Dragon’s Legacy

00578 Civilization Advancement Reg

[Hello, who are you?]

When I heard the voice of a tranquil poem, a deep smile was drawn on the mouth of the Han River. I couldn't bear to laugh just thinking about what was happening right now.


[It's the Apocalypse, right?]

Who are you?]

[You have a woman you care about.]

[What nonsense... I don't answer spam or scam calls.]


The phone is disconnected.


Han Kang-gyu smiled. The situation was so pathetic that I hung up without knowing the situation. I couldn't stop laughing. I couldn't stand it because I was already looking forward to insulting and harassing women.

This time I made a video call. The signal goes and receives the status quo.

Han Gang-gyu illuminated Lunamos and Eun-si who had just regained consciousness without saying anything. Both of them were still unconscious, blurry and dazed. The helpless women gradually get excited and embarrassed on their faces, looking around the rope tied to their bodies and the warehouse they don't know where.

[What, what? Who are you? You're Eunuch and Lunamos... Why, why are you tied up?]

Seeing the video, unlike earlier, when I relaxed and did not answer the fraudulent phone, the voice of the poem was trembling loudly to see if I had finally understood the situation.

[I told you. I have the women you care about. Can you see for yourself?]

[Who the hell are you? Deo, what the hell is wrong with you? You're trying to scam me with a fake video, right?]

[Fraud? You can trust me if you want. Instead, your women will go through something they'll never forget. Hehe.]

Han Kang-gyu, who was in charge, laughed freely. This was the right thing. He was a man who persecuted others. He was a creature that suffered and reigned over others, not someone who would give insults to trivial beings.

[It can't be... it can't be.]

[Can't you believe it? Would that make you feel more real?]

Han Gang-gyu went to Eun-si's front with her cell phone and tore her clothes. White skin was revealed, and a cute underwear wrapped around my chest appeared.


Then he was dumbfounded, unable to even understand what was going on, and suddenly his clothes were torn, and he screamed.

Stop it! What do you want? What the hell do you want from me?]

[You've come to your senses, have you?]

Han Kang-gyu placed his hands on the shoulders of the silver that was white, and patted down slightly.

“Ha, don't. Please save me."

Eunji asked Han Kang-gyu to save her life, trembling with the horrible senses of the snake crawling. At this rate, I even felt a tremendous fear of losing my life.

“Now, if you want to live, shout for help from the people you love. Hehe.”

Han Gang-gyu put her cell phone in front of Eun-si.

“Brother... Ugh... I'm scared...”

Eun-ji, are you okay? Please, please, what do you want? I'll listen to everything. Stay hidden and save Lunamos Bay. Please.]

Eun-ji wept in fear, and the poem cried out in a mournful voice. In his voice, Han Kang-gyu was feeling joyful.

[Do you want her to be okay? Okay, then I'll send a car to your house. I will not lay a hand on those women as long as I ride in that car in peace. Oh, and now it's okay to call the police. But if you do, you'll never see the girls again. Think about it. Hehe.]

[If you get in the car quietly, you'll hide and not touch Lunamos, right? I don't care what happens to me, just hide and let Lunamos live. Please...]

[Let's judge that based on what you do. I'll see you later, buddy.]

Hangang Kyu hung up his phone and handed it to the man next to him. Then he made a light jaw, and the man who was waiting next to him called and sent a car waiting near the Pope's house.

Han Gang-gyu took a slow step and stood in front of Eunji and Lunamos. Then Eunji and Lunamos tremble with fearful expressions.

“Please, help me. Please save me."

“Ugh... Brother...”

Eun-si begged Han Gang-gyu for her life, and Lunamos regained his senses and cried out in fear. Both of them woke up and saw that they were tied up in an unknown warehouse. As soon as they realized the situation, they were still crying in fear.

Han Kang-gyu slowly walked in front of Lunamos. Suddenly, when Han Kang-gyu came forward, Lunamos staggered to flee behind the white face. However, the body tied to the chair did not move willingly.

Han Kang-gyu, standing in front of Lunamos, scans Lunamos' body with a bitter smile. The smooth body, which shows the drama of femininity as if it were a face but God's, was stimulating the man's conscience as hard as it was to bear.

“Yo, forgive me. I'm sorry...”

Han Gang-gyu looked at Lunamos, smiling and apologizing, and tore his clothes. The cloth that could not resist was torn as it was, and the white skin and pure white underwear were revealed.

“Please forgive me... ugh...”

Seeing Lunamos' body, Han Kang-gyu trembled. I couldn't stand the excitement. I thought I wanted Lunamos to be my own.

“Don't worry about it. I won't touch you until your favorite poem comes along. Hehe.”

But for the greater pleasure, I still have not touched it. When the poem arrived, I had to humiliate myself in front of my eyes to feel more joy and excitement. For that time, I had to endure it now.

Han Gang-gyu sat in front of Eun-si and Lunamos. And then I scoured their insides with snake-like eyes. I was so excited to imagine how I would insult the poem when it came. I can't believe all those pretty girls are around the poem. They're all her now.

