Internal air, exercise, knowledge, magic.

Now it was important to listen to that conversation.

“Oh, yeah. I'll find her house first. ”

The man continues to conspire in a low voice with a man named Bongdu. However, I couldn't fully understand what he was talking about by talking so badly that I couldn't hear the middle story.

However, it seemed that the man found the house of praise and was about to do something about it, judging by the rough reading. The part behind that didn't sound so small, but I could imagine what I was going to do.

The poem was beyond amazing, and I didn't understand it at all. How do you think you're going to do that to a society where there's law and justice? Aren't you afraid of the law?

“Hey, don't worry. We haven't done this once or twice. That bitch……. I can't believe it...... Don't be afraid. This is really the last time... ”

The man hangs up the phone at the end of this conversation and takes a quick look around.

About the time the man hung up the phone, he lowered his head tiredly, gasping for air. Of course, I didn't forget to pedal fast. I wish I had my earphones on. From now on, I decided to put my earphones in the sub-space.

I was careful not to make eye contact with the man. Nevertheless, I can feel the man glancing at me. It was invisible, but clearly felt.

My heart is beating. No matter how angry I am, it doesn't mean anything to say to that man right now.

Just as I wanted to sell cosmetics without thinking about talking to Jiyoung and then became a con man, I got angry without thinking about it, and then when that man made a move, only he went crazy. Nothing happened now, and all I heard was myself riding a bicycle nearby.

The closer it is, the more dense it is. I need to think more and find a better solution. Think! You have to think.

The man who was staring at the poem for a moment moved to the gym counter. It was a fleeting moment, but it was eternally long.

The poem continued to observe and lay down on a workout machine where he could see as little as possible in the man's eyes.

The Leg Curl was intended to develop a femoral muscle, but it was never important to the poem. It was just that when I lay down on this exercise machine, the counter and the man were only slightly seen next to the wall, and I chose not to notice because I was lying down.

I couldn't hear him at all because of the distance. However, I think I found out the address and phone number of praise to the part-time student who was in charge of the counter because he said he would find Chan's house.

I knew he would refuse to be a part-time student, but the man said a few words and gave me information without words. Seems scared to see a man.

“Hey, I got it. Just like I used to, it's like a delivery.... ”

The man smiles disgustingly and then goes back to the dressing room, talking to a man named Bongdu. I felt like I was about to wash up and leave.

The situation was as natural as possible, checking thoroughly that both men and compliments were unavailable.

“Excuse me.”

“Yes, what's going on? ”

He is an ordinary young man who doesn't have a lot of muscle because he is a part-time student.

“Lee Chan-mi, can I get your cell number and address? ”

I chose the official method.

“Sorry, we can't teach you any of your personal information. ”

Earlier, he seemed to be teaching the man easily, but he told himself that not in a strong tone.

“I thought the last guy knew Lee Chan-mi's personal information. Why her and me? ”

“There seems to be a misunderstanding, but we don't teach you your personal information. ”

Alba's expression was annoying.

I felt empowered by the eyes of the poem. I just saw you teach a guy a few simple words, and he can't finish it?

I didn't know why. He must have taught them to be afraid, because he was ugly and had a tattoo. However, since he was not very tall and skinny, and looking at his presence here, he would have judged that he would be able to ignore it properly.

“Can you take responsibility? ”

“Yes? What responsibility? ”

When the poem speaks in a low voice, it looks like Alba is talking nonsense.

If you are not angry after being treated like this, it will be foolish beyond good. However, it is not right to complain to Customer Service and act like you can win by raising your voice.

Anger was also important to know how to handle things calmly. Being angry doesn't make the world go away. Haven't you ever been through compliments?

“What would you do if he had just kidnapped Lee Chan-mi or used his personal information for other criminal purposes? ”

“I mean, I never gave them any information. Oh, come on. And how do I know you're gonna do that? ”

Even though I said so, the part-time student looked rather annoyed. If it weren't for me, I would have fought.

The poem was intuitive. Society was. The expression "meat suppression" does not only apply to animals that lack intelligence. What is worse than that animal is the meat supper of humans.

If I didn't want to be ignored, something had to be extraordinary, like hard work, money, face, school. If you don't have anything like you do now, you'll be ignored everywhere.

Troubleshooting with such part-time life is typically very simple, which is weak to the strong and strong to the weak. You just have to show that you're stronger. He is not a professionally trained worker, he has only worked for a few months and this pressure is very effective for Alvarez.

The poem grabbed the end of the bogeyman at the counter with his hand. I didn't know what this phantom material was plated with chrome, but I felt confident that it could be solid enough. I could not maintain that condition for long periods of time due to lack of internal air, but it was possible to lightly push human limits for a very short time.

