Divine Costume Holy Sword Fafnir

Buried History (17)

By the time it's a little past lunch, the market in Altria, the capital, will be vibrant.

That's because all the men who have finished their morning work will take to the dining room and other places on the market to eat...

"Kazuto, walk fast"

Mint always talks to me with a mushy look.

I return the words, "No, I'm not walking with you..." as I look sideways at the mint I've caught up with on a small run.

"Kazuto is a tundelle -"

"It's not a tundra..."

"Lies, I can tell"

"Can you even read it in your heart?"

"Mages are omnipotent..."

"If it's universal, you don't owe it. Not to mention you don't wear dancing clothes."

"... brainy goblins fall out of trees too"

"... I think it's a monkey..."

I head to a nearby store with a penetration into Mint's words.

"I want this vegetable..."

"Aye, cabbage. How many?

"Give me about 10."

When I get a piece of silver out of my nostalgia, I give it to my aunt at the store.

Putting all 10 cabbages in the bag leaves the store.

"Kazto, why don't you use the item box?

"Hmm? You stand out."

"Yes, I thought Kazuto was careless because he was appropriate."

"Come on, there's no one more attentive than me, is there? How underrated I am in you."

"Nothing low. Kazuto is perfect for what he does to his husband."

"I don't know what to say."

I sigh, make sure there's no one in the nearby alley, then activate the item box and throw the purchased cabbage into the space.

"Now, do you want to continue shopping? Better than that, why did you follow me?

"Because only Flora was with Kazuto the whole time. Men and women are famous among magicians when proportional to their time together."

Mint's theory has come out, but I'm going through.

And it's troublesome.

Why, if I'm buying travel ingredients with Mint...

- An hour ago, Adventurer Guild backyard in Altria, the capital city.

"Lancelot, by the way, how long will it take for the carriage to be ready? You don't have to be specific. Mostly."

"Well... I think we can have it ready a little after noon, including the arrangements."



Altria's Adventurer Alliance Master.

As soon as I saw the material of the dragon I came to sell, he was a polite opportunist and the royal family of the Principality of Alto also requested my support.

"Well, I'm going to go buy it out, okay?

"Buying you a trip?

I snort at Lancelot's words.

"Okay, then let's put an anze on it. Is this the first time you've seen Altria's market?

"No, because I don't need anything else -"

What makes you sad and have to take a guy who was staring at me like that?

"No... no..."

"What? Is there a problem, too? If you don't take me, it's not good."

"Ugh, um..."

Lancelot closes his mouth to my words with a look that seems hard to say somewhere.

If there's anything really going on, I want you to say it right...

Looking at her jiggly, she began to sigh and say, "Well, marriage is fashionable among adventurer guild women..." I snort at Lancelot's words.

But marriage was one of the most popular words of the times of divine civilization.

It should have been a word made primarily for carnivorous women looking to marry to get herbivorous boys.

I don't know much about it, but I've read in the book that saying it was a world of weak and strong eating in relation to carnivores and herbivores is a theory of the world today.

I don't know the truth very well, but some carnivorous women called the guy ATM or something...

ATM, something sounds strong.

"I mean, trying to sacrifice me for that wedding girl?

"Not so! I'm not..."


I think with my arms around me.

I guess there's pressure from the women because I'm going to panic.

I don't think the Alliance Master has the best reason to be hostile to me.

"I don't like Anze."

Lancelot's complexion changes to my words.

I saw a smile in a good way, not a bad one.

"So long! Maylin, the best receptionist in the Adventurers Guild, I'd recommend you, for example?


"Ugh, um... I'm still a rookie for the second year since I joined the Adventurers Guild, and I'm a good family kid -"

"Wait for that story!

There was a woman who had just spoken to Lancelot halfway through and talked to me and Lancelot with a loud voice that sounded in the backyard as if to interfere with that mouth.

"- Who is it?

And I don't know if Nori would like it, but Lancelot, the guild master, looks back and says, "Huh, Flora, do you have the other two?" and had his neck clenched.

However, I don't have a particular problem with the misconception that Flora and I are engaged...

- That's what I thought...

"I see…, Lord Kazuto said no or agreed. After all, there's no way we can have irrelevant people like replacing huge debts."

"- Hmm?"

I don't know why, but we're moving in the wrong direction, aren't we?

"Okay, let's give up. The carriage is here. I'll take responsibility for the process. You should prepare for your journey at the market. They are adventurers, too. I'll tell you what."

"... ok"

Well, can I stay misunderstood anymore...

It's a hassle to walk with extra people.

- Lancelot, I'll come back later.

I pass next to Lancelot and open the door that leads to the Adventurer Guild building and try to get inside.

Then Mint, the magician, caught my arm.

"Kazt. I'll accompany you. I don't admit to disagreement."

"- No, because you can do as much shopping as you want, right?

"As a magician, I can't see that. It's the magician's job to buy cheap like a magician."

I'm not sure what Mint is talking about.

Anyway, I try to shake my arm somewhere.

That's where I noticed.

From the door location leading to the backyard, from the Adventurer Guild reception counter, in full view...

Naturally, even from the five receptionists sitting at the counter, you can see how I am now...

"Wow, okay..."

I don't even want to think that there's a chance that the receptionist who's looking at me here with a beast's eye is going to tell me.

I could only understand for a moment that grass-fed boys in the age of divine civilization had a lot of difficulty.

"Kazt. The steps are stopped"

In Mint's words you've spoken to me, I've been drawn back to reality.

Mint pulls my arm when he gives me a slightly suspicious look.

I'll see the still bright blue sky before I get after the mint.

Then by the time I had finished purchasing ingredients and other items and arrived at the Adventurer's Guild, the sailcarriage was already ready.