Dimensional Forum

Chapter 2046

It was also the first time Guan Liyuan knew that the original plane's cracks, or "bottom-level elements", looked like this, it looked like they were persecuting the cosmic starry sky of intensive phobia...

However, the location of Guan Liyuan's three people is not in the "starry sky", but is "smashing" into the starry sky at an extremely fast speed.

Around the three of Guan Liyuan, there was nothing there. Behind them...you could see a "planet" with an irregular shape and resembling soil, which was foggy and dazzling like other "planets".

Guan Liyuan just rushed out from there, and there... is also where the plane of paradise lies!

Guan Liyuan guessed that perhaps this irregular shape is precisely because Paradise is a "plane fragment" rather than a complete "plane".

Paradise as a whole is outside the dense starry sky ahead, but... it is connected with a dark red-toned "planet" by a smoke-like passage.

The dozens of dark red-toned "planets" in the front should be the manifestations of the abyss planes at the bottom level elements, and the so-called smoke belt is the projection of the space channels on the bottom level elements!

At this time, Lao Tan and Miss Mo had already recovered, Lao Tan was still a little surprised, Guan Liyuan unexpectedly regained consciousness before himself and Miss Mo?

But he could not guess that Guan Liyuan hardly had any dizziness!

"Surprised? This is the projection of each plane at the bottom level, such a huge sphere...the same size as the stars of the star dimension!" Old man Tan looked knowledgeable.

After Guan Liyuan heard it, he straightened his lips-after all, he had seen the real starry sky many times and many kinds!

"There are even more surprised...When you arrive in the cosmic space, you will find that the surface-level elements there are almost confused with the bottom-level elements! The planes there are really spherical, and creatures will live in the big ball. Because of the gravity toward the center of the sphere, everyone around him thinks he is upright! Isn’t it magical?” Old man Tan said openly.

When Guan Liyuan heard the words, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise. It wasn't that he felt magical, but that he was surprised-isn't it the same as the real starry sky structure?

These surroundings are not real planets, nor do they have any "surfaces". If they touch, they will continue to float on the "dimensional" level. When you return to the surface level, you can find that they are on the plane. In the middle, the plane is not spherical, but a plane with boundaries.

It's just the boundary of the plane. Only those with the ability of the space system can approach it. The closer you get to the boundary, the more you need to sink at the dimensional plane. When you come to the bottom level element, you will enter the plane's gap...

"Haha, haven't you seen it? Any plane, at the embryonic stage, is this kind of'big ball', because it is very similar to the stars, and is also called a'planet'. The physical planet can only exist in the cosmic space. , But when the plane is gradually formed, the dimension of space will continue to increase, and gradually leave the Hongmeng space, enter the universe of the universe, and become a real plane!

However, in the Magnificent Dimension, there are some planets that have not evolved into a real plane for various reasons. They will remain in the Magnificent Dimension...Before the embryonic form of the new plane is born, we can prepare for those planets."Lao Tan said.

The plane of the main world actually evolved from a planet?In the Hongmeng space, there are still undeveloped planets?

In other words... Hongmeng Space is equivalent to a small universe, or galaxy?

"En? The bottom-level element and the surface-level element of Hongmeng Space are confused? Could it be said that...the different dimensions there present a circular cycle?" Miss Mo speculated.

"The mainstream speculation is indeed like this...Alright! Prepare for the abyss zone!" Old Man Tan reminded.

Soon, the three of Guan Liyuan plunged into the area where the abyss plane was located. Miss Mo now controlled the direction with her own space ability, crossing the gap between the dark red plane.

At this time, even if there are demon gods who are good at space ability, it is of no use-even if they can freely enter the bottom level, but the speed can not be compared with the three of Guan Liyuan, just like the difference between the space walk of the astronauts themselves and the spaceship flying by. .

When they came out of the plane, or came to the bottom level, the three of Guan Liyuan had already flown out and didn't know how far!

"The projection size of these planes on the bottom level element represents their real area?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"No, it should be said that it represents the strength of the origin of the plane! Indeed, the larger the plane, the stronger the origin, but... it is also related to the strength of the world of the plane itself, such as the one you have been to. Although the area of ​​the surface is much larger than that of the Paradise, the projection of the element at the bottom level should not be as large as the fragments of the Paradise." Old man Tan said.

In short, the bigger the plane looks here, the stronger the strength will be!

Under the control of Miss Mo's direction, Guan Liyuan and the three people soon left the abyss area, and the surrounding "planets" became colorful-the similar colors and the planes next to each other meant that they were likely to belong to the same person. dominate.

The appearance of the plane at the bottom level depends on its master and the comprehensive consideration of the enfeoffment.

Most of the "planets" are connected with other "planets" around them by thick or thin smoke-like pipes. These should all represent the existence of spatial channels between planes.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye--even if you couldn't see the sun in the star dimension here, Guan Liyuan still had the concept of time in his heart.

During the three days, the speed of Guan Liyuan and the three people continued to decrease, and now it is only 80% of the previous...

"Continue, while the speed has not dropped too low, try to get closer to the center of the universe." Old man Tan said.

After the speed has completely dropped, Old Man Tan does not recommend walking through the plane, because it is very likely to be intercepted and pass directly by others' plane, which is a hostile behavior in itself...

It was fast enough before, so don't worry.

After the speed drops, find a plane to "float" in, and then take this space channel one by one to approach the territory of the Universe Dynasty!

"Why just control the direction and not try to maintain this speed?" Guan Liyuan thought for a long time, but didn't figure out the reason.

"Do you think... the fly trapped on the crossbow arrow can accelerate the crossbow arrow by fanning its wings?" Old Man Tan said metaphorically.

Being able to barely control the direction is already thanks to Miss Mo who is good at space laws...

"I think I should try." Guan Liyuan said solemnly.

As Guan Liyuan said, taking himself as the center, a huge phantom of the twelve zodiac compass emerged, and then in the twinkling of the star palace pattern, Guan Liyuan's body was also stained with stars.

It was Guan Liyuan who used his own time and space power to launch the "Yue Xing Shu" in the main world...

Old man Tan:!!!

Old man Tan already felt that the speed of the three people had slowed down. Although there was no improvement,...the decay speed was already extremely slow!