
“Great, you can stamp it here. ”

The poem said, taking out a simple contract prepared.

Eunji's father took the stamp of Juju Island out of his pocket and put it on the contract. It was a complex expression that crossed between relief and worry. He put a stamp on the contract, gave one to Eun-si's father, and one to himself.

“We'll pay you right away. What's your account number and amount? ”

“Phew…. At 150 million……. ”

Eunji's father said the account number and the amount is 150 million won. It was money that could have been big, but the situation did not change much, so I made a simple account transfer to my smartphone. In the old days, it seemed so hard to imagine that 100 million won would be enough to get it. It was not that big for the current situation.

“Check it out. ”

“Thank you.”

Once a year, Eunji's father said with a somewhat lighter look than before, and Eunji's mother and Eunji's expression next to him became significantly better than before. Since it was a factory, a house, and everything was going to disappear in an instant, I had enough of that look.

“Thank you very much. ”

“No, I'm not.”

The poem replied with a slight smile. Things got easier than I thought. I had anticipated this effect in the beginning and waited to the limit, but I was satisfied that things were easier than I thought. At this rate, I think I can go to Seoul to study with ease.

“And you can wear cosmetics. Try it out and promote it to people around you if you like. ”

“Oh, you're just going to give me something so expensive? Thank you, Mr. Hwang. I'll use it well.”

Eunji's mother said with a happy face in the words of the poem. There was nothing I disliked about acting from the first impression, abilities, etc. Even though I thought about it, I wanted to marry Eun-si right away, but I thought I'd have to wait a little longer. I'm just glad I found such a nice guy.

The poem had a lovely lunch with Eun-ji's parents who were thankful.

“Are you going to keep going to school? ”

Eun-si's father asked Eun-si during dinner.

“No, take the rest of the year off and spend the rest of your life in your brother's café. ”

“So are you going to stay at the officetel? ”

“I'm thinking about moving to a cheaper place. The house is bad, but you can't stay in an expensive place. ”

“I'm sorry...... ”

“I'm sorry.... Talk to Sook and I'll take care of it. Don't worry. ”

“Yes. Do as you like with Eunji. ”

Eunji's mother glanced at the poem and said. I thought it would be better to make it better with the situation than to ask me to come home for no reason. Eun-si's mother thought Eun-si would be happy with the poem because she knew it was unusual for such a man.

After finishing eating, he was able to leave the house until it was late in the afternoon after having a little more of this kind of conversation with Eun's parents. After escorting Eunji's parents, the poem and Eunji on a BMW M6 headed home.

“Thank you so much for today. I don't know how to repay you.... ”

“Well, that's about it. Don't stress too much. ”

The poem shrugged. But I knew Eun-si wouldn't be burdened by this.

“How's Sook? I haven't been able to reach you since I was busy trying to reach you. ”

“Sook doesn't know what to do yet. Even if it wasn't for me, it was a bit difficult for Sook's factory. ”

“Are you sure you want to move your house somewhere else? ”

“I'm thinking about it. ”

The sun was setting to the west. In the morning, his expression brightened more than when he drove to his house in Busan. Money goes beyond simple material value and governs a person's life. Even the poem itself can't compare the life I lived before the Dragon's Legacy to the life I live now.

“Then stay in the officetel. You don't have to go far. ”

“I wish I could.... ”

The poem was briefly troubled. It wasn't hard at all to pay 500,000 won a month, but Eun-ji definitely hated giving money like this for no reason. An ordinary missus would try to scratch a man even more, but Eunji was different from those girls. I don't like silver for nothing. A misogynist like that would never have met her in the first place.

“I'll give you a raise. I don't want Eunji to go far. ”

“Brother……. But the work is the same, but I'm so sorry about raising my salary... Do you want me to clean your laundry for you? ”

“No. Aru did all the laundry. That's okay. Oh, well, can you do Aru and Soo 'ran two hours a day? In fact, there is a lot of things Arurung Su-ran didn't know about Korea because she lived abroad when she was a child. Eun-ji would be very helpful if you could teach him a few things. ”

“Oh, that's enough for me. Thank you so much. ”

“Thank you.”

With this, Eunji's problem was solved neatly. Eun-si was able to live a peaceful life as before and to solve the factory problem she had been thinking about. It cost 150 million KRW, but it was not a loss at all. It took effort and know-how beyond that money to set up the factory and hire the staff.

The poem lightly snorted and drove. Now the next thing I need to do is draw a comic book and prepare for my mastery, although level five has remained quite a bit, I had to move on.

Time flies by. Even though every day did not make a big difference, there were a lot of cartoon drawing know-how and a lot of confidence in proficiency.

Mid-October. Less than a month to qualify. It was getting colder and colder, and the seniors in high school were busy studying, but the city was relaxing at the cafe and answering a phone call.

[Jonathan, Jeri wants you to look at my painting and tell me who drew it.]

[Yeri? Han Ye-ri?]


Sojin replied to the slightly startled poem. Han Ye-ri was a very famous celebrity in her 30s. He mainly appeared in the public wave evening drama, so little people in Korea would know about it based on his recognition.

