Dragon Lunamos

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In a way, it was not a big picture, but the picture of a silver uniform was becoming a huge issue. Since she wore Zebra-like skinny pants and struggled, Silver Rain was the only celebrity to take a picture like this. The appearance of silver in a kezron uniform resounded the hearts of men. I couldn't be this popular unless it was such a magical beauty that I immediately fell in love with it.

It was really strange that it was trendy. The poem didn't come here for this effect, but it was acting more than I expected.

It turned out that people were also paying tremendous attention to the Lucky Bag event that was to take place next week. Some celebrity managers came to the cafe in person, handed out their business cards with gifts, asked to use their celebrities on the day of the Lucky Back, and guessed how interested they would be in the Lucky Back event.

Even though many managers had come, he was not very pleased with the situation. When I suddenly remembered the sunset, I changed my mind a little. Sunset promoted the cafe like that with SNS, but I didn't think it would be bad to repay this much. The town decided to call a pink pet, a group belonging to the sunset.

The poem called Eugene, cleared up a thought, and went to the officetel where Mina and Frin were staying. It was nothing to worry about. Eugene will take care of it now, and it was time to settle the matter.

The officetel was located in Gangnam, not too far from the town house. Recently built, I parked in the basement of a luxurious officetel, and the city was on an elevator to go to the room where Mina and Fring stayed.

“Wait a minute.”

I tried pressing the close button, but a woman ran over and pressed the open button to wait for the woman to ride.

“Thank you."

It was getting colder and colder as the woman with the short clothes and luxury handbag smelled a deep fragrance. The poem pressed the 7th floor and the woman pressed the 11th floor. The doors of the elevators close and begin to gently ascend. Just like that, there was only silence in the elevator.

The poem was leaning against the elevator, but I could feel the woman glaring at me. Human field of view is about 200 degrees. I was able to perceive the side even if I looked straight ahead.

The woman was quite pretty. His nose was unnaturally high and his eyes were large. It was like a colorful faux rose. Although silver and flattery are irresistibly attractive and pretty, it was clear that the woman in the elevator is also quite popular.

There is such a thing as the Old Testament that you cannot even approach except looking at it. But now, on the contrary, the woman glanced at the situation and was only looking at the changing number of floors of the elevator because she had no interest at all.

Seventh floor. I've reached Mina and Fring's floor. The situation immediately came down from the elevator. The dreadfully strong fragrance fades and the air is pleasant.

I stood in 703 and pressed the password and went inside. It was not a small officetel suitable for living alone, but a little more than 20 square feet was enough for the two of them to live together.

“My Lord!"

Fring, who was watching the movie on a tablet bought by the poet, got up from his bed and approached the poem.

“How are you? ”

“Yes, but my master didn't come here often and got bored. Don't you want to see Fring? ”

Frin grabs the poem's hand and waves slightly. Unlike the woman in the elevator, I was somewhat happy and naturally smiled. The fresh beauty of Fring was very glamorous.

Fresh beauty... I had a good idea for some reason.

How long do I have to wait here? ”

Mina, who was sitting on the couch reading a book, looked at the situation and asked.

“I think we should wait a little longer. I don't have a room at home. Don't you think we should write something more respectful than that? Isn't it weird that your secretary is refusing you? ”

“Is that so? I see... ”

Mina says something a little awkward about not being accustomed to speaking respectfully. It was definitely awkward compared to the half-words, respectful words, or ordinary people, but it was definitely much less awkward compared to the half-words.

“Master, I don't know what you're talking about. ”

“Yes, I think Friedo should speak Korean now. ”

The poem fed the pill for language acquisition to the prince and allowed him to learn Korean. It was very important for Fring to know Korean in his work from now on.

“Come on, sit on the couch. We need to talk. ”

As the poet sat on the couch, Fring sat on the couch, and Mina sat next to Fring, staring at what the poet would say.

“Is Frye familiar with this world? ”

“Yes, my lord. I don't know what they're saying, but Fring can go out there and do whatever he wants. You can buy food. You can buy food when you sell stuff. ”

I didn't worry because I always told her to follow me around. Meena is trustworthy, but Fring is not trustworthy. Somehow, if I let Fring roam around like a baby cat, he might get lost and cry.

“What about the subway? ”

“What's a subway? I don't know about Fryn. ”

Do you really think I can trust Fring with my job? The situation felt the need to rethink his plans.

“Hey, Mina, is there some kind of magic you can always keep an eye on someone from afar? ”

“There is.”

“Say something respectful. ”

“That's a mistake. But you have to see the magic and write it yourself…… ”

“Really? Hmm... ”

The poem thought as he touched his chin. Originally, I was going to ask Princeton to follow the power blogger. Hiding in the house of a power blogger, using magic items that eliminate witchcraft and obstacles, and having a tape recorder taken from Kesron Castle and watching who you meet outside, you could see the situation no matter what happened.

