Douluo Master of the Night

Chapter 328, two women, jealous, female royalby ratio: I am not clean!

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Looking at Luo Yu some kind of insufficient look, thousands of snow stares into the bed.

In the ends of the Ski Empire for so many years, it is more understanding of the identity of a prince.

Bed linen, blood, collapse bed ...

Thousands of snow feel that he seems to gradually be close to the truth, thinking that than the East may be fooler, her little eyelitehere can not stand up to the Double-long legs than the East.

"Thousands of snow, you are coming to send things, look at right, see what it is?" Biobi shouted.

"Cut." The thousands of snow did not have a good face. I feel that this woman may have no good things in Luo Yu.

"What do you mean, come on the morning to quarrel here? It is necessary to quarrel back to the Wushu Temple." Luo Yu rose here, I am really afraid that I will tell the problem with a rumor.

When I arrived, even if I knew it, even the Bi East, I helped myself.

A female emperor helped himself to wash the kind of thing, Luo Yu did not dare to ensure that she would not catch crazy.

In fact, he is also very wronged, I have stopped you, you have to wash, I can't stop there.

Thousands of snow and Bibi East saw Luo Yu angry appearance, stopping the quarrel directly.

"Oh, it is no wonder that I have to bring such a big bed." The thousands of snow flicked, took out a big bed, located on the ground.

This is a double bed, the above bed linen and , look at noble and a different charm.

"How do I feel that this bed is a little familiar." Luo Yu scratched his head.

Thousands of snow came from the next to, I feel that there is something that is more than the East and Luo Yu, my heart is inexplicably unhappy.

"Hey, it is not familiar. This woman is this woman, she is telling you her own bed."

Luo Yu looked at the ratio, and the other party quickly swayed: "I think you have slept in this bed before, I am afraid that I don't feel your mind, so I told me the one."


Luo Yu is a sprinkle, and it looks like he left the Wushu Hall, the woman sleeps in this bed, this ...

He still remembers that this woman seems to have a little cleansing, don't give up yourself ...

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Is a red face.

Thousands of snow arrogant will turn the Qiong nashes to the side, there is no talk there.

"Thank you, big old and far's running helped me to send a bed."

I heard Luo Yu's gentle words, the thousands of snow glasses instantly eased, I feel that the heart is general, but there is no big logo on the face, and I first answered a sentence.


"That's now ... The bed is in place, things are also finished, you can also retreat." Luo Yu gave a viability.

It is more than the love of the complaints than the East and the Thousand Snow Faces. It means that we are so tired. If you don't talk a few words, we are rushing us. We are plague?

Lu Lu is of course not so thinking, but he left these two to continue to stay here, he always feels that his small secret is not safe.

Moreover, if these two, when I am, I will come to him, I don't know how to respond.

He is not stupid, these two women who are supreme in Douro's continent are good.

He doesn't want to play feelings, I am afraid with these two proudity, I will not be peaceful with my woman, so I still refuse to be wonderful, it is best to go too close.

"Don't leave you, but you also said, now the crisis is four ordered, and the fall of the dream is also taking, but we are still lacking now, so according to the soldiers."

"I need to go out to improve a wave of strength, wait for me to come back, let's go for a while, I will not afraid of his so-called conspiracy."

"Do you want to go out?" Thousands of snow and Bi Bi also revealed curious attention.

Luo Yu is head, "Don't you have to enjoy life in the college, my sense of crisis is still quite strong, all the trouble is not completely solved, and you will not be quiet."

"Where are you going, I will go with you." Thousands of snow open mouth.

I didn't wait for Luo Yu, and the ratio was directly glanced at thousands of snow. "You are repairing, where is it enough, there is no more dangerous place, and you can't hold a little more dangerous place. "

"I can only give Lu Lu Yu's legs, I can't do anything."

Thousands of snow do not convince the way: "No matter what to say, the feathers are not the cultivation of the soul, and the secrets of going to help the soul are raised to the epidemic, I have nothing to do."

"Cough ... that is embarrassed ..."

