Divine Costume Holy Sword Fafnir

Windell Castle Town Case (9)

Let's just say we change the subject.

"Lumelia, what did the literature say?

"Yes, many divine soldiers and heroes using mechanism tactical cuttlefish said they sealed the power of Fafnir... And three keys were used in doing so..."

"Three? No way......"

"The weapon that Kazuto used when he merged with me... looks like a key."

"I see..., so..., tough. That was Rafra or Aylene - and you tried to catch Rumelia"

But there are things that don't fall to your heart.

"But you sealed it with the Divine Costume Holy Sword, didn't you? Three keys means..."

"It wasn't even written in the literature. But... to say that you came after me when Kazuto wasn't here..."

"I mean, not as a divine costume holy sword -"

"Yes, I can probably interpret it as requiring an individual with experience fused together as a divine costume holy sword..."

Rumelia has spoken with a lack of confidence - but I feel that's a hit.

Rather, I can't think of anything else.

When I fought Sema the Four Wise Men, Harsh didn't even put me in my teeth.

Wouldn't that be more proof than anything?

"Right. That's all I need to know."

"It will take about a week for my magic to recover. In the meantime..."

"You mean you can't move it?

"If it's okay to just sleep in a carriage..."

"Then there's the front carriage. Sleep in the front carriage while you're on the move."

"Okay. I'm a little tired, so I'm gonna go to bed."

Closed his eyes, Rumelia starts to get a regular sleep.

"Um..., Mr. Kazt..."

"What's up?

"Are you really going on a journey? Take the princess of the Principality of Alto..."

"You have no choice, do you? I don't know what will happen to Ralph or Aylene if we don't hurry up... Besides, I don't think it's going to end without anything, once and for all, using the things that almost destroyed the world. And..."


"My grandfather's -, I need to hear the sincerity of strict. My grandfather said the powerful are in a position to protect the weak who have no fighting skills. We have to make sure that's true."

I whined the words to convince myself - but it was..., it was clear that the answer was already out there.

Grandfather -, Haruna Guigi -, I don't see Medidata as a human being, who is living today.

I only see things.

So... I have to stop my grandfather.

"My swordsmanship, Gui Ki's demise, is for the weak to beat the strong, and to protect the powerless."