Douluo see you

Chapter VII Receiving Dugu Bo

Just after swallowing the herbal medicine, Dugu Bo felt a heart-piercing pain spreading from his abdomen to his limbs, which was the pain he could not have caused by the most poisonous poison he had ever seen.

He immediately opened his eyes!I just can't speak, I can only shout in my heart.

Could it be that that person is lying to me!But why?Finally made up my mind, it turned out to be a scam!Damn it!

Chengying also noticed his situation and she was embarrassed to explain: "I forgot to say that the process of herbal transformation of the body is quite painful. The weaker the physique, the more painful it is. I don’t feel anything like Bingdi and myself .

If you can't stand the pain, jump into the spring water. After eating these two herbs, the two extreme spring waters can no longer hurt you!"Chengying gave a very sincere suggestion.

Dugu Boben was already in pain and was about to collapse. At this moment, there was no time to tell if Cheng Ying was lying to him, so he could only plunge into the hot Yangquan.

It's just that after the body entered the spring water, the pain not only did not relieve, but instantly doubled. He screamed out in pain. Before the pain passed out, the last sentence he heard was from Chengying:

"After jumping in, the pain will pass out soon, and it won't hurt if you pass out!"


When Dugubo woke up again, he was already lying next to the cold ice spring. He turned to look. Chengying and Bingdi were soaking in the spring water only in underwear. In the spring water of minus 100 degrees, the two of them showed bubbles. A refreshing expression like a hot spring...

"Huh? Are you awake! Do you want to come in Bubbles too?" Chengying asked Bingdi while turning his head to wash his hair.

Having been teased twice by this mysterious person who always talks half way, Dugu Bo also has a more eye-catching attitude, saying nothing or moving.

"Uh... forgot, your martial spirit is a green scale snake. If the water is too cold, it may hibernate." Chengying's next words immediately confirmed his guess. If he jumped in obediently, it would probably freeze again. Got to fall asleep.

Cheng Ying helped Bingdi unhurriedly comb the long hair behind his head into a total horn bun, now the Bingdi looks more like a little loli.

Cheng Ying turned his head after finishing these, and said to Dugu Bo: "No kidding this time, would you like to be my apprentice?"

Dugu has said that he must agree without thinking. He has completely abolished his poisonous power, so that he worships this mysterious man as a teacher, otherwise he is not a powerful soul master even if he is not poisonous.

"Don’t rush to agree, I have to explain to you first, I, as you have seen, first of all, it’s definitely not a human being, and secondly, there’s nothing I can teach you about combat. I don’t know many herbs you know. Your knowledge in poison may not be as strong as you.

I can teach you only the most basic knowledge about the nature of matter. What you can achieve in the future depends on your own efforts.Chengying said in one breath how unreliable she was. The more I listened to Dugubo's face, the darker her face became, and her heart said:

"You said this before giving me the medicine!"

Helpless now, it’s too late to repent. Dugubo took a deep breath, knelt down to the end, and worshipped Chengying for three times and nine kowtows, saying: "Master, please be the disciple!"

Cheng Ying's expression also became serious, and her spirit power turned into a long robe while she waved her hand, and her handsome face was so meticulous that she really looked like a human teacher.

He stretched out his hand to help Dugu Bo up: "Get up! Now that you have been a teacher, I will teach you the first lesson here! You have lost the snake venom, then I will first tell you the principle of several kinds of snake venom. If you encounter a poisonous snake in the future, so that you know how to use it!"

Speaking of Chengying, it starts with the difference between neurotoxins, hemolytic toxins, and symptoms, and talks about the principle of action a little bit. By the way, Dugu Bo popularized the human body structure and cell theory. These are basically seen in popular science programs. Although not all right, it is enough to inspire Dugu Bo.

When talking about symptoms of poisoning at first,

But when he talked about a series of mechanisms of action such as destroying blood cells, affecting the nervous system and causing respiratory failure, Dugu Bo became more and more confused. In the end, he said that the composition of toxins is composed of proteins and peptides. His eyes are completely captivating.

Cheng Ying saw that he could not understand, and scratched his head: "This knowledge is probably too profound for you. I have the opportunity to give you a systematic introduction to the major systems and cell theories of the human body! This knowledge is like yours. Experts who use poison are very helpful, and they just let you distinguish the difference between toxins and viruses."

Chengying thought about it and felt that it was a bit of a boost to tell an unfounded person directly about high school knowledge!It's just that Dugu Bo was fascinated by it. He had been immersed in poison since he was a child. Although he did not understand many things that he said, he felt a sudden openness.

Facing Chengying's incomparably complete system, he actually had a feeling that this should be the case, how he didn't expect it.

Chengying also said that she was a little tired, stretched her waist and looked at the horizon. It was already dawn. Although he hadn't slept all night, he didn't feel sleepy. He pushed the ice that was asleep in the ice spring. emperor.

"Get up! Go back to Tiandou City! You don't want to live in seclusion here for ten thousand years!"

Bingdi opened his eyes sleepily. The appearance of her just waking up in the water felt like a hibiscus in the water, and she said lazily with a hoarse voice: "Why are you going to Tiandou City? Hasn't it been this way for hundreds of thousands of years? Coming here, it's very good here, full of spiritual energy, very suitable for cultivation."

"Every day besides cultivation is cultivation, aren't you bored? Don't you want to eat candied haws? Don't you want to sleep in a big bed? Don't you want to go out shopping every day? There is no such opportunity here!"

When Bingdi heard the words, a tangled expression appeared on his small face: " can buy it for me!" She went to a city where she didn't worry about being discovered by humans, so she could make her who had never lived in a city before. , Rushing to settle in the city is still a bit unsuitable.

"Do you think I'm the courier brother?" Chengying was speechless: "You can stay at home if you don't want to get along with humans. There is also a class of humans who never go out called Zhai. They also have a very good life!"

The Bingdi was a little excited about it, if it weren't for being surrounded by humans all day, it wouldn't be impossible to think about it!

"Okay! It's up to you, but what do you have to do in a human city?"

"This, you will understand it after you go there. It has a life span of 10,000 years! You have to enjoy your life!" Cheng Ying smiled mysteriously, and greeted Dugu Bo who was still working on class notes carefully. Let's go! Back to Tiandou City!"

[To be continued]

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