Dragon Lunamos

It was practically impossible. You wash your hair with hair loss treatment shampoo and you get hair? It was ridiculous. If it's such a simple problem, why hasn't anyone treated hair loss?

In common sense, people speculated that the hair loss was not solved by using Quezron shampoo, but by manipulating the video to look like it was solved.

[Maybe he faked the footage? It doesn't make sense for me to suddenly get a headache...]

[It's made for jokes anyway, so don't you think there might be some kind of reversal on the next side after fishing this one? [Laughs]

[This doesn't make any sense. We're not just trying to replicate follicular cells for nothing. It's impossible to regenerate static follicular cells, so a study is underway that separates and cultures follicular papillary cells from the hair follicles of the back of the head called permanent areas. This research is still in its infancy, and after using 2 million won shampoo regularly, your hair grows? Does that shampoo include any God-given substance that regenerates follicular cells? It's just a little bit of fun for people to look at, and then it's just a mockery of hair loss.]

I don't know, but some people wrote that it didn't make any sense, and some people refuted why that video didn't make any sense with their professional knowledge.

Today's technology has made it impossible to regenerate follicular cells and hair by simply using shampoo, so many professional articles have been recommended that all of them should be considered fraudulent.

When the public opinion turned out to be this way, many hairdressers from all over the country who thought they had made a video as a joke went to the Keplan homepage bulletin board and protested harshly.

There's even Internet news about this.

[Does Quezron Shampoo Treat Hair Loss? Netizens say it's a scam.]

[Hair Loss Treatment Shampoo Controversial Cazron Site Paralysis]

Unlike the old days, the brand Quezron became famous, and the impact was unexpected.

In order to show that Mingyoungsu did not think things would get this big, he took a photo of his own hair growing little by little on the SNS.

[Hello, I'm Mingyeong-soo. I know it's a lot of controversy these days about whether or not kezron shampoo is a scam. I understand your feelings. In fact, for the first time, I didn't believe it at all, as you can see in the semi-religious video. But then a miracle happened about a month after I tried it. I'm going to continue to update my head constantly, telling you that I've never lied or manipulated my beliefs and my gagmans in my life. Best regards]

Mingyeong-soo told me the truth, but the controversy did not sink easily. It was because I thought I was working with Mingyeong-soo who received money from Quezron anyway.

Normally, over time, it was usually quiet like the controversy of silver rain or autumn, but it was more controversial when I touched what could be called disgusting.

The image of Quezron was digging through the ground and collapsing to the inner core.

Usually around this time, he would send down a video of the Buryanese to clear up the situation or apologize, but the situation was waiting for the controversy to intensify without saying anything.

It was a good situation to say that the internet footage made fresh for promotional purposes only caught a large fish. Although not intentionally, no one knew that the hair loss treatment shampoo came out of Quezron because it was similar to noise marketing.

As the controversy grew, it finally made the 9: 00 news.

The news started with a video of Mingyeong Soo blaming Quezron, and a few moments later, she said that her head really grew, followed by tears. After the video, the hair transplant specialist said she could not treat her hair loss with a simple shampoo, and that she should go to the hospital and see a specialist before completing the news by saying that the announcer needed an explanation from Quezron.

By now, it has expanded to more than just the controversy that arose on the Internet. Many experts have also assessed that the best invention of the 21st century is not lacking if shampooing really solves hair loss.

This is how I decided to hold a press conference because I thought the situation had grown to be controversial.

As I entered the big, fancy press conference held at the hotel, a number of reporters blew up the camera flash. It was a camera baptism as intense as a popular idol.

The poem stood on a rigid platform and began to talk about the increasingly controversial shampoo for the treatment of hair loss.

“If any of you have been offended by our video, we sincerely apologize. But I have not tampered with the video, and I assure you it's all true. ”

The press conference was a little noisy when the poem, which I thought would apologize, did not bend over and said that everything was true.

“This shampoo for the treatment of hair loss in Quezron contains ingredients that regenerate follicular cells just by washing constantly, so that those suffering from hair loss can have the same effect as Mingyoungsu. It's not an exaggeration or manipulation or a hoax, but there's a personal desire to be a hope for all hair loss suffered. ”

At the end of the poem, a question came out of the press.

“Are you sure it contains the ingredient that regenerates follicular cells? If that's true, isn't it an invention that no one has ever made? Explain to me how you made it. ”

“Made with natural botanicals that regenerate follicular cells. Please understand that we are unable to discuss any further details in a trade secret. ”

The actual Paruo liquid was a liquid made of various plant combinations. But the problem was that you couldn't make it because it was something very special that wasn't born on Earth.

“What would you do if you used shampoo and your hair didn't come out? Do you plan to run a compensation system? ”

“Sometimes I think some of us don't work, but according to our data, everybody started regenerating follicular cells and regenerating their hair after a month. We have a lot of trust in our products and don't think about any special reward schemes. ”

You could experience a miracle if you tried it anyway, but the reward system was meaningless.

