Quezron Launch

I tried to squeeze the memory out of it, but nothing came to mind. That strange smile was the first time I saw his face and body today.

“I cannot respond to such extreme demands. ”

The poem refused a request to have sex at once without any worries. I wonder if he meant it, but it was too unrealistic to even think about it publicly. So why the sudden unrealistic demands?

The answer to the question was not clear, but it was too risky to say it was stupid and to have sex at this time.

Lately, he has been threatening to use a messenger to lure people into installing a hacking program, masturbate them, and then release a video of himself as the contact of a man who obtained it through a hacking program.

Simply masturbating in front of a woman who doesn't know who she saw for the first time on a video call for a moment, and then ripping off a huge amount of money, or anyone on her phone, for example, a female colleague who doesn't know much about her company but only greets her lightly when she passes by. She meets at the university because she's pretty and has a good heart. She also confesses to the conflict, so that she gets to feel the shame of falling into the abyss.

Of course, there was no reason to think that this situation was necessarily similar to such a scam, but it was the right choice not to suspect or look dangerous in the first place.

The most positive situation was having sex with the princess Irene to gain experience and comfort, but the worst was that she could lose everything that had been built up to this point. The situation could be rejected firmly because there was too much to lose compared to what was gained.

“Really? You sure you don't want to have sex with me? For the sake of Mr. Pope, you might want to have sex with me when I'm a little more interested. ”

“I'm sorry."

The poem refused again. There was nothing good about having sexual problems. Even if you agree properly and have sex, even if you report Irene being raped, you will be very tired to prove your innocence. And even if he were innocent, the curtain that he was accused of rape would be difficult to heal in his lifetime.

“Idiot. What a great opportunity. Well, that's the right choice. But it's also true that you're missing a lot of luck. ”

“With that luck again, I think I'll make the same choice I just made. ”

It was more than just sex, but I had no regrets at all. Not now, not now. I'll just do it then. ’I could regret it, but I was sure that if I went back to that situation, I would reject it again.

“Hmmm, I'm also a little more interested. ”

Irene, who smiled strangely again, freed the neck of the poem she was hugging.

“I'll be going now. Have a good night. ”

“I won't have to go to the massage shop tomorrow. Do it again tomorrow night. ”

“I'll do that. ”

The poem came out of Irene's room and went to Eugene's room with a strange look on his face. Eugene was fast asleep, having no idea what just happened between the situation and Irene.

The poem's face slightly frowned.

At first, I thought she was just a princess of the British royal family, but the strange attitude that just made me rethink Irene as her profile raised a question mark.

What would have happened if you had sex there? If it had been before, it would have been sex. I had sex the day I first took pity on a woman in danger. But now it's hard to do that.

It would be a lie to tell Irene that she doesn't want to feel sorry for her big breasts, but she is now too burdened with increasing the number of women she has relationships with, so she made the right decision after considering it many times.

The poem lay next to Eugene and touched her breasts for the regret of not having sex with Irene. Even though it wasn't just Irene's breasts, Eugene's breasts felt quite good.

While touching Eugene's nipple, the poem decided to take a closer look at Irene.

* *

“Is this the cosmetic? ”

“Yes, I forgot to give it to you last night. I guess I was too tired to think about it. ”

Eugene gave Quezron's cosmetics to Irene, who was sitting on the makeup table. I was supposed to take a shower, but I was so tired that I didn't think I'd give it to her.

“Feels good. Smells good. I like it. ”

Irene was satisfied with the makeup on Quezron one by one.

“Okay? Because it's a functional cosmetic product that makes your skin feel better. ”

As Irene seemed to like it, Eugene explained the benefits of elongated cosmetics.

The poem stood by and stared at Irene. Yesterday, I made the same face and acted as usual. At this rate, I wondered if it was Irene who asked me to have sex with her yesterday.

But when I think about it, it was also natural for other women to have sex and not tell others the next day that we had sex.

“So what do I do? ”

“At our launch, all you have to do is come out and say a few words about cosmetics and say you like them. Because the fact that you use it is important. ”

“It's that simple. I actually like it and I want to keep writing it. If this works, it's in the interest of the Pope's brother, right? ”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. That's right, my brother and I are in business. And when did you become so close? I don't think I did it until yesterday. ”

Eugene asked with a cautious expression, with a slightly different nuance.

“I gave him a simple massage last night. I guess Jina didn't notice because she was sleeping. ”

The poem told Eugene that Irene massaged him in advance before making nonsense. Then, naturally, the situation changed. Irene does that, and if you say it awkwardly like yesterday, it's weird, too.

