Divine Costume Holy Sword Fafnir

Buried History (29)

"Mint? You, it..."

Fennel gives Mint's chest a stunning look! I look at it with my mouth wide open and eaten.

And - when I suddenly thought you were turning your gaze towards me, I said, "No way!? Mr. Kazuto? Mr. Kazt rubbed the mint's chest big...... and... did...?," he made a blundering remark.

"Come on, it hasn't been a day since we split up, there's no way you're going to grow that much"

I was stuck in the middle of nowhere.

"- So, but! Some of Mr. Kazuto's swordsmanship is magical..."

"It's a big mistake if you think you can do anything magically. Mostly, there's no way the prairie can be an active volcano - guff."

He was beaten with something like a stick from behind in the middle of a conversation.

Looking back, I see the mint turning bright red in his face and drawing demonic squares in the air at the same time as a magical chant with his body trembling.

"Hey, don't! Stupid! If I used flame-based magic here..."

"Shut up! Fireball!

A mass of fire over a thousand degrees over two meters screamed and unleashed by the mint blows me and the nearby clothes and so on all the way down the corridor.

At the same time as the glass broke, I got stuck outside the clothes store.

I look around and sigh as I pay off the broken glass scattered around me.

"I see..."

Take the wooden knife out of the item box, on the other side of who we came down.

This means watching the direction in which the city leads to Central is present. Gui Woo God Extinction moves: Activate the Disease Thunder God.

Bioelectricity enhances cell proliferation in the flesh and increases the speed of all electrical signals in the optic nerve.

Physical strengthening where magically put it.

"I didn't think so..."

Flow a biological current through the wooden knife.

As a result, the magic circuit carved into the wooden knife activates, amplifies the biocurrent, and returns to me and begins circulating.

"Reacted to the magic of the flames? I don't think so."

I squeeze the wooden knife with my right hand as I speak of my predictions.

The circulating and amplified biological current causes the wooden knife to glow blue and light.

"First! The Gui Wood God is doomed! Thunder Slash!"

Swing the wooden knife down from the top to the bottom at once.

A slaughter that far exceeds the physical limits of an ordinary man cuts through the atmosphere, leaving it charged as a blade of vacuum to go straight ahead and destroy a few red dolls that emerged from the aisle.

"Mr. Kazt! What's the noise now?

I guess I heard the battle echo all the way inside the store.

Flora and mint soon emerged ahead of Fennel.

Fennel's been talking to me, but I'm going to check the situation, touching the doll I knocked down silently.

"Apparently, there were other puppets in there."

"Is there anything else? but...... why didn't you react when we were looking for the store?

"I don't know. One thing I can tell you is that you may have reacted to the flame-based magic of the mint?

I turn my gaze towards the mint.

"- Ugh!? Kazuto called my chest a prairie. Sexual harassment, so I'm not bad"

"Before I was bad, not bad, if it wasn't for me, I'd have been hurt badly, wouldn't I?


"Damn, think a little more and use magic. Stay calm and settle down at all times! It would be the magician who makes magical choices and deals with them."

"... gusu -"

"Flora! The cuz! Kazuto!"


I sigh scratching my back of my head.

"Mint, you're not gonna tell me again and again? A magician, including you, must calmly gain the power to look around under any circumstance, no matter how dangerous the party is placed in. If you don't, your people will die one day, okay?


"Mr. Kazt. That's about it…, I'll tell Mint from me."

"... ok. And Fennel, I don't know what's in the basement. Once we get back outside, we'll set up a tent and try to get some rest. In fact, I couldn't even sense the automatic doll until it moved. Being badly ambushed when you're resting only drains you physically and mentally."


Fennel, apparently, wanted to spend the night underground, but I just have to ask him to give it up.