Dragon Lunamos

“Isn't she beautiful?”

Autumn, when Rose's vagina opened, asked the pope. Hye-mi next to me blushed her face greatly. Unlike the autumn in which she had already had a lot of sex and committed adultery, Hye Mi, who had not yet had sex with the situation, was still quite embarrassed.

“Yes, it's beautiful. But...”

I looked at Hye-mi's secret place. The exquisitely beautiful hole through which the clear liquid flowed was flinching and flirting as if to put the penis in right away. The poem wanted to put it into temptation right away, but he endured it.

“It's okay. I washed it clean, so try it with your mouth first. ”

At the end of the fall, the poem pretended to hesitate for a while and then buried his face in rose's crotch. Even without the use of words, there was no bad smell at all.

The poem began to taste the clitoris softly with the tongue after using the enchanting ability to make the texture of the rose more sensitive.

“It's a filthy place... ah... ah...”

The poet licks the place where the urine comes from, and Rose tries to talk with her face covered in shame. However, I couldn't even connect the words properly with the bitter pleasures that I felt. I could barely lick the place where I peed, but I couldn't get out of the feeling of my heart pounding and flying in the sky.

Autumn, I put the vagina that was holding the rose to make it feel better and lightly touched her nipple. Then the rose trembled and shed a deeper groan.

Liquid continued to flow from Rose's vagina. Sex, rather than masturbating, drooped into a purity of vaginas.

As the rose's body seemed to be burning, the poem stopped licking and raised its head. At this point, the situation was unbearable. I wanted to give a refreshing thought by inserting roses or anyone else, but it was still a time to endure.

“Shall we stop now? ”

The poem spilled Cooper's liquid and told autumn.

“Yes? Why? Now, if you put it in, you'll be very happy with your rose. ”

I was greatly embarrassed when I said to stop unexpectedly. Now the poem was done with the vagina of the rose.

“Roses don't seem to like it. I think you should just stop. ”

“Well, not at all. Roses, right?"

Autumn asked Rose who was still covering her face with her hands. Rose was also embarrassed and slightly nodded. I just felt so good that I wanted the poem to lick my vagina again.

“I think the rose is forced because Autumn and Hye Mi insist on it. I don't like roses, but if you insist, I'm really sorry. That's why I think we should stop. ”

“Well, it's not like that. ”

A rose, which had just been covering its face with his hands, suddenly said in a trembling voice, looking at the poem. I didn't force him to do it, I really wanted him to do it.

“Are you sure you're okay? ”

“Yes, I'm fine. So... please accept my innocence. Jules.”

Rose squeezed her courage and told the poet what she had learned from autumn. I felt like my heart was going to burst with tension. According to autumn, if the penis is inserted, it is confirmed to be the woman of the poem. I had to somehow get the penis of the poem into my vagina.


The poem still pretended to worry.

Then, Autumn and Hye Mi made an urgent face. At this rate, the situation seemed to end without insertion.

“Brother, you want roses, too. Don't burden me. Put it on a rose. ”

“That's right, Jules. Roses will want to be purified as well. I can't tell you how happy I am that Jules has been purified. ”

Fall and Hye Mi desperately asked the poet to put it on the rose quickly. Now, Fall, Hye Mi, and Roses were all in one mind, hoping that the poem would be inserted.

“But I don't know if I can put it in. I'm worried that it might hurt rose's heart if I did it for nothing. ”

When the poem thought about it, autumn quickly opened the vagina of the rose again.

“Look, I love you so much, you're dripping with this sweet honey. ”

“I wanted to put Jules' penis in fast, so I got a lot of dirty liquids. ”

In the autumn words, Hye Mi quickly held the penis of the poem and waved slightly. Both were desperate to insert the penis of the pope into the vagina of the rose.

“Rose, are you sure you're okay? ”

“Yes, I'm fine. No, I'd love to. ”

“Good. Then I'll just put a little bit of it in the mouth, and if you really want to put it in, it'll be fully inserted by the rose itself. This is good, right? ”

“Well, I'll do that. ”

Suddenly, the choice embarrassed her. I can't even touch the penis of the poem yet, but I need you to push it in.

“Then let's go to the autumn bed, since this place is small. Where are you?"

“It's that way.”

Autumn brings the rose to her room. I purposely bought a big bed for the poetry and sex, but I didn't know it would work like this.

Rose lay in bed, shivering slightly with tension.

The poem also lay down beside the rose and grabbed her lightly. I whispered in my ear a little.

“I used to love roses, actually. But I didn't want to hurt her, so I didn't want to hurt her. If it's okay in a country like this, would you mind putting my penis in a rose? ”

“Go, thank you. Tick, tick, tick. ”

The whispering of the poem caused the rose to be greatly embarrassed and barely answered. I was so happy that the poem liked me that I couldn't stop shaking. Purity was fine, but my body was constantly trembling with fear, tension about vague sex, and joy that I would finally put it in.

“Autumn, Hye-mi, I'm sorry, can you put a rose on my stool and put a penis in the entrance? ”

“Okay, Hye-mi, you sit your rose on my brother and open it. ”

It was finally time I waited so long. Hye Mi raised a shivering rose and sat on the penis of the poem to become a riding position. And I opened the vagina of a cute little rose to reveal the purest hole.

Autumn grabbed the penis of the poem and placed it precisely at the opening of the open hole. The hole in the sheer wet rose and the bean of the crisp poem were perfectly matched. Now, as long as the rose gives strength, it becomes one with the poem.

