Divine Costume Holy Sword Fafnir

Royal Castle Talks (3)

"Mr. Kazt, Mr. Kazt"

"- What?

Alice talks as she manipulates the horse's reins to follow the horseman as if he were ahead of our front carriage.

"Is that good? Follow them."

"Good or nothing, we can't go through the back alley with this."

In a front carriage of considerable size, trying to pass through the back alley to the place where the exterior walls of the castle were opened sometimes said to be critical in width, making it difficult to manipulate the horse.

Then it's easier to go down the main street.

And even if there's something else, you can fight it.

"That's right..."

"Better than that, you keep your face out of the front carriage?

"Yes, for once, because I'm out of the royal castle with permission from Lord Elvest -"

"Did you say you were going to see us?


I don't know anymore.

Me and Kaisardo say they're hostile, but I wouldn't do anything to send someone with information to those people if it were me.

I mean, it's normal to assume you have any ideas...

"Right. More than that, did Alice hear anything about Kaisardo's arrival?

"I didn't say anything about that. If I had known, I would have informed Mr. Kazt."


There seems to be no lie in what you have just said.

I mean, either Elvest didn't intentionally tell Alice the information - or he didn't really know it.

Either way, do you think we have to meet and ask what's on our minds?

- The royal castle, where the castle gate can be seen, a double-open gate made of iron that says will be 5 meters high, opens with a sound.

At the same time, the men standing on the walls at the same time - if my appearance is not wrong, that is a brass instrument called trumpet that was used in the days of divine civilization.

Get it.

"... hey, this is-"

I only have a bad feeling of whining.

"Mr. Kazt, this is-"

"Totally unexpected"

At the same time the brass instrument -, the trumpet is sounded.

Around you can hear people cheering from within the castle gate so much that you wonder where people were at the same time as the high noise sounded.

"Mr. Kazuto, this looks like a lot of welcome."

"Sounds like it..."

Honestly, I didn't know you were going to take this means...


"- Wow, because I really don't know anything!

That's how we get through the castle gate.

Then just above the balcony of the royal castle comes.

There stands a man in white armor, blue hair and blue eyes...

"Long time no see, Cazt de Caizel"

"My name is Gui Ki Man. Kaisardo, what kind of joke is this?

I slap words on the Caizardo de Caizel without worrying about the people around me.