[What should I do?]

[I'll draw you a picture. It's not that hard.]

It was annoying, but it wasn't drawn by Sojin. If such celebrities wanted to paint, they would somehow boast to SNS or others around them, and that would definitely raise their awareness. It's never a loss.

[I'm sorry. You must be busy. Please...]

[No, it's not that hard.]

The poem said without any color. I'm sorry, but I'm busy with Sojin trying to die, and it doesn't mean much to talk about it because of you. It's much better to act cool. It's just that if you get caught by a woman who manages fisheries and not by the same girl who's exhausted, it's just a favor.

[Then ask him which painting to draw and send her a picture.]

[Thank you very much. Brother.]

Sojin hangs up the phone saying thanks again and again. Seeing that he was the same actor, it seemed difficult to refuse the request.

I found information on the Shari on a computer. I had quite a lot of male experience as a 30-something actor, but it had nothing to do with me anyway. Sex. Anyone can do it.

Even though I was a famous actor in my 30s, my skin was very good, and the full beauty was hard for young women in their 20s to have. It certainly showed a significant difference from normal women in their 30s because they were celebrities.

I was looking for information on Yeri when I got a call from Silver Secret. I have been texting and calling quite frequently since the previous hotel. But he didn't say anything special either.

You called Sojin's sister! I saw the whole thing.]

[How did you know?]

[Huh, it's obvious when you call Sojin.]

Unlike other women, the conversation with Silver was a unique pleasure. He has a very cute tone of sarcasm.

[Oh, yeah. I'm just on the phone for a second. Let me know when it's my turn. Yes, thank you.]

In the middle, however, the secret talks kindly with a characteristic hypocritical tone about who spoke to Silver Secret.

[What's that?]

[Well, well. Idiot. You said it because someone else would.]

You feel a slight tremor at the sight of silver. I would have hugged her right away if I had been by her cute reaction, but I'm just sad that I have to just imagine it in my mind because my body is so far apart.

Are you recording this?]

[It's really, really hard. I want to go home and rest as soon as I finish recording. Ah...]

Eun-Bee groaned to the poem. It's hard for ordinary people because they don't look like this and smile all the time.

[You must be having a hard time. I'd like to give you a massage, but I can't meet you... Haha]

[Oh, yeah. When are you coming to Seoul? I need those pills again.]

[I think I'll go up to Seoul after I finish studying hard. I'll be in Seoul in about a month.]

You live in Seoul?]

The voice of silver suddenly brightens when the poem lives in Seoul. I was just about to check my schedule, thinking about going down to the county for my second drug visit, and I'm so excited to hear the good news! I'm so happy that I can't stand it.

[Yes, I have to open a cafe and go to college there.]

Where are you moving to?]

[I'm thinking about it. because it's not far from the cafe and the school.]

[Ah, I see.]

After that, the poem was excited and talked to Silver for a long time. The heat on the smartphone made my ears hot, but there was no reason to hang up the phone. For over an hour now, the city has been listening to these very small stories of mystery, appropriately answering them.

[I was sponsored by a necklace today, but it didn't look so pretty after seeing that expensive diamond before. This one's expensive, too. It's all because of you. Because it shows you something so pretty. Hing.]

[Haha. I'll give you something prettier at the next awards ceremony.]

Really, how pretty?]

Silver Rain can't hide his excitement from the poem. She was so beautiful that she couldn't even speak, but she was better than that!


[Are you sure? You have to give me something better than your sister's. Okay?]

[Okay, don't worry.]

[Heheh. Oh, and I'm having breakfast today...]

There really was no end. I kept talking about something that I had a lot to say. There are many women around, but I've never seen a woman make a long phone call like a secret.

[I want ice cream, but it's getting cold these days.... Oh, now it's my turn? Okay, I'll be right there.]

He tries to tell you something very small, but secretly answers who talked to him next to him. From the looks of it, it looks like the secret is the time to record.

[Ugh, I have to go record. It's hard.]

[Record hard. I'm watching the drama.]

[Really? You're not the only one seeing Sage, are you? The Internet just says you cut out your favorite celebrity parts, don't you?]

[How did you know? But I'm looking at Eun Bi's stuff instead of running out.]

[What, what? Stupid. Stupid.]

The answer to the poem that would be very gruesome if I heard it next to you was different from my voice. It was clear that women were impressed and liked by the words that could not be tolerated by normal men.

[I, I'm going.]


I hung up on Silver and the phone, and the poem breathed lightly and sat down in a chair. I just talked to him, but I felt tired.

After a short break, I helped with cafe work and studied at Chan Chan's house. Although I didn't have any more compliments to teach me, I was just trying to solve a few problems or things.

When he came home from work at the cafe, he saw a photograph of her from Sojin in the evening and drew a picture at once. The painting became more elaborate and beautiful than when it first developed its abilities. More painting skills.

It was beginning to ripen. It was only a few days before the full cafe business spread its wings, such as the cosmetics business and cartoons.

The end of the line. Another life is about to unfold.

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Thank you for reading!