"I am already a toutem!"

Thousands of snow, Zhang Zhang, full of face, turning to look at Luo Yu's strength, the whole person is a little, "" The strength is so fast? "

The ratio is about Luo Yu, and I am afraid that you are not safe. After all, your body is just healing, turning into a re-use, still let me go with you to take you with you. "

"You are not your martial art temple to be managed, how can you throw your pregance to accompany me?" Luo Yu applished a decision.

Bisong shook his head directly, "there is a thousand streams, I am not there any problem, then say this pope's position, I have already done it, or if this girl is too wasteful, I have already made her. "

"Who do you say is too wasteful!" Thousands of snow in the east, the momentum did not fall in the wind.

Both people belong to the type of temperament, at this time, the two meetings, exudes a different kind of style and charm.

"What are the two of you, three or two sentences can be played." Luo Yu is in a variety of words.

"Who called this little girl is always a big big!" Biye pair of red lips.

"You are not my mother, less here, leaning on the old sold old !!" Thousands of snow.

"Since I am not your mother, then I am used to you, you should hit you !!"

"You !!" Thousands of snow have grown into the beautiful, live off, like a small tiger.

"How come I?" Better than the eastward movement, the proud business line Lu Lu Yu is unless.

"You wait, my strength will definitely exceed you." Thousands of snow is still lost, the momentum and strength are weak.

"Come on!" Bisong is laughing in the happiness.

Luo Yu did not pay attention to these two guys quarreled. After this work, the Kung Fu has put into the ground on the ground, and the woods on the ground have also been swept away.

"Where are you going to start this time?" It is no longer in the east to make thousands of snow, curiosity look at Luo Yu.

"Dragon Valley." Luo Yu did not hide and replied directly.

Thousands of snow curious, "Where is the dragon?"

This time, there is no one in the East, and I have to cross the color of Shen Yu, I don't know what to say in this place in Luo Yu. Where is the location of Luo Yu?

"About in the Xingro Empire, is a very special secret, I have never been there, the specific situation is waiting for it."

"Dragon Valley, is it a dragon?" Thousands of snow pursued surprises.

Lu Lu is white, "You may think more, if there is a dragon in a mountain valley, the human beings have long been there, can there be a space living?"

Thousands of snow, "The Dragon Valley ..."

"The dragon valley you said should be the remains of the dragon." "Bisio guess the road.

Luo Yu nodded, "It's almost the same as you, but there is no remains there, tell you that it is also the dragon's body, about the dead, thousands of dragons are buried there."

"Thousands of dragons !! ???" Thousands of snow and Bi East can't sit.

That is not an ordinary soul, but the dragon.

To know that the soul of the starry dragon fertilizer can walk around, causing the blood pressure on other soul beasts, as long as it does not encounter human beings in advance, there is basically not too easy to rose to the level of the soul of the soul. .

If you have the soul of all Dragon's blood, it is basically the soul of the big forest hegemony.

However, it is better than the East and Qianxue Xue, but it seems that there is no such thing as a dragon, if you really have anything, they may not dare to easily settle the starry forest.

In fact, this is also the reason why they still don't know the emperor, but if they let them know the strength of the emperor, I am afraid I will have a bigger shock to Luo Yu said.

"There is really a thousand dragon, pure bare dragon?" The voice of the thousand snow is slight.

Lu Lu looked at him and nodded again.

Thousands of snow lost, and quickly gravized his lips.

Don't scare, I can bury thousands of dragons! !

What is the most precious material in Douro?

It is the soul ring, it is a soul bone! !

The dragon there may die for many years, but the soul of the soul?

If the cultivation of the dragons is high enough, it is a hundred thousand soul bones!

And it is the soul bone of the dragon, and the faintness is simply not ordinary soul bones.

Even if it is a compassion now, he heard that Luo Yu said that there is such a place, and it is a shocking and incredible.

"Our Wushu Temple doesn't know how to exist in this place, how do you know?" Bibi East surprised.

Luo Yu put his hand, "Your Wushu Temple is not universal, don't know more."

