Start at the beginning

After school classes, the town went around town to see if there were any good shops to start up a day early. In the streets and in the alleyways, several shops were destroyed.

I looked at one of the shops that lowered the shutter. There were PC rooms and karaoke rooms around this typical restaurant, and a lot of men passed by. The poem realized that this was a bad spot at once.

A cafe is a place where men dare not come. If I just went into a cafe nearby right away, there were mostly women or couples, and sometimes there were only one or two men. But if you put a cafe in a place like this unannounced, it's the perfect place to crash.

The poem felt bad for a long time. I looked a few more places, but I didn't really like it.

It was not a place I didn't know, and I often wandered around the city in front of the school for more than 3 years. I could not easily make a decision when I thought I was starting a business even though I knew the information about which stores were going well, where I couldn't keep the doors shut, and where there were so many people.

I could see the cafe closing its doors because the eyes of the city were constantly swirling around the city.

Before this cafe, it was a typical restaurant, followed by hotdogs and sandwich shops, and many times it was ruined despite many industries in the past few years. Now, this cafe, even though it was a good business at first, soon after the nearby franchise cafes continued to enter, eventually it seemed to stay closed.

It wasn't like that before, but there have been too many cafes lately.

The poem looked around. It was one of the main street streets that stretched out from the big side of the city. There were steak and pasta shops on the second floor, bars on the third floor, nail art shops next door, cosmetic shops, accessories shops, convenience stores, and restaurants.

It was wide enough for a car to drive, not far from a crowded road, and women passed by quite a lot.

“Hmm……. ”

Given the nature of the cafe, it was a pretty good location to think of women as the main customers.

The slightly sympathetic poem looked at the women passing by this street one by one.

In front of the university, there were mostly women in their 20s. There were quite a few couples, but mostly there were two or three women. It's getting warmer today, so I can see you're wearing trendy hotpants or short skirts.

And they were all wearing bags, but I didn't know what brand it was because there were so many symbols I'd never seen before. I think I also need to study women's brands.

Looking at the faces of people passing by for more than an hour, I was convinced that this place was an even better place.

There were a lot of floating populations and I especially liked that the main consumer base on the street was women. But I thought about it quietly, the issue was that college merchandise was lost on vacation to college students who were the main consumers. Although there were apartment complexes, banks, etc. around the area, I felt a bit lacking.

“I'm concerned.”

The poem thought that if I was in front of the university, this was the best place to be right now, or I had to take a bus from home to a place more than 30 minutes away.

Thinking about various parts, he called the phone number attached to the store because it was hard to find a better place.

If you decide to do it once, it is important to do it quickly.


A slightly older woman's voice.

“Hi, I'm calling about a store inquiry. ”

“Oh, really? ”

A happy voice.

“Yes, I like it here. Can I find a flat, a deposit, a rental, a claim? ”

“The average store is 25 pyeong, the security deposit is 20 million won, and the rent is one million won. But what kind of industry do you intend to run? ”


“Then you can use the facilities that we've used now. They're super clean because they're less than a year old. ”

“Well, what's the right amount? ”

“We've heard about 2,000 of the store's interiors and machinery. I only get half of this. It's a good place to be. Hmm... How about 20 million won? ”

“Yes? 20 million won? ”

The poem was surprised and said. I looked up some data on the internet because the money was 50 million won, so even though I wrote a lot about 70 million won, I felt that the money was cheap.

“That's enough for me. ”

I could feel a middle-aged woman stuttering slightly at the words of the startled poem. I feel like I can get a little lower if I do this well.

“Can we meet up and talk at the store? ”

“Okay, I'll be there in about half an hour. ”

“Yes. I'll wait out front, then. ”

The sun was setting one day. Even though all the school classes were over, there were still a lot of people on this street. If you look again, the condition of wearing itself is not bad.

About 30 minutes later, a car stood in front of the cafe and a woman in her mid-40s got off. Looking around, I think she owns this cafe.

The poem crossed my eyes, but the cafe owner picked up his phone and called somewhere.

The phone in the poem's pocket vibrates.


The poem went straight to say hello without answering the phone.

“Yes? Ah! Did you call earlier.... ”

“Yes, it's called the Tornado. ”

“Ban, good to see you. ”

The middle-aged woman stammered. I was surprised that the situation was too young for me to imagine.

“Can I see the store? ”

“Wait a minute. ”

The cafe owner opened the door of the shop and lit a fire. It feels pretty much like 25 square feet.

