Dragon Lunamos

“I'm going out now. ”

It was hard to stay anymore. I felt like I would be swayed by the situation like the last time I was here. A confused mind. I didn't know what the poem meant by this.

“Wait. But we have to do all this. It's almost over. ”

The poem caught the spawn about to leave and drenched the whole body with water from the Lucaron Fruit. Only when he was moaning over the excuse that the poem was wet his legs did he realize that his panties were rolling over and the conspiracy was shining.

“Done. Now get out. I'm out of here. ”

“ ……. ”

Before the poem was finished, the egg left the bathroom and washed itself with a towel. The feeling of disliking did not unexpectedly occur, but the feeling of shame was unbearable.

I tried to clean up quickly, clean up, and go back to my room. However, after washing my body, I couldn't get dressed up in a wet brassiere and panties. I must have done this on purpose. Perhaps when I took off my brassiere and panties, the poem would pop out.

After a moment of concern, I had no choice but to clean my body first, take off my brassiere, and wipe my wet chest quickly. And I put on a t-shirt as soon as I could. I just touched the poem and noticed that I'm not wearing a brassiere because of my nipple.

The eggs also took off their pants in that way. I thought the situation would be on time, but it didn't come out differently.

It felt weird this way. Was he really not interested? Was it a coincidence that your hand came into my chest? Do you think he's trying to react on purpose? I had all kinds of thoughts.

As she looked at the bathroom, she bit her lips, took her brassiere and underwear and went to her room.

The poem sprinkles water from the Casillon petals on his body without even knowing if the egg is like that.

I liked the aroma of flowers.

* *

The process of sprinkling water from Casillon petals and Lucaron fruits continued for several days. The poem sprayed praise and yumi with the same kinds of water every day, and it was slowly working. It was an eye-visible change.

The skin of praise, aru, and silverware sprinkled with water from the Casillon petals became clean.

When I saw human skin, it was usually dirty, dirty, or something. I could tell by the simple cold. The skin of praise itself was clean, but there were dirty parts because it was human. things like chest in the legs, dead skin on the heels, discoloration between the thighs, discoloration around the anus, the appearance of chicken flesh, the color of the elbows not pretty. These were the things we couldn't help but be human.

The poem was bringing praise to his room to confirm those parts.

I sat down on the bed, not wearing any clothes, and looked at my feet first. The cut on the back of the ankle was almost gone with the heels on, and the skin between the claws was very clean. There were no scars or blemishes on my legs. Do they call this baby skin?

I also quickly checked the sensitive areas. I opened the legs of praise and checked the thighs and vaginas, but the discoloration around the vagina slowly returned to its original skin color.

“Turn around for a second and stick your butt out. ”


“Yeah. Like backing up your ass. ”

“…… Yes. ”

Praise was ashamed, but he did not refuse the words of the poem. I pushed my butt toward the face of the poem, like a backward posture.

The poem carefully examined the anus with a flattering buttocks.

“Not there.... ”

When the poem saw the anus, Chan buried his face on the pillow in shame.

The color around the anus was also very clean, and the things that were spreading like chicken flesh disappeared. I didn't even feel my anus was dirty. It seemed like a change, but this subtle difference made perfect beauty.

“Good. A little more of that water and you'll have flawless skin." ”

“Y-you 're done now? ”

“Yes, I've seen it all. ”

The poem hymned the horse and quickly lowered his ass. It was only for a short time, but I was almost ashamed.

“Anything else good? ”

“Different? My hair has improved a lot. ”

I spoke about the hair that complimented the question of the poem. I didn't think that my vagina or anus had gotten cleaner with compliments, and I was sure that my hair was soft and healthy.

“Has your hair gotten better? It's more versatile than I thought.”

It wasn't just getting better. I think it would make a good profit if I made it with shampoo and body cleanser.

After completing the confirmation, I carefully checked Yumi and Aru, Eunji and Egg.

When Yumi and eggs were seen, Lucaron Fruit whitened the skin and plumped up the sagging skin. When the poem checked, I only knew that the skin turned white, but I heard about Yumi and her eggs, and I could see that the skin tightened.

Lucaron Fruit seemed good for aging women and young women who are well suited to Botox for sagging skin. The skin sagging and wrinkling were surprisingly also quite troubling for young women.

I had to spend money on marketing if I was going to launch a new product Most people had no way of knowing that a new product had come out without informing them that it was new.

The best method was also TV advertising. Models were, of course, hidden and delicate. Although the secret was ridiculous, Yummi was also pretty enough not to be pushed too far. In particular, Yumi continued to take care of her body, so if she wore clothes with a little exposure, everyone would be fascinated.

