Dying Player

Chapter 126

Li Non is big, he is too much to understand how strong the Terror Fighting of Levels.

That is the day of the paragraph, many people think it is a good thing, including Li Nuo, I think so, but since I was first being embedded, he understood that anything as long as I was on, it It is not a good thing.

In the end, under the premise of most attributes slightly higher than the tea white, the name of the tribute to her flesh, and the culprit of the grandson is still like the grandson, which is the three-level metropolitte of tea.

For Tremella, whether it is not mentioned in the manual or the white paper, it is the melee ability to strengthen players.

According to Li Nuo's own summary, the level, it is necessary to control the muscle capacity, the body status is light, up to 20 consecutive fingers; the grade is two, the cerebellar will flood into some moves, for the basic joint skills Reflections, and, you can turn over 40 fingers.

As for the level three ...

Li Nuo is lightly, and quickly avoids Engeli's hob, returning to a foot kick to open him, followed by Kuil's strike, the body is softly flashed like a paper, Five fingers gathered, point on the chest of Kuil, and then refer to the punch, the power is instantly broke out, and the seemingly weak boxing is the flight of Kuil.

Step method, ham, box ...

More than these!

Li Niu's legs suddenly made a moment, and they had followed the instant to the ground with the ground, and the explosive power was stronger!

This time, Li Nun didn't destroy his neck and clamped his neck and chest with your legs. He held his right arm. When he tightly controls the other wrist, the other hand is tight, and the other hand controls each other's elbow And stissible to your body, full of two seconds of philosophical taste.

In the next second, Li Nuo is behind, and the ankle is quite.



Kuil screamed, his right arm is connected to 25 ° in the right arm.

Cross solid.

I can't take the sword again, Quir waste.

However, the conditions for the end of the assessment are death or fainting, so the fight is still continuing.

Engelley still caught the battle again, he took advantage of Li Nuo's body on the ground, he slammed a stick.

How is Li Nuo response too fast, the addition of two data of the insight value and the reaction value is not a joke.

Instantly grab the arm of Quil's broken arm when making a shield.



I didn't know which bones were broken this time ... a good arm turned three sticks.

"I will revenge you!"

Li Noise did not want his face, his left hand grabbed Engel's stick, and the right hand tightly buckled Engel's hand, and lifted the upper body slightly.

Ensley suddenly appeared a haze, the dangerous premonition began to warmest, which never had it in his own life, even if it was faced with more ferocious monsters, did not have such a sense of the crisis.

He wanted to retreat behind him, but it was too late, his hand and stick were robbed.

Li Ni is a cold light, and he is from underneath to Engelley.

Don't forget, Li Nuo has a title bonus of [Eryptrops], Engeli's attention.


After being attacked, the average person is unable to make a dramless scream, because the pain can not be called, you can try it yourself.

Li Nuo is still crazy, Engelley is crazy, and his movement is crazy.

People on the stage are stupid, have seen yin, but have never seen such cloudy.

"The assessment is over! Through No. 18!"

Suddenly the old man announced the end of the news, Li Nino can only stop.

The Engel roll is on the ground, the pants are wet.

A soldier attached to the old man: "How to end? Is it not dizzy or death?"

The old man is jealous, "I look down ... I am afraid that I can't stand it ..."


[Completed branch task: break the enemy]

[Get experience: 200]

[Task rewards random card has been passed to your item column, please refer to]

Li Noo walked back to Ke Min and said: "What?"

Ke Min was a little frowning, "What are you doing ..."

She doesn't believe that the hunter will use Li Nuo, and I don't believe that the hunter will not use the sword.

Li Ni wants to think that what is the most doing after this world ...


Ke Min was stunned, and immediately stood up, "Let's go ... take you out to register."

She didn't want to say anything, I lived for a hundred years, I have seen the attacking under the body, but I have never seen the attacking body. The body has been decided, no matter how much Jasmine, what is going to ask Jasmine? .

Li Noo leaving Ke Min, did not forget to look back in Engelley, who was half-dead, and suddenly rushed to some embarrassment.

"I wish you a happy birthday ..."


After the end of the assessment, register in the front desk. The next day, come over the hand of the Chamber of Commerce, you can formally join the Chamber of Commerce.

As for which chambers of commerce, this will go to the Chamber of Commerce after getting the hand.

"In short, you can come over tomorrow morning."

Ke Min walked in front of Li Nuo, but this time did not leave too far, perhaps because it is at night, or maybe because Li Nuo just killed two people made her slightly scraping.

"Well." Li Ni came to him, looked at Ke Min, hesitated and said: "I have something to ask you."

Ke Min stopped, turning back, "Just, I also have something."

"You first said, lady is preferred."

"Ms." You will really say good words. "Ke Min did not heard this if this is not a" wizard "world, naturally think that Li Nuo is deliberate, but it is not like this person's style.

No matter what these, Ke Min said: "Are you really hunter?"

"Suspect me?"

"The whole assessment, you won't use the sword, did not use the spell, this is completely different from the hunter people recorded in the book, I want to hear how you become hunter."

Ke Min has been staring at Li Nuo's eyes, as a Warlock, who is Kovir, she has a responsibility to confirm the true identity of Li Nuo.

But more because she is very curious, how can this hamper appear again, and it is such a wonderful hunter.

"Do you want to listen?"

Ke Min snorted, "Hey ~ Is there anything that can't be earned?"

Li Nuo shouted his mouth, "Ok ... then I started to say."

In the next ten minutes, Li Nuo told the story of "Dragon Dragon 7" ...

"I must not allow the villagers who have been bullied. I went to the forest to find the Shrem. I didn't expect this Slam to be too strong, but every time I feel that I can't support it. When I thought about the people who lost my past, I thought that my master was oscillating, and suddenly I felt the soul. At that moment, I used the last La Ling Pill. I successfully killed the Slam, and I found my ability. With the improvement, I went to the pub, I didn't expect to transfer, and then ... "

"To shut up……"

Ke Min closed his eyes closely, and the brow was locked. She regret why I have to ask this question.

"Full of speaking." Li Neng.

"I will burn you in this sentence."

Ke Min's chest is revealed, and it is going to go. She vowed to deal with this person, as for this guy, find a chance to ask Jasmine ...

Ke Min was a child when I was young, and I heard that Tri Si's relationship with the hunter is very good, but there is such a sentence in the old book of the group:

"In order to make the brain soaked in the death of the dead, please stay away from the hunter -" Red Color ""

Perhaps the hunter is a group of brains that are abnormal, Ke Min thinks so.

At this time, Li Noo called her, "My question has not yet said."

"Call ..." Ke Min was sighing and said: "Say."

"I heard that Kovir has a source of thought, I want to ask her something."