Douluo see you

Chapter 79: A New Storm Has Appeared

The next day, Chengying appeared outside the city as scheduled. Yiwen finally felt relieved after seeing Orchid. The other party had no need to deceive him, because there were too many people like him.

"Young man, I am very optimistic about you. In the future history, there must be a place for you!" Chengying patted him on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement. As for the purchase price, Chengying believes that he will bring it when we meet next time. No one is stupid enough to give up a steady stream of money.

After all, Chengyingde's figure slowly faded and disappeared in the air. He has now developed a lot of invisible special effects, like fade out gradually, fade out by rotation... Anyway, he will basically be able to do some of the PPT, and even the special effects will explode. It’s okay to turn ashes like being obliterated by Infinite Gloves. In short, it's as mysterious as it is mysterious.

"Leave a name in history...?" Yiwen was holding the rented carriage, with a look of yearning on his face. People are alive. Is there anything more exciting than being remembered?If your name can be remembered after death, then this life is probably not in vain!

What Chengying didn't say is that it is not the same to stay in the annals of history. Moustache and Qin Shihuang are both in the annals of history, but can it be the same?

Holding the orchid in his hand, Yiwen finally gained confidence. This is his cost of speaking. Driving a tattered carriage into the city, it actually feels a bit more like returning home.

His teacher, an official third-level soul teacher, was angrily yelling at his senior brothers and sisters, cooperating with him for neglecting work, being late for work and other crimes, vowing to expel him from the ranks of the soul teacher and let him Everything must start over.

He didn't know that this apprentice, who hadn't been in his eyes at all, was already thinking about how to slap him in the face, whether it would be better to throw a gold coin on his face, or to smile contemptuously and slap the bank. Like a dart, he threw his head and didn't turn around and left, thinking of fun things in his mind, the expression on his face couldn't help but ripple.

So much so that the group of soul mentor apprentices he had gathered in the name of having orchids on hand all showed impatient expressions.

"Ivan, what are you still laughing at? Orchid? We didn't come to see you against the sun to see you laughing here." Someone mocked impatiently.

"Ahem! It's all quiet!" Yiwen cleared his throat, sorted out the silk robe he bought with all his savings, and said as a successful person:

"Why do you think you were called here by me? It's not because I think we have a good relationship in the ordinary time. I have listened carefully. This is an opportunity to make a fortune. I will only tell you once. I don’t understand. You are not eligible to participate, so please be sure to put your ears up and keep quiet!"

As he said, he listed the formula that Chengying taught him on the small blackboard at the back: "So, as long as each of you can find three downlines, you can pay back. As long as you can find ten downlines, you can To make money, as long as you continue to go up and reach the B-level agent, you can become a real rich person, just like the city's seven or eight masters!"

To be an apprentice of a soul mentor, ordinary addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are definitely clear. After listening to Yiwen's formula, it is natural to see that it is definitely not a lie. If that is the case, making money is simply a matter of hand.

People with bright brains have already guessed what, plus Yiwen’s reason for calling them is orchid, they couldn’t help showing a greedy look. An apprentice who had a relatively strong relationship with Yiwen patted his shoulder and asked, “I said old Brother, what you sell is not orchids, right? If it is, then you have to make a lot of money!"

Yiwen pushed the apprentice away: "Ron! Don't be close, one size fits one size, even if we are in a good relationship, the rules can't be changed, even I myself have to start from an E-level agent!

But there is one thing you are right. This time we are selling orchids. Although the price is a little higher than the market price, do you think this thing will be sold?"

Saying that he lifted the linen behind the small blackboard,

After speaking, they opened their pockets to collect money, registered their respective agent levels one by one, and received orchids, while Yiwen was upgraded to a C-level agent.

When everyone was almost gone, Yiwen pulled Keyou Ron, secretly took out more than 20 pots of orchids in the carriage mezzanine, and whispered: "These are for you. If you can't afford it temporarily, I can help. You pay first.

But you have to remember that we need to change places frequently in our business. The market is huge. If you don't occupy it, sooner or later someone will occupy it. Brother, I can help you so much. Isn't your hometown in Rishengcheng?When we get enough start-up capital, you will take the flowers back to your hometown to continue this business.

Regardless of the current shortage of orchids in Yuehui City, after a while, when the market is saturated, it will definitely expand. Taking the first step will definitely take advantage of it."

After that, he drove away in the grateful gaze of Ron, preparing for the next batch of transactions.


In the past few days, the orchid trend in Yuehui City has not faded over time, but has become more and more intense. People spontaneously write stories for orchids, and even novels about orchids have spread among the markets.

And a group of people who allegedly stocked a lot of orchids in their hands took advantage of this trend to spread wildly in Huiyue City, spreading like a virus like a virus, and more and more people joined them.

Numerous examples of getting rich overnight were compiled into pamphlets by these people and spread among the markets. The original high-level soul masters and soul masters were still very disdainful of this.

But when they saw the string of amazing numbers on the pamphlet, they couldn't help but become envious, and spontaneously followed the address on the pamphlet to find the person who distributed the pamphlet.

And the most fascinating thing to say in the legend in this pamphlet is the story of the poor boy named Yi Wen, who rose from a debt-laden soul teacher apprentice to the only A-level agent in the city overnight. A bunch of numbers makes people want to join this crazy gluttony immediately.

In the Guild of Soul Masters, a middle-aged third-level soul master held the booklet and frowned slightly, because he had an apprentice named Yi Wen, who hadn’t come to work for a week, and was just caught by him three days ago. Being expelled from the Soul Guru Association, he felt that this would allow this young man to experience unruly fate. Yi Wen would no longer be accepted by the Soul Guru Association, and he would never achieve anything in his life.

But looking at the pamphlet in front of him, the third-level soul master was inexplicably uneasy. He only made up his mind yesterday to join the crazy gluttony of hyping orchids...

[To be continued]

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~