Divine Costume Holy Sword Fafnir

Continental Anomalies (11)

Walking north through the wilderness from the town of Angus for about 10 minutes.

"Dear Kazt, it will be there"

At the tip of Alice's finger, she could see the building of a nearly collapsing population.

The building exists in such a way that it is half-way into a chopped cliff.

"Is that it?

"Yes, once, when I came to confirm with Angus' defensemen, I confirmed that demons would come out of that entrance"


I, listening to Alice, lay my hand on my chin, gaze in the direction of what I was told to be the entrance to the dungeon, to check my surroundings. Gui Woo God Extinguishes: Activates the Divine Eye.

"Especially if you can't confirm the existence of demons."

"Can you tell from this distance?

I snort at Alice's words.

Gui Wood Divine Extinguishing is an energy substance to force cells to move by sending directives to mitochondria that create the cellular energy of the flesh - a technique to produce biocurrents in large quantities.

My grandfather was taught that manipulating the biological current created forces interference and creates events on nanomachines that fill the atmosphere.

And the divine eye can confirm all the surrounding sights, the interfering and reacting organisms.

I wonder if it is possible to find out more about inorganic materials that do not respond to the problem.

"In the meantime, I think Alice should go back to Angus town?

"No, I'm getting there too"

"Is that all you need to know? In the dungeon, I haven't figured it all out yet."

"Then it's a pity. I know Master Kazuto is excellent at swordsmanship, but it meant he couldn't use magic... Besides, elves can use spiritual magic."

"Spirit magic..."

From my grandfather, I learned magic formulas and science, as well as structural changes and molecular and atomic sequences of objects.

The magic used by Aylene and Rafra is the same in terms of interfering with nanomachines, although my moves and processes are different in that they are ultimately activated by interfering with the nanomachines present in the atmosphere.

However, the problem is the technology called skill in spiritual magic.

I haven't learned anything from my grandfather about these two things.

"What's wrong?

"No, it's nothing. Do you want to head to the dungeon for now...... Don't leave because you don't know what's gonna happen, okay?

Step into an abandoned building.

From behind, check the entrance while detecting the signs of Alice arriving, but you can't see the demon.

- I can't see the demon coming out.


Nodding at her words, she points to her feet.

"Oh. The fact that large numbers of organisms move around in the first place is bound to leave traces. That's the entrance to this building, there's no trace of it."

"But when I checked before, demons were coming out..."

"Speaking of which..."


"No, it's nothing"

Speaking of which, I think I've heard in the trade city of Romane before that erosion-type dungeons are not like regular dungeons.

Step into the dungeon from the entrance as you look around.

After a short walk, the scenery changes from concrete to stone aisles.


Alice arrives in a hurry from behind.

I decide to wait for her to catch up with me as I sigh.

Her strength is not that high from the way her body moves.

It was due to the consideration that it was dangerous to be alone.

"Alice, don't leave because it's dangerous."

"I'm sorry. I don't know why, but I've been heavy since I entered the labyrinth."

"Heavy body?

"Yes, and I can't breathe."

"I don't feel any particular abnormality..."

Activating the divine eye doesn't detect anything strange.

"You have no choice. Do you want to slow down a little?"