Divine Costume Holy Sword Fafnir

On Silver Night (15)

"... well..."

When I breathed, my grandfather put his hand over my head...

"Thank God for that."


"Now, save Aylene."

I'm coming.

I walk to the White Dragon God Falls.

After walking for a while, my legs started to move normally.

No way......

"Fully healed? Could it be......, the energy created by mitochondria activated physical regeneration to increase healing power?

It's something I put out in my mouth somehow, but I think it's intuitive to be sure of that.

At the same time, I feel that my body has become lighter.

A completely different feeling than before.

That - every time I walked... but I found out for sure that the composition of my flesh had never been the same.


In front of the waterfall kettle, Aylene was dressed in white and put to sleep.

And Mr. Albertras, standing beside him, looked at me and spun my name.

"Sorry to keep you waiting..."

"So, what about the trials?

"I'm sure you can help Aylene."

I approach Aylene and hold her right hand with both hands.

It's so hot, my hands burn and burn, but in an instant, the cells repair and turn into skin without burns.

"Oh, this is..., definitely. I need my daughter, Ellen."

I snort at Mr. Albertras' words.

My grandfather, like he said, thinks of his own cells and -, the image of Aylene's cells fusing into his head.

At the same time, the heat from her body enters me.

It will offset those heat with the energy created by ordering mitochondria.

"- Knock..."

Thermal energy flows into your body that doesn't change whether you offset it or not.

There's so much pain in my body that it falls apart that I run all over my body... but still, I think desperately of her and - and the image of Aylene and her cells blending together - in my head.

- And.

The cells in my body -, the image of melting with a completely different cell - were completed in my head, and at the same time, polar white light was emitted around me.

When I opened my eyes, there was nowhere to see Aylene sleeping in front of me.

Silver hair is visible when you look around you.

Even though I say my hair color is black...

As soon as I saw it, I understood.

I mean, this is...



"Sounds like you succeeded, huh?


"That'll be the Divine Costume"

"This is..."

"It's time to open up that child's body. The method of separation can only think of one's original cells"


My grandfather is right, I float the way my cells are in my heart.

That's all -, Allen showed up in front of me.

Until earlier, Allen is asleep with a calm breath, turning away from being invaded by the disease and having a painful look on her face.

"I managed to make it work..."

"Mm-hmm. That's my grandson."

My grandfather talked as he stroked my head as I sat up tired.

I look up into the sky. [M]

In the sky, silver and silver scales developed when Aylene and the cells were divided, coloring the night sky.