In a large warehouse, there were a lot of robust men in black suits. Roughly two seats, they were sitting in a chair, having a free time. These were all gathered by Han Gang-gyu to deal with the situation. There was no one who didn't commit the terrible crimes they committed, and even if they could afford to kill, they were monstrous people.

They also stared at Lunamos and his beautiful hideaway with a terrifying smile.

As he glanced at them, he came up with a cruel idea that would make the situation even more desperate and painful. Even though he had a strong mind, he couldn't have been fine if he saw his woman being seduced by men in front of him. Han Gang-gyu was determined to thoroughly break down the spirit of the poem and make it feel extreme pain.

In a storehouse full of people, but completely desolate, only Eunji and Lunamos keep crying. In this situation, it was hard to keep calm, no matter how strong the person was. It was common sense for them to cry.

When I thought that Han Kang-gyu, who was slowly running out of time and bored to wait, was just trying to lure Lunamos away, I heard a car outside the warehouse.

After a while, the door opens, and the vision of the reflected face is drawn to the men in black suits with their arms tied. The poem shook his body and sprinkled the men, then ran to Eunji and Lunamos.

“Eunji! Lunamos! Are you all right? ”

“Brother! Ugh...”


Eunji's expression is a mixture of anxiety and anxiety, and Lunamos just keeps crying.

The men chased after the poem after them, grabbed their arms again, dragged them in front of Hangang Kyu and kicked their legs.


The poem knelt down in front of Han Kang-gyu as he kicked his leg with a force to break without pity.

“I brought her. ”

“Good. Good work. Here we are at last. The Apocalypse.”

“Who, who? Who the hell are you to do this to me? I'm here. Now let the girls go! I did what you said… please…”

“Come on. You're not taking this out on me now, are you? Huh? Isn't that right, asshole? ”

At first, Han Kang-gyu's relaxed expression became worse and worse, and later, he uttered his profanity and kicked off the face of the poem.


The front heel of the shoe stuck to the face of the poem. The poem's face flips back at once, and a large amount of blood bursts from his nose and mouth.


“Brother! Please forgive me. Please... Ugh... Please help me. ”

Eun-ji begged for forgiveness for the blood spilled from the poem's face, and Eun-ji was even more angry than before. On Eunji and Lunamos' faces, he was pale with fear and concern about the poetry.

“And I made sure I didn't touch the girls until you got here. I didn't say I'd let them go. Heheheh. Do I get the wrong idea? ”

“Ugh... Well, I'll do anything. Stay hidden and let Lunamos live." Please… ”

“Haven't you figured it out yet? Who told you to say half the things you want? Son of a bitch. ”


This time, Han Kang-gyu kicked the heart of the poem without sympathy. As the heel of the shoe pierces my chest, I hear a sinister sound that seems to break my bones. The poem's face twitches with pain, and he vomits blood as it is.

“I'm sorry... Knng... Please forgive...”

The poem that vomited blood out of my mouth sinned against Kang-gyu in a voice that did not come out properly because of the pain. You feel the will to save Eunuch and Lunamos somehow, but all you hear around you is low ridicule.

“Come on, let's make amends. With your head down and your head down. Do you think I'll forgive you for your weakness? ”

At the request of Hangang regulation, the situation did not hesitate and the head fell flat on the floor.

“Forgive me. I've done everything wrong. So save them. I don't care what happens. Kill me or save me, but save them...”

“Brother... ugh...”

Eunji and Lunamos made a confused look of emotion, worry and fear as the poem apologized for them.

However, despite this sin, Han Kang-gyu still smiled bitterly and lifted his foot and stepped on the back of the poem. Obviously, I had no intention of letting the women go with this. I just wanted to see the miserable state of affairs.

“You dare to speak to me? You piece of shit don't know the first thing. I'll show you what it costs. You think this is gonna end now? I'll kidnap all the bitches around you and humiliate you in front of your eyes. Hehe.”

Hangang Kyu, who was trampling on the back of the poem, kicked the poem again.

“Get him up. ”

In the words of Han Kang-gyu, I stood up men. The poem, whose face and chest were kicked off, disappeared and was covered in blood. The poem kept shouting to Han Gang-gyu for women's lives, even though his face was distorted in extreme pain.

When the situation arose, Han Gang-gyu jabbed at the woman. A few men in suits untied Eunji and Lunamos and brought them to Hangang Kyu. Silverback and Lunamos tremble in fear.

“Now, watch. How the woman you love is humiliated by you. I'll mark my mark deep in my body so you won't forget me forever, so watch slowly. ”

Han Kang-gyu smiled and slowly approached Lunamos. And as I tried to shove my hand into Lunamos' underwear, shaking in fear,

“That's enough, right? ”

I just asked Lunamos for forgiveness in a quiet voice.

“That's enough.”

Then Lunamos replied to the poem with a voice that was so gentle that he would think when he would have just cried.

“Well, what the hell. These crazy bitches. Can't you see what's going on? Huh? Those bastards must have come at me because they didn't notice. Yeah, you guys look forward to your day. Maybe he won't survive. Hehe.”

Suddenly, Han Kang-gyu, who was embarrassed for a moment, smiled again as if the poem and Lunamos had suddenly gone out of his mind with a calm face. Then he put his hand inside Lunamos's brassiere.