“I'm so tired, I must be exhausted. By the way, your massage doesn't hurt my legs or my feet at all. ”

“Really. I love it, too. My brother is so good at massages, I decided to pass the massage shop today and ask him again tonight. ”

“Oh, yeah? ”

After Irene smiled, Eugene smiled as if he didn't want to. For some reason, I felt a bit uneasy as Irene kept seducing the situation. I wasn't doing anything in particular, but I was disturbed by the subtle nuances and atmosphere. Not to mention the part where you broke up with your boyfriend.

“Can I have some more cosmetics? Take it to my mother and father. It feels so good to use it. ”

“Of course I do. Tell me when you're done. I'll send it to you anytime. Just say it.”

I felt a considerable burden in asking Irene to promote cosmetics, but it was solved so lightly that I thought it was too light.

Since it was a launch event and was more partisan than just people who knew it, there was no need to create a great PPT to prepare for the launch event. But because Eugene's personality wanted to do it perfectly, PPT or advance preparation was done neatly in Eugene's line.

The poem only needed to check the results, not the process. That is why the poem greatly needed Eugene's ability. The poem had never done anything like this, and it was very hard to do it alone because I had never learned it.

The second day was also OK. There was no time until the launch event, so there was no big problem with tourism.

It was the first time I had ever seen Seoul sightseeing, so time went by quickly enough while wandering around famous places.

The launch is imminent.

The city and Eugene looked around the hotel venue, which was almost ready. The entire interior of the venue also made it as luxurious as possible to emphasize the luxury of Quezron cosmetics.

Not so many people came, but the luxury was not compared to other launch events, and the performance was decided to be performed by a group of Idols who belonged to Sunset who knew the city well. Especially since Sunset's blog was so popular in itself, I didn't forget to ask Sunset to take a photo and promote it.

After a tour of the venue, the poem, Eugene, and Irene were about to return home for their final preparations for the launch, and Eugene was contacted about the event.

“Yes. Yes. Okay, I'll be right there. ”

After hanging up the phone, Eugene looks anxious.

“Why? Is something wrong? ”

“No, it's no big deal. I just need one last check, and I think I need to go now. You and Irene go home first. It's gonna take some time. ”

“What happened to me? Okay. Call me when you're done. ”

“Yes, brother. I'll go first. ”

Eugene's anxious expression was not a problem with the event, but because he didn't want to leave Irene alone with the poem, who has been acting suspiciously lately. However, I had no choice but to move my feet even though I was anxious because I could not go without work.

“Let's go home. ”

Irene steals a small lip with her tongue. It's usually nothing, but after a few days, Irene kept approaching the poet while Eugene was sleeping, it seemed strange.


The poet put Irene in the car and went to Eugene's house.

Irene suddenly hugged the situation as soon as she stopped in the parking lot and pressed the password to enter the house.

“Don't do this. ”

This is why the poem tried to untie Irene's arm and get away from her when the others couldn't see her. However, even though I gave her enough strength, she still doesn't think about letting go of her arm.

“Give me sex once. That's good enough. ”

Irene hugged the poem. A large chest was crushed on the poem's chest, causing its shape to distort.

A man and a woman. But her friend is physically attracted to the man.

That's why it was like a drama from the ladies. I was a little out of my mind, not awkward enough to be dramatically reproduced.

“Will you kiss me first? I heard your kissing skills are really good. Do you know how jealous Jina was of me because she always bragged about me? ”

When it came to this situation, all I could think about was what was happening, not wanting to kiss. I didn't try to seduce Irene with something or touch her, but I couldn't understand her because she suddenly approached me for sex.

If the woman in front of him was not a British princess, he would have thought she was a fraudster trying to steal money for sex.

“First, let's go to the living room. Don't do this on the porch. ”

The situation was uncomfortable because it kept happening on the narrow porch, and the situation was suggested to change a bit.

“Hmmm, okay. ”

“Can you untie me, then? ”

“You can go like this. ”

“Ahh... ”

The poem had to sigh. It was the first time a woman rushed to me for sex. If I didn't have the temptation to have sex like this, I'd be lying, but I was enduring it with superhuman patience.

The poem and Eugene, or Eugene, entered the living room with the poem in their arms. I thought the poem should leave by this time, but Eugene suddenly knocked the poem down on the couch. Then he climbed on the penis of the poem.

This is the moment where the predator has always had relations with women.

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We'll try to double up as much as we can to fill the quantity that we can't. I don't know how much longer we can do this.