Dimensional Forum

Chapter 2092 Thunder Punishment

Fragments of the ancient plane of Yas, outside the northern fortress of the Free Federation...

In the dark cloud with destructive power, the eyes of thunder, intertwined by thunder, vented a beam of thunder tens of meters in diameter to the staring Guan Liyuan!

Although Guan Liyuan could no longer escape and was completely nailed to death, he could still resist. Guan Liyuan stretched his arms, and instantly the golden Athena version of Suzuo Nenghu wrapped himself!

Suzuo Nenghu who appeared in an instant was not only clear in details, but also about the same height as the previous Devourer-at this time Guan Liyuan had also gone all out!

I saw the huge golden "Sacred Clothes Athena", and threw the round shield in her hand at the thunder beam. The round shield was born on top of Guan Liyuan's head, and held in a stalemate with the thunder beam for a few seconds before cracks began to appear, and for a few seconds, completely broken... …

In just a few seconds, Guan Liyuan's incarnation in the world of Saint Seiya has obtained the opportunity to try on Hades's saints with purity, dedication, integrity, friendliness...

When the golden Athena buckler shattered, the golden Suzao Nenghu waved his arms up like Guan Liyuan, and closed his hands on top of his head, and then a shadow of a huge dark purple wall lay between Guan Liyuan and the thunder beam—— "Wall of Sighs!"

However, the wall of sighs only persisted for more than ten seconds, and then gradually cracks appeared until it broke...

Although Guan Liyuan crossed his arms to protect the top of his head, Suzuo's body's defensive power is not as good as the golden buckler and the wall of sighs, but collapsed under the beam of thunder...

Even this shape makes everyone instinctively think of the way Arceus stepped on the Devourer before!

Guan Liyuan didn't expect to change the angle so soon to watch this scene.

Lei Pun instantly tore Guan Liyuan's Suzuonenghu, directly poured into it from the top of his head, tearing the Suzuonenghu into two halves, and Guan Liyuan's body...before it was in the chest cavity!

During the thunder punishment, Guan Liyuan's body also resisted tenaciously, but it was still a few seconds before it collapsed completely.

And the nature of the power of thunder punishment is transmitted to every strand of flesh and blood, completely destroying the vitality and the soul contained in it...

In a few seconds, it can be said that... Guan Liyuan's "main body" has completely disappeared!

The cloud carrying the power of punishment, this has the meaning of dispersing...

And Miss Mo was still dragged by the three demon gods at this time, and Arceus wanted to get in, but was also entangled by the two demon gods around!

But Lin looked at Guan Liyuan, who had completely disappeared, and he was relieved--compared to Miss Mo as recorded in the "traditional heroic epic", Guan Liyuan, a guy who is completely beyond common sense and often eats the setting in the prophecy book, It is even more disturbing.

It can be said that with Guan Liyuan's current strength, after being completely locked in and unable to escape, facing the full blow of the top ruler, there is actually a little resistance. It took half a minute to cool down, which is incredible!

So after Tantalin knew that Guan Liyuan had also come here, he immediately asked to come, and transferred the main purpose from the refining plane fragments to killing Guan Liyuan.

Now...It's finally over...

and many more!wrong……

That guy is obviously dead. Why... As his god, Arceus still has the power of his origin?

Just when Talin felt something was wrong, he suddenly discovered...the energy tide escaping around was acting a little weird!

When the golden giant Guan Liyuan incarnate before collided with the power of thunder punishment, it naturally produced a violent aftermath of energy. At this time, around the place where they collided, several surrounding demon gods were a little embarrassed, even now... if it is not strong enough If you pass by too close, you will be injured by the energy tide.

This situation will even continue for several years or even decades before the energy tide will gradually subside.


Why did these energy tides begin to condense abnormally?

But the anxiety in Lin Lin's heart has reached the maximum value after the Demon Rebellion!


I saw in the surrounding energy tide, some golden energy was gradually stripped out-it was the vitality that Guan Liyuan had escaped before!

Just as Dan He Lin's uneasy gaze, these golden vitality were actually frantically transformed into matter, forcibly condensing a drop of blood...

Transformation from reality to reality, rebirth!

From a drop of blood, the flesh and blood swelled while devouring the surrounding spirits, and immediately after...Guan Liyuan's figure appeared again...

"Be careful!" But Lin exclaimed.

However, it was still a step too late. Just when Guan Liyuan reappeared, Miss Mo hooked the corner of her mouth, and at the same time...the two seemed to have rehearsed, and they completed the pincer attack on Osser in an instant!

Originally, Osser, who was still fighting with Miss Mo with the other two demon gods, had not yet reacted, but the scene instantly reversed-Guan Liyuan appeared directly behind Osser, condensing an arm of Suzuo Nohu. And the sword of justice eyeball, slashed according to Ossey.

When Osser saw the sharp sharpness of the eyeball sword reflected on his sharp nails, it was already too late...

There was Miss Mo's Dragon Sword before, and Liyuan's Righteous Eyeball Sword in the back, but Ossey... didn't have Guan Liyuan's blood rebirth.

In the collision of gold and purple, two energies, Ossey's mechanical prosthesis and the remnant body that survived the war were completely destroyed without any luck!

Seeing that Guan Liyuan was still resurrected after being punished by thunder, and he took advantage of the opportunity to kill Ossey, the other demon gods present did not intend to rescue them on the surface, and gathered together but he Lin...

At the same time, it seems that because of Guan Liyuan's reappearance, most of the thunder punishing clouds that had already dispersed, at this moment actually meant to condense again!

Guan Liyuan also felt once again, that feeling of being locked in—Sure enough, the discipline rules left by the Holy King of Universe, in the second paragraph, had already held the belief of "must kill".

But when Lin saw this, his eyes lit up slightly, as if...has not failed?

However, at this moment, Miss Mo's pupils suddenly turned red, and she looked at the condensed eyes of thunder punishment. At this time, her expression... seemed to have a vaguely "Tianluohuang" temperament?

However, it is clear that Miss Mo's Abyssal I should have been killed by herself, so the Dragon King Ba Shi Sword has also been renamed...

Guan Liyuan didn't know what's the crux of it, but...under the disturbance of Miss Mo, the disciplinary rules really began to fail, or the lock on Guan Liyuan failed and began to dissipate again.

Ms. Mo did this step, obviously, it was not without cost. When the eye of thunder punishment dissipated, Ms. Mo closed her eyes a little dizzy, her body in the air even swayed involuntarily, and Guan Liyuan hurried forward. Hold Miss Mo's hand.

"It's okay, it's just a little physically exhausted." When Miss Mo opened her eyes, she no longer had the same style of painting.

The demon gods on the opposite side, looking at Guan Liyuan and Miss Mo, couldn't help becoming nervous...