There was a woman standing on the terrace of the royal castle, where the sun lit up too much.

"Lady Rafra, it's time"

It was a man, the deacon of the royal castle, who spoke to her like that.

Upon her first consent, she walks after the man as she returns from the terrace to her room and into the corridor.

On the left and right of it, an elderly young female knight followed with the meaning of escort.

I've been walking for awhile...

"Dear LaFleur,"

"This has been a long time, Master Lumelia"

"You're the one with the breath disaster."

"Yes. And today, were you going to rebuild the Kingdom of Lawrence?

"Yes, because many have died...... A lot of people really..."

"Right. But do not show it to your people, king."

"I understand. Because it's also a crowning ceremony."

"More than that, Master Rumelia"

We haven't found him yet.


In the words of Rumelia, the princess of the Principality of Alto, the voice of Rafra, who had refrained from the crowning ceremony, sinks.

"- But I'm sure..."


Raffle nods at Rumelia's words about encouraging Raffle.

Then head to the square where the crowning ceremony takes place.

"Ah! I'm out! You look amazing! Both of you!

"Oh yeah......"

"No more! I don't read all the books! Look! For once, we know each other!


"Your father used to say that happiness escapes with all the sighs, didn't he?

"Where are we talking about?

Two people in a crowd having such conversations.

Those two, obviously in the hall of the royal castle - were floating from the patronage of their subjects gathered at the crowning ceremony of the queen of the new Kingdom of Lawrence.

One is a red-eyed woman with silver hair that reaches to her waist.

And the other is not interested in the crowning ceremony - a brunette man rare in this world.

The man turns his gaze from the book he was reading - to the woman performing the crowning ceremony.

- Okay, let's go.

"What!? You're leaving already? Now the heavy town of the church is celebrating, isn't it?!?


"Really already..."

A silver-haired red-eyed woman following a man as he sews and moves among the people.

"If you're complaining, you don't have to follow me around, do you?

"Because I didn't say that! Besides, if I wasn't here, I'd be in trouble."

"Right. - Then Ellen. It's time for an adventure on another continent."

"Is that about the newly discovered continent of Ellida?

"That would be more interesting, wouldn't it?

"Really, it doesn't change... the cuzto-"

The two of us holding hands, after the scene.

"Look! Because if we don't hurry up, we'll be late!

"I wish you could be a dragon..."

"Because my power is that Kazt..."

"Force majeure."

The power a man needs to live in the Agarta world - it was Aylene who provided it... and for that reason the woman lost all her power.

That's why a man can't leave strong.

"Really! You don't get the mouth count!

'Cause it's a sex thing.'

- Perhaps there are a few words.

The two, the newly aroused king capital of the kingdom of Lawrence -, go out of the gates of that royal castle.

"Well, that's the beginning of a new journey."

"We're not even in port yet, are we?

"I feel like this."

"Ha-ha-ha. Really, Kazuto doesn't change wandering the border between life and death."

A woman sighing with a frightened face walks with her when she grabs a man's arm, but the man stops walking.



"I don't know what to say... help me..."

"Never mind, if Kazuto didn't help me in the first place, he wouldn't be alive in the first place like me... and it's good for me to be able to live the same time as Kazuto!

There is a grin on the woman's face that is not false.


A man with shoulders.

The two advanced their steps towards the east of the Altras continent -, the newly built port town.

The massive natural mutations that occurred on the Altras continent cost too many lives.

But only a limited number of people know the true facts.


It closed with the activity of one swordsman.

An unnamed active swordsman leaves the continent with one woman.

And -, the two figures that followed - in the Altras continent, none of those who saw existed as one.