However, this made it less efficient because Fring had to watch constantly. Not if you don't get credit.

Then it was most efficient to use Mina's magic. It's easy for Mina to see and use magic for herself.

“So if you teach me where he is and how to face him, can you do magic without being spotted? Do you think you can hear it if you enchant it? Or are you just gonna watch? ”

“I can also hear sounds. You can see magical beings through mirrors and water. But this magic is very vulnerable to navigation magic. ”

“There's no such thing as navigation magic here. So here's the deal. ”

The poem tells Prince and Mina what he thinks.

Simply put, Mina was going to enchant herself and record the blogger's words at the officetel to keep an eye on Fring. I don't need anything else, and Frin just had to check if there was any talk about cosmetics.

Since I had bought cosmetics a little while ago, it was not strange to make something already, but there was no reaction at the moment, and if I made something, it must have been this time of attention. If the blogger had bought cosmetics nicely, he wouldn't have bought it like this, but it was natural for the poet to use his hands like this. It was foolish of me to know if I would get hurt.

The poem taught the blogger's home with a location tracker, and Fring and Mina took their clothes to Juju Island and left the office with the poem.

I was going to leave the original plan to Fring, but I didn't think I should let it go to waste like that. It was not the lack of time for the child Eugene to be busy with work. If I had time, I would have been careful with my work.

I drove to the area where the power blogger lived. I was living in a decent apartment on Gangdong-gu side if I made a lot of money on my blog.

I parked in the parking lot of my apartment. The location tracker confirms that the Power Blogger is at home, so all you have to do is get in there and do your magic.

“Ready? ”

“Yes… ”

“It's important we don't get caught. Okay?"

“Very well, Tou Alun Kayu. ”

Mina gets out of the car, saying something strange. However, for some reason, the image of Mina getting out of the car disappeared everywhere. Did he use invisibility magic? The poem looked at the entrance of the apartment, but he couldn't see Mina entering.

As the poem predicted, Mina was using invisible magic. Using this complex magic to eliminate witchcraft here, it was hard to be found out by anyone in this condition. As an ordinary wizard, it may be difficult to use the Invisibility Magic itself, but it is an Elf chosen by Lunamos, and Mina's magical talents and abilities have surpassed the boundaries of human imagination.

I quickly climbed the fifth floor of the blogger's house through the stairs. A tightly closed door. Normally, it would induce the house owner's carelessness to open the door, but Mina went through the concrete wall with simple magic and entered the house.

Ability to eliminate transparency and enter the home of choice. It was a magic so terrifying that it could be used as a perfect crime, but at the same time it was also a dream ability for anyone. Although it's not just voyeurism to secretly watch your favorite person's secret appearance, everyone has already imagined it.

After all, Mina, who entered briefly, came out of the living room using a computer to enchant the woman who was doing something. It would have been quite difficult to get Fring to do it, but Mina makes it as simple as wrist twisting.

Mina, who got back in the car, unraveled the transparency and taught the poet that she had succeeded. However, the interest of the poem was elsewhere.

“Is that invisibility magic? ”

“That's right.”

“Can you put that on me? No, like potions. Can I be invisible when I want? ”

“I can make you a magic scroll. ”

“Can you make me just one of those? ”

“I'll go home and make it. ”


The poem rolled up its mouth and laughed bitterly. I was going to surprise the eggs with this. I wanted to prank Chan or Yumi with something called invisibility magic, but I decided to only prank the eggs because I didn't have to scratch the bush for nothing.

The vision of the return to the officetel was seen by the power blogger after Mina had obtained a transparent spell book. I remembered the image of the power blogger on the transparent water floating in the bowl. The sound of her keyboard flutters out of the water. What a mysterious sight.

“Huh? What happened to your face? ”

When I used to buy cosmetics, my normal face now felt uneasy.

“Is that what you meant? ”

Watching people with magic was not a bad thing, either. However, I could not sit still, so I considered the decision and was able to confirm that the choice was right.

The power blogger must have put on cosmetics and said his skin was getting weird. This attack could have been fatal if I didn't know it, but now I have time and time to defend against it.

The vast amount of information that has erupted since the Internet has been so overwhelming that it can hardly be distinguished by a mixture of reliable and unreliable information. In this flood of information, people have come to believe that the information is reliable if they want to make sense of the least rationale. Normally fine, but if it was a bad rumor from any particular person or company, it would have a huge impact on the offline world at once.

Celebrities were especially likely to drop out of the entertainment industry with the right information that was secretly leaked, or hit the image with incorrect information written by a middle school girl.

And now the situation is at risk of becoming a victim of such information.

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We're sorry for the delay in our softening cycle. It's not without the effect of wow, but I'm going to do it a little faster.

I wrote it in a state of confusion, and I turned it into a mirrored egg. Modified.

Thank you for always reading.