Divine Costume Holy Sword Fafnir

Urban Labyrinth of Doom (5)

"Have you finally arrived downstairs..."

Elvest is whining to himself in a sigh.

And the man's back was carried by Alice, who couldn't stand hunger on the way down.

What is this guy really doing here? And I can't help but go in.

If this is the case, I can't do it any more. But you should have delivered it to town.

Well - I think Alice would have developed into a killer when we met each other if she wasn't around.


I'll check the perimeter.

of course while manipulating the current in the body and releasing it as a field to examine the surroundings.

"What do you say?

I can't see anything moving, especially.

Elvest said, "Right. You want to take a break? 'Cause I've been talking about it, and I snort, including the meaning of consent.

It took at least a day to get down the stairs.

In the meantime, neither I nor Elvest have slept.

Sometimes it's because of all the hassles, including scaffolding, if you get attacked by demons on the stairs, but the primary reason was because you didn't feel like sleeping in a place with unstable feet.


After putting Alice on the floor who was carrying her, Elvest deposits her back on the sitting wall with a huge sigh of sigh.

No matter how much I say we don't fight when we're in this labyrinth, we're enemies.

I want you to feel a little more nervous.

You're a warrior at first.

"Do you have any food left, by the way?

"Well......, there is something to say"

Mainly the meat of the Tenjin Dragon or something, but I haven't put it out as a waste to feed it to Elvest.

You're an insect, but I thought to myself, three meters out of the item box, I'd take out a spider's body and throw it.

"You're in danger!

"Be as grateful as you can be for the food. By and large, I'm the one who knocked it down."

"- Ku..."

Elvest gives me a look like he bit down a bitter bug.

"I'll tell you one thing. I don't want to fight you because Alice is here."

"I know. And if I fight you, I'll lose for sure."

"If you understand. For once, I won't fight you in front of him, but I'm not going to get used to it. You're killing irresistible people."


"You don't have to make excuses, do you? Because facts are facts. Whatever title you guys are putting up, what you're doing is nothing but killing people. Besides, it doesn't change the fact that you're killing people who don't have the skill to fight. We swordsmen and warriors like you are good. You've gained strength to fight to protect something. And that means you and I are ready to die more than pointing weapons at others."


Silence. I hear Elvest isn't going to say anything back to me.

In the first place, what Kaisardo is doing is nothing more than a massacre of humans without the art of fighting.

That is not to be allowed to put up any major nickname.

"I'm immature but I'm a swordsman. Grandpa said I have a duty to protect the weak who don't have the skill to fight. So I don't fight people who don't have the skills to fight, and I'm going to defend them. But you are targeting women and those who do not have the power to fight even during the ruffle of the Royal Castle of Fafnir during the time of the Academy of Isperian Nobility. Those guys and I are not going to get along. One side or another."

"Okay," Elvest said in a sigh, beginning to dismantle the spider after he had answered.

And after a while Alice wakes up and says, "I'm hungry..." she bellies as Elvest sees the spider broiled in fire.