Dragon Lunamos

“Oh, my God. Idiot, tell him to come back soon. ”

Silver said urgently to the poet. It was fortunate that he didn't open the door or just knock, just like the poet said.

But I couldn't miss out on this exciting opportunity. The poem wore pants with an erection of the penis. His erectile penis was so big that his trousers popped out.

“If I ask you to come back later, I'll ask you to come in because I'm suspicious. You better put your clothes in the blanket. ”

“What, what? Mi, are you crazy? ”

The silent whispering of the poem reminded me of the face of silver.

“If I ask you to come back later, what if you two think you're doing something weird? Let's let him in. ”

“Ah……. Oh, my God."

It was such an urgent moment that the poem seemed to make sense. He asked me to come in twice, but if I say no, I'm sure I'm doing something dirty.

Of course, no matter how much I doubted it, it was right to prevent me from entering because the difference between what I saw and what I saw was so great, but I didn't have time to think about it because it was so urgent.

Silver quickly tucks her clothes into the bed and covers the duvet as much as possible to keep her naked. The secret is in such a hurry, you drop a pair of panties under the bed. The poem knew that, but did not say much.

Silver is safe, but I've looked at it quickly, but it seems fine. Unfortunately, I couldn't find my panties where they were hidden from Silver Rain.

“Yes, you can come in. ”

The poem came out of bed and told Chan to come in. There was a very suspicious space before I said this, and of course I thought praise was strange too. But once he didn't say anything, the hymn carefully opened the door.

The scene that I saw opening the door was as strange as the space before the poem just spoke. For some reason, the poem is puffing up his pants, and Silver Rain is covering him unnaturally with a bunch of blankets.

“Should I leave the fruit on the table? ”

I left out this strange point and asked where I would leave the fruit for its original purpose.

“Yes. Put it on the table. ”

Praise places the fruit on the table and glances at the silver rain. I was closing my eyes, and under the bed, I found panties presumed to be women's. Secret panties, by the way. Chan sighed lightly into his heart as he looked at the evidence with his own eyes, though he was somewhat doubtful.

“Eun-Bee, are you sick? ”

A compliment placed on the table asked Silver.

“Yeah, I'm just lying there in a little pain. ”

The poem replied to the eulogy instead of silver. Silver was closing his eyes, but his face turned red, so I felt like I was really feverish when I saw a stranger.

“Eun-Bi, are you okay? ”

Praise approaches Silver Rain. The closer the hymn came, the stronger the hand of silver with the duvet in it. If you get a blanket thrown down, you'll find yourself naked, and something big will happen. Just by imagining that terrible thing, my body trembles less.

“Oh, it's okay. ”

Your voice trembles at how nervous Silver was.

Chan sits on the bed, looking at that kind of grace. I could see what was going on. All the grudges must have been circumstantial. I never knew this happened even in secret. I was a little suspicious before, but what I did know for sure was that I had just reported my panties.

The women in this house were all aware that the status quo was meeting with this woman and that woman. Normally, there would be a big fight between the legs and everything would end, but the situation was a little different. In the beginning, there was no one who was definitely dating the poem, and everyone was deeply involved in life in any way. It was not just that I could say no now that I met another woman. The heart did not become like that. I wished for the love of the poem even though the poem met another woman.

Praise strokes Silver Rain's head in sorrow. I sweated a lot. Thanks to you, my head was wet.

“If you get sick, rest here. You don't have to go back because you can sleep in your brother's room today. ”


The words of praise are a little strange, and Silver Rain opens her eyes and asks. Sleep in the poem's room? Did he notice anything?

“Then I'll leave. Be good to Eun Bi. ”

“Huh? Of course I want to be nice. ”

Chant leaves with a subtle note.

“Ahh... ”

When the hymn came out, Silver Rain took a big breath. I was trembling to find out if I'd just noticed Chan Chan sitting on the bed and touching the area around my forehead. No matter how nervous I was, the sheets and duvets were sweating.

“Sorry, it's a secret. I'm so sorry. ”


Of course, Silver was getting ready to get angry because the poem was going to say, "Let's have sex again." However, unlike what I thought, I couldn't say anything at the moment when the poem approached with an apology. I've never seen the city apologise with such a sorry face.

“You were embarrassed, weren't you? You're sweating a lot. Do you want to go back and wash up? ”

“Huh? What's wrong with you all of a sudden? ”

It was okay to be mad at the poet because of what just happened, but when the poem bowed like that and came in, Silver Rain felt strangely better. I was still confused, but I felt a little relieved.

“I'm sorry. I didn't know another compliment was coming. Let's get you cleaned up and dressed first. I don't know what else is gonna happen. ”

“Huh? Well, yeah. ”

Even if I wanted to have sex at this time, I had no intention of keeping secrets. Until just now, I was secretly excited about the idea of secretly having sex in the poem's room, but now I'm all turned on.