“There are many fires that say the price is too expensive. What do you think?”

“Kestron is always trying to demonstrate a fair value for money. I am not doubtful that hair loss treatment shampoos will be more than worth the price. ”

The poem naturally answered the journalists' questions. It was a look without any confusion at all. It was possible because I had unlimited trust in the product

“I'm passionate about celebrities these days, but can you tell me who they're actually dating? ”

In the meantime, there was a journalist who brought up the enthusiastic questions, not the shampoo. This was also the interest of ultrafine, which is currently being refined.

When Min Kyung Soo was shooting shampoo images, Eun Byun continued to drag Aggro to SNS like a professional raid tank. I didn't post or post pictures with the poem like before, but I continued to post those pictures that smelled like there might be a man.

But it wasn't just silver. Yummi, also known as the model of Quezron, consistently posted a picture of the poem on Facebook View. Moreover, the contents revealed that they would love life, the opponent of destiny, and the goal of life were to marry their brother and like the situation.

As there was also an enthusiasm with autumn here, it was great for people to be interested in who the situation is with, or blind beyond the triangle, or even more.

“I'm sorry. I can't tell you that part. ”

“Tell me if any of them are dating. ”

“... ”

The poem didn't answer because there was only minus to say anything here.

Immediately after the press conference was concluded, video and news appeared on the internet.

Of course, the CEO of Quezron, who thought he would apologize as an advertisement, said he could reasonably see the same effect as Mingyeong-su.

As the representative stood up and said it in person, some people also hoped, but still did not like the opinion. Rather, there have been more severe criticisms than before.

[If I grow my hair with that shampoo, I will donate all my wealth. You have to believe in things that make sense. I think it's really stupid for people to believe that they've said that again. without knowing that fraudsters are supposed to install it more confidently.]

Even his entire fortune was at stake. I don't really know if I'm going to donate my fortune, but people didn't believe the story at all.

When the controversy boiled, the poem launched shampoo. It cost exactly KRW 2 million, and in the first week I gave the buyer a ticket to Cake Shards at Cafe Quezron as a prize.

Everyone anticipated that the criticism wouldn't be crowded as much, but there were some people who were waiting for the day of launch before the store door opened. Most women usually wait to shop, but today there were a line of men who seemed to have suffered from hair loss.

As the department store opened, the men rushed straight to the Kestron store and the scene spread.

I could blame people with brains for buying such a scam product, but I didn't know it without experiencing that desperation.

I decided to buy it because I believed in the episode that hair loss was not solved by all means, but that it was effective in regenerating follicular cells at a news conference with a brand called Quezron. The price is 10 million won just like any other product. It also worked significantly because it was a realistic price of 2 million won.

“Where's the shampoo from today? ”

A man in his late 30s who came running immediately asked the staff.

The woman took out a luxurious box without any embarrassment at all. Then he gave me a few notes.

“Wash your hair with shampoo every day until your first hair grows out. Once every three days after you get a haircut. If the shampoo is not used continuously, the shampoo should be used at least once a week, as regenerated follicular cells may cease to function. ”

The most important part was that you could stop the activity of follicular cells if you did not continue to use shampoo. I wrote caution on the bottle of shampoo so that it wouldn't be a problem later.

The shampoo is surprisingly popular, and the amount prepared is full. The criticism was strong, but the noise marketing part was significant.

Even people bought shampoo with the feeling of grabbing straws, but it was anti-Semitic.

After some time after people put on shampoo, a trace of hair began to grow. Depending on the time of day, it took three weeks or more than a month.

Those who bought shampoo wrote directly on the Kestron site, unable to endure the joy when the hair follicle cells really regenerated and hair began to grow.

[I bought shampoo, pretending to believe what Jules said. I've used a lot of hair loss related products before, but it started to work about a month after I used Kezron Shampoo. I looked in the mirror all day long because I couldn't believe my head. Thank you very much. This is the happiest day of my life.]

At some point, I wrote a note on the Keplon cafe, blog, community, etc., saying that I really grew my hair. It was just after the store opened and about a month later.

Suddenly, when all these articles came up at once, people's gaze was not very good.

[You must have done your job in Quezron. There's a lot of hair coming out of it. I don't buy it by promoting shampoo that doesn't work like this.]

People who had used shampoo exaggerated it in a way that was too effective for the reputation of Quezron and that it was the only hair loss treatable shampoo that made it feel like an advertisement.

I'm Quezron Alvara? What the fuck are you talking about? You can't even tell me you've actually seen the effects? What would you have done if someone like you hadn't shown up for shampoo? Thank you so much for releasing the shampoo without being beaten by a real quezron representative.]

There were frequent fights between people who saw the effects of shampoo and those who thought it was an advertisement.

However, as time went by, more and more people said that they had seen the effect, and from the day they used shampoo on their blog or YouTube to hair, the daily uploads began to change.

As soon as I brought up the story of the Quezron shampoo, the people who cursed at Alba went extinct at any moment completely covered their tracks.

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Thank you for reading