- Less than 10 hours from the town of Angus to the imperial capital of the Kaisel Empire, Luzenia.

The sun is already sinking.

On the road, you can't see villages, towns, etc., in particular.

Just take the streets that you can't say are maintained, even east.

"Mr. Kazt, are you okay?

"- Hmm? Yeah, no problem."

At the same time as physical manipulation, the Gui Wood God Extinguishes is also a move to order energy production to mitochondria in cells.

And the energy created allows us to repair physical damage, repair cells, and even cover the energy we use to do things again.

For this reason, anything that can use the Gui Wood God Extinguishing Stream can basically keep moving just by putting the sleep aside for a few days as long as it has the original energy.

"It's time for the sun to set."

Alice, over her back -, talking from inside the front carriage.

"No - so I'm telling you it's no problem, right? Even Alice was exploring the dungeon with me."

"Yes, but..."

Looking back, her complexion is not excellent.

Apparently, there's something wrong...

To be honest, I don't know what kind of problems a woman has... but I can't help it.

"Okay. Let's rest here today."

The surrounding area is not nearly as green as the town of Angus, but is it due to the effects of desertification?

Just in case, check the surrounding area with the Gui Wood God Extinct: Divine Eye, but there are small organism reactions, but there are no organisms that can be particularly threatening.

Move the front carriage to the side of the cobblestone street, remove the dry goods and cookware from the front carriage, use the water in the barrel and put the dry goods back in the water.

And add spices and the like to make instant meat soup.

After preparing the solid-roasted bread there, you can cook with apples and other fruits.

"Mr. Kazt, we've got herbal tea"

"This is just the way it was done."

We both eat while sitting on a nearby dry marutai.

Already in the sun, it's completely set and the surroundings are dark.

In the meantime, only the firewood in front of me and Alice sitting around brightly illuminates their surroundings.

The ingredient for firewood was the end of the trees that had fallen from the dead leaves because the area was dry.

"... Um"

"What's wrong with you?

"Mr. Kazt's, your grandfather killed the people who lived in Angus town, didn't he?


"I've been thinking"


"How could Mr. Kazt's grandfather have easily killed people"


Her... I don't have words to answer Alice's words.

Because, from the victim's point of view, I'm more than blood related, I'm just the one who leads the assailant.

Where the perpetrator said how irrelevant he was to another person, it doesn't matter from the victim's point of view.

The family of the perpetrator is part of the perpetrator from the victim's point of view, no matter where he goes.

So I have no excuse.

How much excuse I made, where I overlapped words, because that's what the perpetrator side thinks and has nothing to do with the victim.

On the contrary, by overlapping excuses, for the victim - because for those who have suffered, that is nothing more than whipping a corpse.

"Mr. Kazt's grandfather said. Resurrecting Fafnir, the Great Destroyer of the Deep Sea..."


"I've heard from Master Erin Feet before. Human beings, he said, were made by divine civilizers. Maybe Mr. Kazt's grandfather thinks people like their stuff?

"... I guess so. But... that's wrong."


In my words, Alice gives me a Kyotong look.

"I already think this world belongs to the people who live today. Because people are taking off the wedges of the divine civilized."

Yes - Casper, the four sages who fought me before.

What I thought when I fought that.

That means Mint, Fennel, and Flora had the power to defeat the Four Sages Casper.

I mean, aren't the humans living today evolving out of the thoughts created in the age of divine civilization?

"But... in the end -, the town of Angus is like that..."

"That's why. I have to clean up my own mess. Plus, he got his hands on my people. So - I have to settle. I don't know why I did this."

"Mr. Kazt......"

"The Gui Wood God Extinction is a sword and shield that protects the weak. Yes, Grandpa taught me. Even the less talented say it's swordsmanship to stay strong. I still believe in it, and to that philosophy -, ideally - if my grandfather is disobeying me, I must hang on my sword to protect the weak. It's like a proof that I'm me."

"... Really..."

"Oh, so... if you think Alice can't forgive me for being the same blood relative as your grandfather, why don't you wait until everything's done?


"I don't think hatred is a bad thing."

"No!? I don't think Mr. Kazt is bad. True, it would be a lie if I told you that your grandfather had no feelings of hatred or anger. But! I'm just saying that blood ties are connected, and if I point the spear at you, I'll -... for the rest of my life, I think I'll regret it..."

"Well... you're strong"


"I'm not sure I can restrain myself if I'm put in the same position."

".................. Am I cold?

"No, I think you have a strong heart. It's amazing."

"Mr. Kazt......"

Alice looks at me with her moist eyes, but I get up from Marutai, who was sitting there.

"It's too late for the night. I'll take care of the bedtime, so you should sleep in the carriage. I brought more blankets."


She walked into the front carriage when she placed the dishes on top of Marutai.