In addition to the TV advert, I also needed an advert photo for a women's magazine. There was no need for anything else in the photo, just the face, body, and product of Eunhyun and Yumi. Other clumsy things didn't need anything.

Quezron cosmetics were not just luxury, they were very expensive. I had to be as careful as I could because I could carve out all the luxurious images if I marketed vaguely like a regular brand.

Glug glug!

The vibration of the phone rang while the poem was thinking about it. It was a call from the sunset.

[Bro, I emailed you that I finished the song.]

[Ah, finally. Have you heard of it?]

[Yes, I just heard about it, and I love it. I don't know anything else, but I'm singing my brother's song, and I can't hear him because he sings so well.]

[I'm ashamed to say that. Thanks for the heads-up. I should hear it too.]

[Yes, brother. I'll call you back.]

When he hung up his phone at sunset, he checked his email on his laptop. As the sun set, the song arrived.

The sight was immediately regenerated.

A cheerful footnote begins. It was the same accompaniment that the poem had heard a great deal while making a song. After the previous period ended, I started singing from the poem. The voice of the poem spreads from the speakers. The poem had never heard his voice like this since he had posted a song on YouTube before.

A surge of flair erupts from the human system. I could only feel it from the speakers. I did not believe I could call myself this beyond the level that I was very good at. It was a magical circuit, but it was good enough to think it was too much.

Afterwards, the part of the sunset was quite good enough for the poem to copy the magic circuit, but after listening to the poem's song, it was boring enough to be ordinary. Even if you're good enough to play the main vocal of the Idol group.

The voice of the poem was the butcher. If any singer stood next to him, he would be brutally massacred, and the horse would not be lacking a singer-slayer.

The city went out to the living room with a laptop for more assessment. Aside from the spawning, Chan, Yumi, Eunji and Aru were watching TV in the living room.

“Are you guys busy? ”

“No, I'm not busy. I'm just watching TV. ”

Yumi replied right away. There was a typical Korean drama on TV.

“I just wrote a song with the sunset. Would you like to hear it? ”

“Wow! Really? ”

Yumi liked it the most. As soon as the words of the poem were finished, he stood up and cried out.

“Ah……. ”

Chant realized what the poem and sunset had done in the room alone. Just in case, but fortunately, it seemed to be a routine relationship.

“Are you on a music broadcast now, too? ”

Eunji asked the poet.

“No, it's not like that. Just post it on a music site. If it reacts well, it might sound like Eun or not. Haha.”

The music broadcast seemed to be quite burdensome. Now I'm free to go because my face is not well known. If I become famous like silver or sunset, it's hard to meet any woman and go around. I didn't want to be watched all day and be seen in newspapers or internet articles. Freedom was better than fame.

“I can't wait to hear it. ”

“Yes, I understand. Listen carefully."

Yummi rushes in. Chanda turns off the TV as soon as the town puts her laptop on the table in the living room.

The poem played a song.

After Jeonju came out, the voice of the poem came out.

“Ah……. ”



Chan and Eun-si were lightly impressed, while Yumi has been very self-absorbed since earlier. Aroo blinked and eagerly listened to the song, but the eggs did not react much.

Soon the song ended.

“ ……. ”

The living room was quiet. The poem's song was truly a thrill. I don't know anything else, and the poem was too good at singing.

“Brother, I love this song. I think it's amazing. I knew you were good at singing, but this is really... ”

Yumi didn't get the words right. Seeing his face, he seemed really moved, and his hands were clasped together and placed close to his chest.

On hearing Yumi's words, the situation reminds me of a long time ago, Yumi went to Karaoke with a coin. Since Margie has a different amount than she did then, she must have gotten much better than she did then. At that time, Margie was only a few years old because she received an inheritance.

“Thank you. What about the others? ”

“I felt like Yumi, too. I think there's more to the song than just being good. I was obsessed with singing without even knowing it. ”

Praise not only told me why the song was good.

“I want to hear your song again. Aru wants to hear this every day. ”

Aroo seemed to like it a lot.

“Oh… brother……. ”

Eunji cried a lot. Occasionally on a song broadcast, the audience was moved by the singer's song and shed tears, but Eunji was like that now. I was really moved.

“Sounds good.”

I gave her a short compliment, too.

I called Margie to activate the magic circuits with a bunch of them, but that was the problem. In the beginning, the situation was different from that of ordinary people. This was the difference between a child and an adult when there was often a big difference. There was an enormous difference from a normal singer.

It seemed like a good reaction, so I had to sell as many soundsources as possible by promoting this as well. The poem did not sing for money nor to express his passion. There is only one goal. It was for experience to raise the Legacy level.

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Thank you for reading