If others evaluate the Wushu Temple, thousands of snow and Bibi only think that the other party is arrogant, but this is said by Luo Yu, and they feel that they are ignorant.

"Okay, don't say it, wait until I will tell someone and the college."

"Can you bring ..."

Thousands of snow also want to see the world, I want to see what is the same as this kilone.

"No." Luo Yu interrupted her speech.

"People are not a treasure of your treasures, just want to see it." Thousands of snow even used the spoiled tone, and he didn't have to appear to proud princess.

Luo Yu shook his head again, he not only won't bring these two women in front of him, and will not take anyone, and the Suichun rhyme is even more

Dragon Valley itself has no existence of guard, he thinks that it may be so difficult.

But it is easy to get in the future, it will be alarmed to be ambiguous. In the face of the existence, Su Dai rhyme not only helped busy, but it will fall into a very dangerous situation.

If he is going to go, he has a way to help you cover the breath, the biggest possibility is not discovered by Guyuena, but others must not do this level.

"Small gas ..." Thousands of snow muttered.

Bisong directly pulled her arm and shook her head.

Looking at Luo Yu: "What is wrong, so you are not convenient to take us."

"Of course,, don't you take you directly to visit." Luo Yu stalls.

The Bibi took out the special jade from his arms and handed it to the front of Luo Yu.

"This is here, if there is any danger, let's come over, I don't mean the Wushu Hall, but I personally will directly get to you with the fastest speed."

"You don't look at my strength, I am now a half-god-level person, and even I feel that my strength is not so far."

Luo Yu wanted to refuse, but he saw the true eyes of Bi East, and finally reached out to the jade.

By revealing the color, "When used, the soul is injected into the jade, then control the soul to condense the special glyph there, you can receive it. Go back, I will come over the one in the thousand streams. We can contact each other. "

Thousands of snow looked at the two people talking there, unwilling to hold a small fist, but did not say anything.

She is clear, their strength is facing those ordinary people to take advantage of their advantages, in Luo Yu, she may be a beautiful woman with a drag-legged leg.

Be sure to improve the strength! Thousands of snow is determined, the first burning such cultivation is enthusiastic.

"Then we will go first, not here to bother you." Bisong knows.

"You go back to the dream, don't act rashly, wait for me to come back." Luo Yu said.

Botthabited to the east, "We listen to you!"

Lu Lu shook his head, "I am not interested in the right, go back, I also tell the old guy, let him be afraid every day, as long as he will be a person, be kind to the people, I will not move on his head!"

"He will be very happy if he listened to you." It is more than a smile than the corner of the east.


In the air, flying back to the Wushu in the East and the Thousands of Snow.

Thousands of snow strangely: "Dongjie, can you tell me what happened to the room where you went to the Yuge?"

"Not big is not small." Biyi glanced at her.

"Don't call Dongjie, what is it? What is the aunt ???" Thousands of snow.


"You talk, what happened to the Yu brother room."

"I said how you are so curious?" Biobi is unconscious.

Thousands of snow, "Washing bed, blood, bed collapsed, it is difficult to let others think about something."

"What can I think?"

Thousands of snow, a red, patted her hand.


"It is the kind of thing between men and women." Thousands of snow is not speaking.

"We didn't happen anything!" Biye angered.

"Not you, isn't it possible to be someone else !!"

"This ..." Biye stunned.

"Do you talk about any special place when you enter the room ..." Thousands of snow guided the road.

"There is nothing strange ... is wrong! It seems to be a little special." Bi Bi Dong recalls.

"The taste is special? Where is the taste special." Thousands of snow eyes bright.

"Bloody ..."

At this moment, it was also the eyes of the East and the Thousands of Snow.

The old mother ... is not clean ...! ! ! !

"A "

Luo Yu was sneezing in the room.

"Who is cursing me? Dream or Guyuena ??"

"Forget it, no matter what you have, you will start!"

Luo Yu burns and looked at the direction of the dragon valley.

Can you get rich, you will see this wave of trips.