Silver got out of bed, went back to the bathroom and washed off the sweat. As soon as I came out of the bathroom, I saw his panties falling next to the bed.

“Huh? When did these pants get here? ”

I was surprised by the silver rain and asked the poet.

“I don't know. Did you fall out just now? ”

The poem pretended not to know.

“Is that so? That's strange. I don't think it fell off. ”

Silver thought as she frowned on her forehead, but there was something about her. Did that compliment come from your panties? However, no matter how I thought about it, I was so peaceful that the expression of praise was too peaceful. Rather, I looked at him with a compassionate look as if I was really worried that he was sick.

“Oh, I don't know. Just get dressed first. ”

Silver picked up her fallen panties and put them on her bed. When I had all my clothes on, I felt comfortable. Now, I tried to be annoyed by the Apologized Pope, but when I saw the Pope's face, I felt a little weak.

“From now on, I'll do only what Silver tells me to do. ”

“Really? Then kiss my feet. ”

Eun-beo sits on the bed and sticks his foot out. Then the poem grabbed Silver Rain's feet and kissed the back of his feet as well as the soles of his feet.

“Hey, that tickles. ”

“Like this?"

When the poem still looked at me with a sorry face, even the heart of Silver is now fine.

“I'll forgive you just this once. Do you know if I asked you to do that when I didn't want anyone else to? I said that because I had a deep thought. Anyway, men are so simple that they don't even think about coming back.... Whew.”

In the end, you said the whole man was simple, but you forgave the situation anyway. It wasn't so bad considering the situation of listening to him well in the future.

“Chan told me to sleep in my room. Are you sure you want to sleep tonight? ”

“Stay the night? What are you talking about? What would the others think if I slept in your room? ”

Silver looked at the situation as if he was talking nonsense again.

“On the contrary. Wouldn't it be even weirder if you were just lying there in pain and suddenly you were fine? Chanting must have told the others you might be sick and going to bed today. ”


Silver's expression becomes more serious. As the poem said, I just felt so sick. Then, suddenly, when I left, praise could be suspicious. I thought it might be better to sleep today and go tomorrow, as the poem said.

“Do you have plans for tomorrow? ”

“Yes, I'm here this afternoon. ”

“Then leave early in the morning and sleep here today. ”

“Oh, really. Then I should call my mom... What do I say?”

Eun-hyeon decides to take a deep look and go to sleep. Silver's expression becomes more serious. I was thinking about what to say to my parents, like a girl who was supposed to sneak out on a two-day trip with her boyfriend.

“Tell her I'm staying at the sunset. ”

“That should be fine. ”

According to the poem, Silver Rain decided to lie about sleeping in the Sunset Inn.

Eun Bee sat in bed and called her mother on her cell phone.

After a few ringtones, Eun Bee's mother answered the phone.


Silver said in the most casual voice possible.

Why did you call my daughter?]

[I'll sleep at the lodge tonight at sunset.]

What does that mean all of a sudden?]

Eun-whee said that she was going to fall unexpectedly, and asked again, slightly embarrassed. Even a normal girl would be worried if she said she was going out, but it was weird not to worry about the fact that the most popular secret is going out.

[I came to the Sunset Inn for a while, but I have a lot to talk about and I want to play.]

Should I just pick her up at night?]

No matter how much I thought about it, Silver Mother tried to bring it home because she was worried.

However, the poem rubs his chest with his hands in the sweater, hugging Silver Rain Mother behind his back, worrying or not. Silver glances back, frowning, but doesn't let go.

Among the things that Eun-Bee's mother was worried about was that she might fall in love with a man, but the poem was acting according to her concerns.

[I want to play like this for a while. I've been having a hard time with work lately... I'm tired and I need to heal.]

Silver rain said in a slightly depressing voice when it didn't seem like it.

Ugh, yeah. Okay, well, you have to call your mom in the morning.]

[Yeah, okay. Bye, then.]

Eun Eun's mother gave her permission to make sure it worked.

“Hey! You don't keep touching me on the phone. ”

The poet's hand was digging into the secret trousers and was touching the important area.

“I was bored to stay still. ”

“At least be patient with your manners when you call your mom. You stupid pervert. Aren't you ashamed to see my mother's face later? ”

Eun-Bee had already confirmed and said that the poem would meet with his mother.

“That's what you do when you like it, right? We'll tell each other we had sex later anyway. Isn't that right?”

“Huh? Huh. Yes, it is.”

I was a little embarrassed by the idea of having sex and having a baby. It sounded like a proposal. Silver Secrets were drawn in my mind to automatically marry the poem and give birth to children. Somehow my heart trembled.

“Silver's favorite dirty stuff is sneaking around later when everyone's asleep, and now let's see how we reacted to it before. ”

“Nu, someone likes dirty things. Idiot, you're my favorite pervert. ”

“Haha. I see. ”

The poem smiled and brought his laptop and fruit to bed. While eating the fruit, I thought of studying the show's reactions in secret.

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Thank you for reading.