“I'll stay put. Choose whether or not to add roses. ”

The poem lay still.

The rose's eyes trembled with fear and tension.

“Rose, you can do it! ”

Fall cried out.

“Rose! Come on! All you have to do is push! ”

Hye Mi also cheered hard.

Everyone's gaze was drawn to the penis of the poem, which was interlocked with the hole in the rose.

“Hah… hah… I'll put you in. ”

Rose took a light deep breath and began to empower very carefully. However, unlike what I thought, I didn't have to push a little harder. I asked Fall and Hye Mi if she had been sick during her first experience with the Pope, but instead she said she was too happy. However, it was not easy to put a club-like penis inside his body because of the vague fear that it would enter him.

The rose grunts and tries to put it in somehow, but it never goes in.

The entrance to the rose itself is narrow and I've never inserted anything into my vagina before, so I was afraid and only gave it a little bit of strength. It was impossible to put it in forever.

“Rose, don't worry, it doesn't hurt. Push it in. ”

“Yes! It doesn't hurt at all if I put Jules' stuff in it! ”

Fall and Hye-mi continued to cheer.

“Ha... ha...”

I realized that roses don't work like this. I didn't get a good look, but the penis of the poem I saw was big enough to fit inside me. But I didn't want to give up. If I gave up here, I could not become a woman of the poem. I had to put it in.

A light exhaling rose bites her mouth. Then he was forced to insert the penis of the pope in one fell swoop. The entrance is narrow and not easily accessible, but you continue to put it in with full strength without giving up. Immediately, the penis of the poem was inserted into his body.

Immediately, the rose closed its eyes with a strange sense of intense pain. It was strange that the giant penis didn't fit well, but it didn't hurt because it was forcibly inserted into the body.

“Huh? It doesn't hurt. ”

However, instead of being sick, the vagina was gross and fascinating. Strangely, it didn't hurt and felt good. No, it was more than good. I felt like I was constantly moaning for pleasure.

“Thank you, Rose. ”

The pope hugs the rose, which is inserting the penis while riding, and lies beside it. Then I started making out with a kiss.

The quality of the rose was very narrow and pressing. Without magical circuitry, you would not be able to have sex, but thanks to the healing power of the magical circuitry, you could only feel the pleasure of tightening your penis without any pain.

The poem hugged the rose completely and slightly moved its waist with a kiss. I liked that it felt full of soft skin of roses. For the first time, I just had sex without using my magical ability. Nevertheless, the penis of the poem, which was optimized to make the woman feel pleasant, plunged the rose into the swamp.

“Hmmm... Hmmm...”

However, despite the overwhelming pleasures, the rose tightly shut its mouth so as not to groan at the embarrassment that autumn and comedy are watching. Despite trying to guide her groan, she could immediately feel how the rose was struggling with pleasure.

We hugged each other closely and watched the poem and rose having sex with jealous eyes. Obviously, he believed that he would do it for him after the situation.

However, the sex with Rose did not end even after giving an excuse once and twice. By this time, even autumn couldn't sit still like I was dying.

It wasn't until I had begun three times that the sex between the rose and the poem ended.

And of course, the poem had sex with the Fall Hye Mi who was waiting, but it ended with a one-time issue, not three times like a rose.

When the poem took out the penis from the vagina of autumn, the rose was waiting to come and wipe it with a toilet paper, and Hye Mi bit the penis of the poem into her mouth and cleaned it neatly.

“Watch and learn roses as well. My brother likes that. ”


Rose looked at Hye Mi and shyly replied. Even though the poem had had hot sex inside him three times, it still embarrassed me a lot.

“Are you going to eat meat now? I'm hungry.”

The situation was hungry after five times.

“Yes, I'll go out and prepare. ”

“Let me help you. ”

When Autumn went out to the living room wearing only panties and thin teas and prepared to bake meat, Hye Mi, who had neatly cleaned the penis of the poem, also went out.

“Oh, me too...”

“Rose, come out with me. ”

“Yes? Yes...”

The poem grabbed the rose and hugged it and kissed it lightly. Rose's face became full of happiness.

After kissing, the poet took Rose's hand and went to the living room with his penis exposed. Roses were not dressed, so they still tied red ribbons around their necks and only wore stockings, revealing their chests and vaginas.

“Hey… Jules, shouldn't I be dressed too? ”

A hesitant rose asked in a small voice.

“It's okay. I'm not splattering. There won't be any oil spills. ”

As the poem spoke, he uttered a bold word that increased the fire resistance to roses, autumn and comet. Now the three have immense fire-resistance capabilities, not just to the extent that meat oil splashes, but even when it touches the flames, and even when it falls into lava, is harmless. Of course, even though Margie was sucked out of the poem that much, thanks to her huge sex with Hye Mi, it didn't feel that much less now.

The poem sat on the dining table like a rose. Then autumn picked up some expensive beef and fed it to the roses.

“Is it good?”

“Yes, it's delicious. ”

Rose blushed her face and looked at Hye-mi with envious eyes. The poem was feeding the food that he had never done before.

Though he thought he was jealous of Hye-mi, he continued to feed only the rose meat and kissed or gave a deep skinship. I looked at her as if she was a lover. She was dazed with envious eyes.

I finished eating the meat so everyone was full.

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Thank you for reading