Divine Costume Holy Sword Fafnir

Past Memories - Epilogue

A huge continent, the continent of Laurencia, in the heart of Agarta's world.

One airship was flying over it.

Airship -, the clouds around Nautilus flow backwards at a speed to awesome.

And there's a shadow looking out from that ship...

"Dear Elvest,"

"What's wrong with you?

"Ha, to the ship room."


"Um, Master Elvest"

Elvest trying to make his way to the cockpit. Elvest turning his gaze toward the young soldier pulling from behind.

"What's wrong with you? Nell."

"............... can Master Elvest forgive a person named Kazt?

"... what do you mean?

"I killed my father! Tie hands with that man, etc! To me..."

You mean Feldezard?

A younger than 20 years old named Nell, who heard Elvest whining, nods without saying that he bites off his lips.

"It's all up to His Majesty to decide."

"- But!

"We are saved by Your Majesty and fighting for the people."

"I know that! There's a big name for it!

"Big name..."

"Dear Elvest?

"We are fighting at the expense of a few to save many people. You can't find a name there."

"- That's..., an unforgivable sacrifice..."

"There is no such thing as a great name at the time of the sacrifice, nor can I justify my actions. Besides - I'm not forgiving a man named Kazt. Because he's also the man who killed his comrades."

"- Then!"

"But there would be an order of things, wouldn't there? Don't get me wrong about who we really fight. It is important that we, the humans, defeat the Great Destroyer of the Deep Sea in order to win our own survival. He who becomes a force for it will use it, even if he is an enemy."

"... then..."

"After all the battles are over, this I will defeat Kazt"

"Then, myself, too!


Just saying we're done talking, Elvest starts walking down the aisle in the airship.

And -, where we arrived - the metal door in front of it opens with the sound of air escaping.

Inside the operating room there was a large space about 20 meters across, 20 meters deep and 5 meters high. Inside the space, there are several geometric chairs and a desk, with video on the desk -, a console panel output.

Those console panels were installed three at each end of the central aisle separating the indoors, and the operator was not busy with the panels to carry out the operation.

"Radio signal -, message received"

One -, a woman in her late 20s reads the data displayed on her own console.

"Read it."

"Yes! The radio signal was sent to the Confederation of Seyrains -, the headquarters of the Church of Remeirard. From the Virgin Remeirard, there are directions for the way forward."

"I see..."

"On the main monitor, display the navigation route"

Along with the operator's report, a monitor is projected into the overhead space and a path navigation diagram is displayed.

"Dear Elvest, Your arrival at Remeirard Church Headquarters will be in about five minutes."

"Right. I will now report to Master Kaisardo. Upon arrival, follow the instructions of the Church of Remeirard to make the landing"


"Nell, I'm in charge here, okay?

"I'll take care of it"

Elvest, exiting the control room, immediately heads to Kaisardo's private room.

Arriving in front of a private room, Elvest steps into Kaisardo's private room after a few knocks.

"Excuse me."


In Kaisard's private room, Kaisard, who perceived signs at the same time as Elvest stepped foot, was waking up and gazing at Elvest, who stood at the entrance.

"Yes, we will soon arrive at the headquarters of the Church of Remeirard"


Kaisardo laughing.

Elvest, who saw it, narrows his eyes a little.

"Dear Kaisardo, any good dreams?

"- No..."

Kaisardo with a small, self-derisive look there.

"I just had a little old dream. Before the founding of the country."

"It was when Lord Kaisardo became king."

"Right...... But... the past is the past. We must also turn to Remeirard for help. - Okay, let's go..."


Kaisardo leaves the private room to go to the control room.