The poem carefully examined the structure and devised how to interior it. I wanted to make it feel like a Western castle, similar to the castle of Kestron, rather than a modern composition. so that it will fit perfectly with the furniture of a classy Kesron.

I went to the bathroom after going through the store as a whole. Different men, but a little dirty. The interior is going to be fully remodeled and restored to the bathroom anyway.

“Is this okay? Just a little cleaning is fine. ”

“I'm going to change the interior back. ”

“Oh, yeah? ”

Overall, I like it a lot. There were many franchise cafes around and around the university, but I was confident.

“We're going to replace all the interiors and tables and chairs, so I'd like you to take that out of your allowance. ”

The cafe owner's face becomes sad. The situation has read a lot of related articles because it cannot be roughly done to start a business. After more than 10 years of experience on the Internet, such searches have been open.

“Well, give me 15 million won minus 5 million won. ”

The owner of the cafe who was moaning for a long time said.

“Thank you. That makes a deposit of 15 million won, a deposit of 20 million won, a rent of one million won. ”


I think Marnie was talking about Seoul. A security deposit, a goodwill deposit of 35 million won and a decor fee of 20 million won would be enough to pay for the shop.

The pope looks around the shop again, nodding.

“Then let's meet tomorrow and sign a contract. ”

“Got it.”

Since I like it, I decided to sign quickly. The building itself hasn't been around long, so it looks fine and there doesn't seem to be any problem.

I agreed to sign the contract tomorrow, and the situation broke up with the cafe owner. I thought it was too soon, but I couldn't think of a better place.

“Phew……. ”

When I go this far, my heart starts pounding. Now all that's left is a vendor to pick up beans, like interiors and signage. I'm going to ask Konz about beans. There could be beans from Earth.

I was on my way home and my head was full of thoughts about the cafe.

Everything else can be solved by money or goods, but the problem was that the poem could not make coffee at all. I also needed a pretty barista who could make coffee.

Glug glug!

That's when the text came.


[Hyung, we've decided when to get a massage.]


[Month, Thursday, Saturday, are you okay?]

Wednesdays and Fridays were impossible because they had to study, and that day was fine.

[Yeah, I'm fine. Then let's start this Saturday.]

[Thank you, brother.]

I felt like going there today to touch the bridge of familiarity and feel my heart, but I decided to postpone the fun because I had a lot of information about the business.

Thinking about it, I just got home. After entering the officetel, Aru is standing on the porch with a happy face like a puppy waiting for its owner.

“Are you home? ”


Rub Aru's head and make a happy face.

“I've got everything you asked me to do today. ”

“Really? Let's wash you up and come and test you. ”


Aru sings a nostril and sits on the couch muttering something.

The poem prepared Aru for acting before going to school. Like the actors on TV, they were told to learn the lines in front of people. It was an Aru who lived for 19 years and played around, so it was a hard choice to change the way of thinking all at once.

The undressed poet immediately went and showered in Quezron's castle. Being in a hot bath makes me feel relieved of all the fatigue I had accumulated all day.

After wearing tightening panties in the dressing room, I called the chorus. Then Konz appeared as if he had been standing.

“Hello, Pope. ”

“Yes, it's Corns. Nice to meet you."

When Konz greeted him, the poem stroked his head.

“Just out of curiosity, do you have coffee beans from Earth? ”

I got right to the point.

“Of course, it was a car that could be used for level one. ”

Fortunately, as expected, I don't think I need to spend money to get coffee beans if I'm good at it.

“How many sheep are there? ”

“See for yourself. ”


When Konz clapped his hands, the dressing room turned into a warehouse. In an invisible warehouse, there were mountains of green beans, presumed to be beans. I don't think a lifetime of eating will reduce the amount.

“Is this bean? ”

The poem picked up the beans in front of him. I was thinking about the brown beans I saw in CF, but they're completely different colors.

“Yes, this is a wild goose chase. If you apply heat to it, it turns into the brown beans that the Pope knows. ”

“I see. But I'm not sure what kind of beans this is. Is that the kind of beans you sell in the store? ”

“This is the Blue Mountains in Jamaica, a very high-end coffee on Earth. Plus, Hawaiian cones, Yemeni mocha. ”


The town hardly knew about coffee. I don't even like coffee in the first place. So, I simply thought that Konz had given me coffee of good quality, but these were the coffees that I could call the Emperor of Coffee. Plus, since we've only collected the best quality green beans, if you make it into coffee, it will taste different from the surrounding franchise cafes.

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