Divine Costume Holy Sword Fafnir

Princess Meets Swordsman (13) Lumelia side

- Altria, the capital of the Principality of Alto.

On the terrace that leads from a room in the castle that stands in the center of it, I was looking out onto the view.

Already, the sun sets so much that the town is wrapped in a book of nights and the lights can only be seen a little bit.

Such a city was like a starry sky in the night sky that would come into view if you looked up at the sky.

Kazt, I've been back from the end forest where you are for a week.

I was very bored.

"Dear Lumelia, it's time for your holidays -"

The interior was illuminated by grease that could be removed from animal oils, but I really don't like the smell.

Though magical brightness could be done without creation, we must avoid creating light for long periods of time with overwhelming magic as a demon clan, more than coexisting with humans.

- Because the demons are afraid of humans.


To the samurai's words, I rise from the terrace seat and return to the room.

Still, the temperature outside is high - just being indoors where the wind doesn't blow gets heat on my body and sweat comes out of my skin.

"That's hot."

"Shall we arrange the use of the magic of ice and the magic of the wind?

"I don't mind. Because I'm just going to bed anyway. Could you let me sleep alone more than that?

"If anything happens, we're waiting for you to be able to protect the princess immediately, so it's..."


I lie on my bed sighing small in my heart.

Honestly, I want it to be a little cooler.

Still, it's easier to live than before because a man named Haruna Guiki is letting the Principality of Alto sustainably shake the rain of grace.

"I thought you said vaporized..."

However, Kazuto said that the domestic temperature would also drop if a person named Haruna Guiki sustained the rain in the Principality of Alto.

- He just said it would get hot and humid.

"It's really hot and humid."

Goro rolls with a small sigh and a pillow hug on the bed.

A sleeping female knight who looked at me like that and waited beside me, not a samurai, flaunts her face, but that's not what I knew.

The pillow, I asked your father to prepare it, but when I compare it to you, Kazto -, I'm really inferior to you.

Besides, Kazuto, there was something cool in your house, and it was always cool and the drinks were always cold.

Demons have basically lower body temperatures than common humans.

It is a weak species in the summer.

"Could you put the cooler on the castle..."

Kazuto said it was difficult because he needed something called electricity...