Suddenly, Alba flinches as the pope catches a ghost.

“Shall we turn on the CCTV? Or do you want me to bring him in face-to-face? ”

I lifted the inner air as I spoke. When most of the internal air in the lower part of the body flows into the arm with anger, it creates confidence to break anything and make it swollen.

An unpleasant, squeaking sound comes from the ghost. What is impossible is happening with human tender flesh and muscles.

Expensive spirits may be made using cast iron, but the spirits in the current situation were not particularly robust when mixed with aluminum and nickel. Of course, it's almost impossible to deflect with the grip of an ordinary person.

“What can you tell me?”

Alba stared at the hard ghost with a frightened look, unable to say anything, without blinking one eye as if it were a child's finger.

“Do you want me to call the boss? ”

“I'm sorry. Hey, there's been a slight mistake. ”

This was a very different attitude than before. CCTV was pressuring the words "three-way", but there was tremendous fear in that ridiculous power.

If you get angry at yourself or hit yourself with that hand, your life is over. If I was beaten, I could say, "Isn't it good to get a settlement money?" But if I was beaten by that ridiculous force, I didn't know whether one would be broken or crushed and maimed. If you get beaten up by that hand and lie in that bed for the rest of your life, what's the deal?

As the poem's hand moved, Albanian was startled and took a step back. I was afraid that I would be unluckily caught in that hand.

It's not even hot, but sweat flows down the ball from Albanian's forehead.

“What are you going to do? ”

“Go, I'll teach you. ”

Albasant looked so frightened that he found praised information and wrote down his address and phone number and gave it to the poet. However, when the poet raised his hand to grab the paper, he was surprised to let go of the paper.

The Earth's gravity makes Albanian faces pale as the paper falls to the ground.

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. ”

“No, thank you. ”

The poem picked up a piece of paper on the floor and went to the changing room.

It felt strange that I had never used my strength like this before. Just a little while ago, I thought that solving problems with force was a really ignorant way, but I thought it was because I didn't have the strength.

It was right to try to solve everything with ignorant force like that man earlier, but it seemed like a good judgment to use force to make sure no one else gets hurt like you now. If it had been a powerless past, it would have been humiliated by what that Albanian said.


But it's not good to be indiscreet, so that balance is very important.

Strong enthusiasm blooms. Until now, I thought it would be good to just accumulate experience points without thinking much. I worked out and gathered internal air. But this made some changes to the idea.

Strength! Strength mattered. Of course, it wasn't just about power. Knowledge, wealth, all belonged to power. Without this power, we will be ignored in the world and live as sodomites forever.

After entering the dressing room, a man with a lot of tattoos wipes his body with a towel after finishing the shower.

My whole body was full of muscles. A quick glance at his profile, he was 6 inches tall and had a ridiculous spec of 90 kg. Compared to the current situation, he was nearly twice as big.

I felt different pressure from when I was wearing clothes.

The poem instinctively examined internal affairs. It was impossible to win against such a person with just basic strength. However, a short time ago, the lower terminal was empty.

Once built up, the air can naturally rise again, even if you use it, but you can accelerate that time through weather breaks.

I noticed his penis was very small, unlike a large one, when I was peering at the man naked. I didn't think I was that big, but I was twice as small.

Somehow, the poem felt better, thinking about how to help praise in the shower.

The tattooed man, who confirmed that he had left the gym a long time ago, waited for praise on the chair in front of the counter.

The compliment of what I was doing in the dressing room didn't come out until half an hour ago, so I asked Alba if she had left before, but I could only get an awkward answer that she had not left yet.

“Wait, can I talk to you? ”

I took my tablet out and was checking the quest, and suddenly a compliment came out and hurriedly spoke to me. However, I ignored the situation and went to the elevator.

“Wait, I'm sorry about before. ”

The poem said, but he didn't even care about praise. Usually, my expression was expressionless and harsh, but I was even colder because of work before.


The elevator opened and the poem rode with praise. There was only poetry and praise in the elevator. It's awkward and silent.

“I'm really sorry I made a mistake earlier and got angry. I did it because I was a little sore, but then I thought, you know, it was a really big mistake. ”

The poem apologized first, regardless of whether praise ignored him or not. They have ears, so they will definitely listen to what they say.

“I'm so sorry.... ”

Before the poem was finished, the elevator stopped on the first floor and the compliment just left.

“What to do.”

He was treating himself like he didn't know how dangerous it would be to accept a horse.

The poem I was thinking about for a moment carefully stepped on the back of praise. I had no idea when he would appear and threaten praise, so I had no choice but to make this inevitable choice.

He was tall and had long, vivid hair, so he could easily understand the position of praise without missing it.

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