Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1843 Light

On Fayilu Island, Guan Liyuanzheng and Sakuya Beast learn some skills to use their own abilities...

Although Guan Liyuan’s template was created by Guan Liyuan himself, Guan Liyuan was not actually a Digimon before. Most of it relied on the existing Sayamon template and Penguin’s credit.

Therefore, Guan Liyuan, who is now the "Yuanzu", needs the guidance of Sayamon who has lost the power of "Yuanzu".

The selected children were also trained by the fairy beast for the second time.

Although Sakuyamon does not trust "constancy", the most important thing now is to go to the sea of ​​darkness, so the response to "distrust" is not to be rigid with constancy, but to strive to be independent of constancy. .

After all, this is the absolute home of constancy. Even when Sakuyamon was still the "primal ancestor", he would not dare to say that he could compete with his digital terminal in the digital plane...

As digital terminals, or hosts, they also have many limitations. For example, under normal circumstances, the real body does not appear, and the self-awareness is also very weak. The cosmic will often has no self-awareness, and the digital terminals of all dimensions in the digital world , Which is equivalent to the secondary cosmic will, and self-consciousness is naturally limited.

And the current purpose of constancy is to prevent the destruction of the world of Igudrasil, which is the same as the purpose of Sakuyamon and Guan Liyuan...

The selected children can solve the four kings of darkness by themselves!

However, Guan Liyuan is not optimistic about this—because of the Sakuya beast, the four dark kings are not as waves as in the original work.

If the beetle beast and the goma beast can also evolve extremely now, it would be enough to face hard, but...

Although in tri, the selected children of Taiyi’s generation have developed the ultimate evolutionary ability, but... in Guan Liyuan’s view, including the Yagumon and the Gabumon, they are far from reaching their full length. Ultimate evolution... even if it is only a temporary degree of evolution!

Even the temporary evolution of the complete body is already "super-class", and it is completely dependent on the special effect of the "badge" to achieve this evolution beyond the limit.

Otherwise, it's like Guan Liyuan's Digimon... Temporary evolution also has a length requirement. Although it is lower than the formal evolution, it is definitely not possible to evolve if you want to evolve!

To a certain extent, they have reached the ultimate body in tri. A large part of them are due to their growth as Digimon in the next six years, and... Guan Liyuan suspects that after six years, Agumon and others usually It is still only a growth period, and it can only "evolve temporarily" to a higher level, which may also be related to the current "overdraft".

"What's wrong? I think they have potential?" Guan Liyuan saw Sakuyamon standing in the attic of the temple, looking at the direction of the selected children.

"With the help of human characteristics, do you indirectly realize the two-dimensionality... Sure enough, as a terminal, the constancy performance is very strange now." Sakuyamon said.

Before Guan Liyuan asked what was strange, Sakuyamon turned to say, "What are the traits of that youngest girl?"

"Light, and she is the fastest to inspire her own characteristics. The moment she got the badge, she was already recognized by the badge." Guan Liyuan said.

"Light..." Sakuyamon softly repeated.

"Did you find anything?" Guan Liyuan asked curiously...Sure enough, Xiaoguang was the most special one, and was immediately noticed by Sakuyamon.

"I don't know, but I feel a little familiar." Sakiyamon said.

"Familiar?" Guan Liyuan didn't understand even more. He only knew that this kind of familiarity was definitely not because Sakiyemon had seen Yasamiko himself.

Perhaps...is familiar with this power?

"Can you see what the so-called'light' is?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"I have forgotten too many things, especially those related to the Sea of ​​Darkness. I can only guess... if we are concerned with the dimensions of space, we are all three-dimensional, and our shadows are two-dimensional. What is it?" Sakiyamon asked rhetorically.

"Shadow...light?" Guan Liyuan understood the meaning of Sakuya beast.

Light can make a three-dimensional existence and produce a two-dimensional projection, so... Does the characteristic "light" of the Iori light mean to form a dimensionality reduction projection?

No, maybe not only this function itself, but "light" happens to have this function, just like natural light can form a shadow, but the meaning of natural light itself is not a "thing that can form a shadow".

Natural light can form shadows and is also the main signal of human cognition... Does the "light" of the Iori light actually mean another level of light, which can reduce the two-dimensional creatures of "world + data" to one-dimensional Projection, can you easily accept multi-dimensional cognition?

In this way, both the Dark Sea Frog and Hikaru's attitude towards Digimon in the original work have "seemingly" reasonable explanations.

"When are you ready to go to Dark Tornado Mountain?" Sakiyamon asked instead.

"Are you in such a hurry? It doesn't matter to me, but they..." Guan Liyuan looked at the selected children, a little worried.

"This kind of crisis that comes from outside the Wall of Fire is more serious and uncontrollable than the crisis of the general digital world itself. Although the design of the Dark Tornado Mountain was completed by molecular beasts, the principle must be accepted by the clown beast. The disillusioned will that came from outside the wall of fire, if it is delayed for too long, any change may happen!" Sakiyamon said.

The "digital world" in Guan Liyuan's understanding refers to the sum of all digital worlds, and like the "digital side of Igudrasil World", Guan Liyuan is generally called the "digital plane".

Others, because they have no access to the concept of the super universe, regard each digital plane and the corresponding human plane as a "world"...

Sakuyamon has experienced and witnessed the so-called "digital catastrophe" more than once, so it can clearly distinguish the threat of the catastrophe.

The lightest type is derived from the data mutation in a certain digital plane, the birth of a Digimon with destruction as its "setting". If it is left unchecked, it may threaten the safety of a digital plane.

And the factors outside the "Wall of Fire", the upper limit of the catastrophe induced by it is much higher than this. For example, if the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness are successful now, after the "restart", not only the entire digital plane will be destroyed, but even the terminal may be destroyed. Reset, and easily trigger a chain reaction of other digital planes...

Therefore, although Sakuyamon is defensive against constancy, it does not worry about the "reversal" of constancy when it comes to the issue of Dark Tornado Mountain.

As for what is more inevitable than this, it comes from the disaster of the terminal-because the terminal initiates the restart directly, it is difficult to stop, and there will be no "savior" guided by the terminal.

However, the scope of such catastrophes will inevitably be limited to the original plane. For the terminal, it is a controllable "restart", but for other creatures in the plane, it means destruction...

After comparing it with Guan Liyuan, he speculated that the three catastrophes of the "Igudrasil World" in the original work, that is, the "first", "second" and "tri" of the original, should correspond to "outside the wall of fire". , "Intraplane Mutation" and "Terminal Will", but the "Intraplane Mutation" in the second part also involves the sea of ​​darkness, so the difficulty has increased.

"What is outside the wall of fire? Is the sea of ​​darkness outside the wall of fire?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"There is nothing outside the wall of fire... and the sea of ​​darkness is neither outside the wall, but also within the wall." Sakuyamon's answer made Guan Liyuan "show a slight approval and nod his head."