcibly recover the data, the Dandan Beast Not only does it really have to be an egg, but the will to change after all will be greatly affected, and it will be difficult to evolve into a "titan beast" in the future.

But to use the fairy beast's argument is: no help, wait for death.

"The dark sea...what kind of place is it?" Sakiya beast instead asked Guan Liyuan about the dark sea.

Unlike the legend of Wicherny, when she resisted the invasion of the Dark Sea, she did not die. Instead, she entered the Dark Sea at the last moment and seemed to have experienced many things in it-such as "Dark Gear "The method of production, Sakuyamon can't remember how he perfected it, presumably it is the knowledge he has mastered in the sea of ​​darkness!

Prior to this, Sakuyamon only had a faint idea similar to the "dark gear", and there were still many problems that had not been solved...

At the same time, Sakuyamon can feel that deep in her heart, the most primitive instinct is calling her to return to the sea of ​​darkness and re-dimension... It seems that this is more important than solving the dark tornado mountain. thing!

However, Sakuya Beast now doesn't remember what the Dark Sea is like, so I have to ask Guan Liyuan...

Not only the last time, after the entrance to the Dark Sea was sealed, what happened after the Sakuya Beast entered the Dark Sea...

Before that, Sakuya Beast had studied the Dark Sea for a long time, and had entered several times by other means, but this part of the memory had also disappeared.

The fairy beasts and wizard beasts, when they were exploring the ruins of the Sakuya Beast, traveled to Igudrasil, and even the fairy beasts have seen some records of the Sakuya Beast about the Dark Sea. These are obviously the last time they entered. It was recorded, but Sakiyamon also didn't remember.

Guan Liyuan said something about the Dandan Beast in the Dark Sea and told Sakiya Beast.

Of course... the place where the egg beast is located should be regarded as a "dark place." Guan Liyuan repeatedly warned him not to enter the ocean.

As for the "dark sea creatures" on the land, most of the Dandan beasts can still deal with it, but in Dandan's words, the creatures there are very strange and seem to have high intelligence, but each of them has a very good logic of action. Strangely, most tribes have the custom of worshiping "gods", but their gods... From the perspective of the idols and the way of worship, they all look like "evil gods"!

Dandan’s time in the Dark Sea has passed very chaotically, but it has not been more than a year so far, and has been observing Guan Liyuan’s repeated warnings that he should not enter the ocean, and it is best not to approach the sea, so there is no dangerous situation. .

The dark sea plane is gloomy all year round. You can't see the sun and don't know where the light comes from. It seems that the gray sky will reveal some dim light, but it is "rich in resources" that is inconsistent with its painting style.

Moreover, the substance there will be in a digital state after it comes into contact with the egg. It can be said that you can pick up the "digital alloy of time" when you walk, kill some monsters that look like skeletons, and you can also obtain "data skeletons"...

Now Dandan has assembled the other evolutionary materials needed by the "Titan Beast", and only the "God's Blood" is left untouched.

Guan Liyuan even worried that Dandan would no longer find the blood of the gods, and might ignore his warnings and look for the "gods" worshipped by those tribes.

After Guan Liyuan finished talking about what he knew, Sakuyamon nodded in confusion, perhaps trying to remember...