Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1842 Invitation

"Materials will show digitization... What about creatures?" Sakiyamon asked.

"No phenomenon of digitization has been discovered for the time being, but...many creatures look very similar to existing Digimon templates." Guan Liyuan said.

In the Dark Sea, the creature that Dandan saw for the first time was a humanoid monster that was similar to the strange frog but was "black". It was very unfriendly to him, but not strong, and was easily killed by Dandan, but After that, the corpse did not disappear-this was the first time Guan Liyuan heard in the digital world that it possessed "supernatural combat power" but was not a "Digimon" creature.

Not even "Guan Li Yuan Beast"!

Guan Liyuan was killed during the “digitalization” and turned into disintegrated data. In the human state, there is no magical power that transcends acquired rules.

This kind of thing similar to the strange frog is supposed to be the mysterious creature that Xiaoguang encountered in the second part of the original work, but I don’t know why, when Xiaoguang started to find them, they were like the strange frog. Before returning to the sea, he became that strange look.

I don’t know if it was the reason for Hikaru, or the cause of Ichijo Temple who controlled them... or is the original work wrong?

The fairy beast said that in the Sakuyamon's notes, the creatures in the sea of ​​darkness are described as "life between the'present world' and the'data'", but it seems that Sakuyamon has forgotten these things. !

I don’t know if Sakiyamon remembered anything. After a while, Sakiyamon suddenly said: “Come with me to the Dark Sea! You wanted to go there before? And...I can feel it, "Two-dimensionality" is very important. I also want to find my physical body, we can cooperate."

It seems that this is the purpose of Sakiyamon...

For Guan Liyuan, this is good news.

I thought I was going to wait for Xiaoguang to "fall on the ground" to enter the sea of ​​darkness, but I didn't think there would be a surprise--Sakuya beast seemed to control the way to enter the sea of ​​darkness!

"Why are you pulling me with you? You don't...in the sea of ​​darkness, have you caused any trouble?"

Although Guan Liyuan didn't care about the danger of going to the Dark Sea, and he even expected to be able to enter, he still had to ask clearly.

"I don't remember." Sakiyamon said solemnly.

"Well, I do want to enter the Dark Sea, but...before you reveal more, I can't guarantee that I will help you, and I have to solve the dark tornado mountain first. I I don't want the world of Igudrasil to be destroyed." Guan Liyuan said.

"Of course, this is what I'm going to do... If I don't'decompress' other'dark areas' from that mountain, I won't be able to enter the sea of ​​darkness." Sakiyamon said.

It seems that the way Sakuya beast enters the Dark Sea is also related to the "dark zone".

The dark area is on the digital plane, showing a special environment. At this time, Fayilu Island, assimilated by the dark gear, also shows the nature of the dark area.

If Fayilu Island is also drawn into the Dark Tornado Mountain, it will fall into the "dark" one.

However, the meaning of Sakiya beast is that it is impossible to enter the sea of ​​darkness just by relying on the "dark area" of Fayilu Island.

"Then why didn't you do it before? With your strength...should be enough to kill the Dark Four Heavenly Kings?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

"No, in fact, I am not the original ancestor Sakiya beast, only on Fayilu Island, I can still exert the power close to the heyday. The four of them escaped too fast before, and I just evolved, and I still can’t adapt to myself. Power, so they escaped.

If I leave Fayilu Island, it's just as strong as that clown beast...not to mention that on the Dark Tornado Mountain, the opponent might show even stronger power."Sakiyamon said.

It is precisely because both sides cannot defeat each other on the "away game", the situation has remained stalemate until now-including Sabah, 80% of the digital planes have been formatted into the Dark Tornado Mountain, but it is easy to road The part of the sea with the island as the center has never made the other party wish.

"Is that why you took me to the Sea of ​​Darkness?" Guan Liyuan asked directly.

"Indeed, I considered that it would be better to have another helper, so I came to you, but...in the dark sea, I am not weaker than when I entered before, because in the dark sea, the ancestor does not have any strength bonus. "Sakiyamon said.

"Then what if Fayilu Island is integrated into the Dark Tornado Mountain?" Guan Liyuan asked unexpectedly.

"No, although my power control over the dark area is far stronger than that of the clown beast, the opponent has already controlled the Dark Tornado Mountain. Once Fayilu Island is involved, the control over the'darkness' is also It will only take the other party as the main one." Sakiyamon said.

"But fortunately, there are still these elementary school students... The digital host of'Igudrasil World' is also using them as the main force to eliminate threats?" Guan Liyuan looked in the direction of the selected children, as if the fairy beast was teaching What they are.

Sakiyamon was silent for a while before answering: "Don't trust the digital terminal here too much, the current terminal'constancy' seems to be a problem!"

"What did you find?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"No, but in my memory, in the distant past, when Vicherni was still in the era of Yin and Yang Dao, I had been in contact with the world of Igudrasil. At that time, the terminal here was still the'world tree'... And the way of constancy of interfering with the world is also different from the terminal in my impression." Sakiyamon said.

Once in the era of Yin Yang Dao in the world of Vicherni, Saya Beast alone was equivalent to the status of the "Royal Knights" and the "Olympus Twelve Gods", only in the mainframe, that is, the digital plane terminal. Therefore, she should have a certain understanding of the terminal.

Since even Sakuya Beast said the same, it was true that the guy in Xuannei could only believe half of it for the time being, and it was best not to have too much involvement with him.

"What do you mean by two-dimensionalization? You don't seem to worry at all. After I enter the Dark Sea, I will refuse to cooperate with you..." Guan Liyuan asked about what he cares most about the Dark Sea... Ah no, after Dandan, my second concern.

"I don't remember too much, but that must be a very important feature for Digimon that is close to the terminal. Now you can only transform freely in two dimensions, not really two-dimensional, so... Our goals must be the same." Sakiyamon said.

But one thing she had expected was wrong-Guan Liyuan was not a creature in the digital world, and didn't care about the two-dimensionality. In other worlds... all creatures were originally affected by both innate and acquired rules.

It's just that Guan Liyuan is really interested in this "principle" of the digital world, which is related to his future advancement...

So Guan Liyuan finally nodded: "About!"