Divine Costume Holy Sword Fafnir

Complex Thoughts (2)

Finger Altria, the capital of the Principality of Alto, by putting a widened map on a nearby rock.

"First...... The closest you can find is Princess Rumelia of the Principality of Alto."

"Does that mean we're going to see Princess Rumelia?


When Flora heard my words, she shook her head and said, "What!? I can't do that! It's not that easy to see a royal family in one country!," he says.

Mint also said "Kazt. It's just impossible to see royalty. It just takes time to process," has affirmed Flora's words.

"Hmm......, how about via Adventurer Guildmaster? You owe Altria's Adventurer Alliance Master a lot of things, don't you?

"- Indeed, then..."

Fennel snorted as he looked at the map and said, "So what do you do, Mr. Kazt?" He asks.

"As I was saying, I'm going to go after Kaisardo"

"Kaisardo? As I said earlier, are you related to the ruins of this divine civilization?

"- Right. The three of you had demons who hadn't talked about it yet, but who attacked Isperia at the Aristocratic Academy, right?

He confirmed that Flora and Mint nodded, starting with Fennel, and then told him, "The chief seems to be Kaisardo that demon tribe".

I mean, as planned, all three of them look surprised.

"Kazt. The demons who had attacked the College of Aristocracy had used relics from the period of divine civilization as weapons. Dangerous by yourself."

Mint grabbed the torso hem I was wearing and talked to the boss, but to be honest, all three of them aren't strong enough to fight the Demons.

If you were a student at the Isperian College of Nobility where I taught swordsmanship straight away, you wouldn't have a problem taking them.

It's just - because I made a pact with the Black Dragon Divine Clan.

Originally, they are strong because they can temporarily use the mighty magic that humans cannot have.

In exchange for that, more knowledge and stronger magic powers, but the three of them are still in the process of developing.

We must not take you to the Kaisel Empire.

I wasn't going to take you either way...

"Mint. The status quo that's going around in the back, we can't outrun the other guy even if we're acting together. What we do is stop the Great Destroyer from resurrecting. You saw the information on the age of divine civilization, didn't you? If that thing comes back to life, the continent will disappear instead of the country."

"I know but..."

Mint still has a look that doesn't seem to say enough, but we just have to convince him here.

"In the meantime, Mint, Fennel and Flora ask the Altrian Adventurer Guildmaster to follow me to the Royal Palace"

"Okay - so what else?

He nods at me with the look on his face that Mint said he might.

Because I understand the seriousness of things, I guess I know there's no point in disputing them.

"If I could get in touch with Lumelia, I would also be able to contact Eiren of the White Dragon Divine Nation and Rafra of the Kingdom of Lawrence..."

"Maybe Princess Rumelia has already been captured or something?

I said to Fennel, "You don't have that, do you?" I felt uncomfortable trying to spin the words.

That the Demon King Granzard was killed.

And the incredible thing about not finding that body.

They're all too good for you...

"No -"

With my hand on my chin, I think about the worst thing that's ever happened to me, for a moment but in my head.

That's in the trade city of Romane.

Rafra and Aylene have followed me to the trade city of Romane.

The problem is, after that.

Usually a monster that divinely soldiers into an erosive labyrinth that shouldn't appear.

Until now, I thought Kaisardo had turned all his hands...

What if 4 sage men were involved with regard to the labyrinth?

And then, all of a sudden, Rafra and Aylene went back to the Kingdom of Lawrence, and even if it were all scripted?

"Is this..., pretty unsavory?


"No. - For now, if you can't get in touch with Rumelia, then talk to the school director in the school city of Isperia. There must be a woman named Elsa, so if you tell her I asked you to help me because there's a crisis looming between Eiren of the White Dragon God and Rafra de Lawrence, the princess of the Kingdom of Lawrence."

"Okay. I don't know what it is, Mr. Kazt..."

It was Flora who had answered my words.

She looked me straight in the eye and said, "If I help you, you'll do us one favor, won't you?" He has spoken.

"Oh, okay. Just as much as I can handle it."

Flora, who was listening to me, sees Mint and Fennel.

Then I saw the sight of the two of them nodding powerfully and over again.

I have a very bad feeling about why.

I feel as if the carnivore targeted me...

I just got a bad feeling, and when Flora smiled at Nicole and me, she said, "Then you'll do me a favor the next time I see Mr. Kazt".

"Wow, okay. Well, there's one more thing I'd like to ask you..."

"What is it?

"No, I'd rather ask Mint than Flora. The skills they used are about technology, but I'd like you to tell me more."

- Yes.

The technical concept of mint or fennel skills that were attacking Casper as if he had predicted his movement.

I felt that the unknown technology would be necessary for future battles.