A number of doors are present on the wall at the end of the passage.



While agreeing with Elvest's words, he pushes the wall panel with his fingertips but has no reaction at all.

"Um... What is an elevator?

He asks if Alice has questioned our words.

"The elevator is one of the mobile transport systems that was used during the divine civilization"

"Is that different from a transporter?

"No. The transporter is performing a spatial transfer, but the elevator will be moving the object"

"Spatial transfer…"

Make sure the electricity isn't on while listening to Elvest and Alice talk.

I guess it means that some of the equipment is alive and some of the equipment is dead.


"What are you going to do?

"No, other than the elevator, we can see the route down the emergency stairs, but it's quite a distance, huh?

"Hmm...... Why don't we just check what's going on in the elevator for now?

"Right...... If we're lucky, there might still be a line hanging from the elevator."

Stick your hands into the gap between the doors and squeeze the doors open at once while strengthening your body.

Giggly, a black cavity popped into his eyes as the door opened with a squeaky noise.

"I thought the line you were hanging from was broken."

I'll open the doors of the other elevators just in case, but all the lines are broken and the dark space just keeps going down.

I'm glancing inside, and when Elvist lines up next to me, he looks down and sighs, "Is that the effect of aging? Is that the only way to use the emergency stairs..." he said...

"No - there's another way"

"How? There's no way to use a hanging line to get down, so there's no way to get through the emergency stairs, is there?

"Alice. Hey, come here"

"What is it?

Alice, who didn't think she was going to be called, comes up to me with a strange look.

I held Alice aside and then kicked Elvest's back.


"Mr. Kazt!?

"Keep your mouth shut! I'm gonna bite your tongue!

"The Gui Mu God Extinguishes: The Thunder God of Disease!

While holding Alice in his left hand, the wooden knife in his right hand flushes and amplifies the biocurrent back into the body, and then strengthens the cells and transmission nerves in the body.

And jump onto the elevator shaft that leads to the basement.

Unlike Elvest, which is gaining speed due to universal gravity, I overtake Elvest in an instant because I'm running down the wall.

That's what I was watching, Elvest said, "You're lying, right? You know, there's a lot of insanity. Ooh," he yelled, "but that doesn't matter.

Finally, it doesn't matter if Alice's voice that says "yaaaaaa" sounds inside the elevator shaft.

We arrive underground after about 20 seconds of running through the wall.

I immediately took down Alice and took Elvest, who had fallen.

Elvest was blowing bubbles out of his mouth and passed out......

You're a completely gutless one.

You can't follow the training of the Gui Tree God to destroy the current? And as I looked around as I put in the penetration, I could see a rusty mass of iron laying around in a tumble.

"I see..."

After lowering the elvest over the iron floor, touch the falling iron mass in your hand.

What I thought was a chunk of iron was a twist of elastic metal, and this was probably what was hoisting the elevator.

- Then...

"Are you saying it's at your feet?

"Mr. Kazt? It's dark and I can't see anything."

"I'm sorry."

I collect the biological current that was circulating in my body at the tip of the wooden knife.

This creates a blue and white thunderlight on the wooden knife and illuminates the surrounding space.

"What magic is that? I've never seen it..."

"Magic or electricity..."

With the light created at the cutting edge, I'm going to look into the elevator ceiling that I thought was an iron floor.

"Sounds like it's here."

There are cuts in all directions.

Mint has told me about the divine civilization several times.

He said the elevator ceiling had an escape mouth.

Totally amazing at mint erudition.

Kicking the center surrounded by cuts across all sides opens the entrance where part of the floor falls and leads down.

"- Cool. Oh, I..., are you alive?

"You're waking up a lot slower."

"I'm dying because of you!

Elvest is staring at me in the face of anger.

"It's okay because I'm not dead. We're just ahead of that."

"Hey! Reflect a little!

Jesus, yeah, you're the guy who says this when you say it.