Douluo see you

Chapter 87: 23 things from heaven

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As the designer of the aircraft, Chengying is more familiar with the various parts than his disciples, and he assembles the aircraft like building blocks.

At about the same time, the ice emperor whose image was a piece of clothing hung on a tree branch also woke up, rubbed his eyes, and saw a strange steel bird in front of him.

"Eh? Is there finally a new toy again? Xiaoying, how do you play with this thing?" The Ice Emperor swayed a few times, did not remove himself from the tree branch, but instead broke the tree branch and fell off his ass. On the ground.

"Looking at the look of this thing, I know it's going to heaven!" Cheng Ying smiled and picked up the Bingdi sitting on the ground, and put her in the passenger seat behind.

"Fasten seat belts, we are about to take off!" Before the Bingdi could react, he felt that the seat suddenly floated, and the huge iron bird under him was suspended.

That’s right... the anti-gravity technology in Soul Guidance Technology is also a very basic technology, but it doesn’t fly high. One meter above the ground is basically the limit. In the original work, this technology is applied to advanced Soul Guidance devices on a large scale. The core magic circle is suspended inside the soul guide to achieve a certain special effect...

Anyway, regardless of what this technology was originally used for, now, this technology undoubtedly solves the take-off of aircraft under complex terrain. Even if there is no airport, as long as you bring a bottle, you can take off and land on ordinary flat ground. If you are a soul master, you don't need to bring the bottle.

Here again, the milk bottle is an item for storing soul power. If it is just a bottle that stores a small amount of soul power, the cost is still acceptable.

As the aircraft levitated, Chengying also started the engine. The engine scrolled a large amount of gas through the air intake under the belly and then sprayed out. The two auxiliary combustion chambers sprayed out green flames, which is the flame color of rare metals. The reaction pushed the plane to rush out.

The strong acceleration brought an unparalleled feeling of pushing his back. Even if he was flying by himself, the ice emperor never accelerated so madly. His hair was blown backwards, but he still stretched his arms and cheered in the wind.

As Yingying adjusted the wings, the height of the aircraft instantly pulled up, and everything on the ground shrank rapidly at this moment. Although the Ice Emperor could fly, it was the first time the aircraft did it, and it was a little nervous.

You can run as fast as the high-speed rail. It does not mean that you dare to open the windows when you get on the high-speed rail... The two people use an open-top airplane and fly at the speed of a jet. Blew crooked.

Looking down on the earth from the sky at this time, the feeling is completely different from flying by yourself. Although there is no freedom to fly by yourself, it is even more exciting.

"Wow! This time the toy is really interesting, next time I will drive it myself!" Bingdi shouted from the back seat.

At high speeds, the mental power became distorted, and the Ice Emperor could only communicate by shouting. In fact, it was not the mental power that was distorted, but the perception of the brain.

"If you want to fly a plane, you have to practice hard. You don't understand how to drive a car. Now you don't know how to step on the clutch before you get into gear, so that you are not going to fall off when you drive the plane." Cheng Ying said without a word.

"Hey! Believe it or not, I will throw you down!" Bingdi grinned with a vicious expression on his face.

"Come on! Anyway, I can't fall. The plane breaks by then. What are you playing?" Someone habitually tried frantically on the edge of death.


On the ground, the five little boys raised their necks, looking at the black spots in the sky, their necks were sore.

"Teacher, they fly so high!" Tang Chen sighed.

"Yeah! I really want to fly up too!" Bo Saixi said with envy. In addition to traveling around the world, she now has another dream. It would be better if she could also walk the sky by the way.

"Do you think the teacher and the mother will be in the sky...hehehe~" Meng Shu sucked his saliva, but Chengying really thought about it. Considering that airplanes are more dangerous, he thinks there is still a chance to play hot air balloons. Try again in time!

"Shut up~ If you don't speak, everyone knows that you are a pervert, and you don't need to remind us!" Chao Tianxiang slammed Meng Shu's head with a thud, and asked him to delete the 50,000 words that will definitely be deleted. Hold back.

"Have you noticed that the teacher's plane seems to be smoking." Dugu Bo took out his binoculars and adjusted the focus. When he looked over, the plane had exploded into two sections...

Everyone looked at the half-assembled plane and swallowed their saliva. If they fall from that height, they will definitely fall into the flesh!


Cheng Ying tasted the bitter fruit of death, and was abruptly thrown down by the Ice Emperor. Not to mention, the plane was also under the operation of the Ice Emperor’s female driver, turning at an acute angle, and forcibly breaking its wings off, and then it crashed and exploded in the air. ...

By the way, whose aircraft will explode on the spot when the acute-angle steering is approaching the speed of sound?The Ice Emperor definitely regarded flying a plane as if he was flying, flying in the air with his huge soul power, not to mention sharp steering, if you don't feel dizzy, you can turn around 180 degrees without a problem.


The ice emperor that was affected by the explosion was not a big deal. The Soul Guidance Device that was separated from the engine would automatically shut down when it lost its soul power supply. The few tons of fuel inside would not participate in the slaying of the explosion. Only the engine was destroyed. Can't hurt the Ice Emperor.

But the gray-headed Ice Emperor flew in front of Cheng Ying with a grievance. It probably meant, why did you design the operation of the plane so complicated.

Chengying didn't say a word. Compared with normal airplanes, he was already very simple!It's just a little bit more complicated than driving, well, it's really a bit too complicated for someone who doesn't understand the car.

"How about this! I'll go back and change it, and I will remove the rest for you, leaving a rudder and machine gun firing button, and I will sit in the back row to help you control the head office!"

"It's almost the same!" The Bingdi wiped the black ashes off his face, and suddenly said: "Let's fly again, OK? This time we fly a little higher and fly to places where we can't go with our spirit power. I want to see See what it looks like there."

"A place where soul power can't go..." After Cheng Yinghui flew, of course, she tried to see how high the day was, but when she flew to the top of the stratosphere, it was difficult to continue.

In the second part, Di Tian said that the higher the pressure, the greater the pressure. In Cheng Ying's perception, in fact, the soul power is getting thinner and thinner, not just the surrounding soul power, even the soul power in his body will accelerate the loss. , It feels a bit like the balance of osmotic pressure inside and outside the cell. The soul power in the outside world is thin, and the soul power in the body will begin to flow out. Although it is impossible to drain, it is impossible to fly out of the atmosphere.

"If you use an airplane, you can't do this, but one day we can do it! When one day we are good enough, we will ransack the Star Dou Great Forest, and what emerald swan, bear king, red king, these super souls The beast’s hair is shaved and made into a space elevator. Then you can go to the sky if you want!"

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~