Dying Player

Chapter 168 Ronald Oimdis

Written in front of the mirror master, the completion of the Mi Dimim.

"Mirror Master" or "Glass Boy" is called "Mirror Master" or "Glass Boy", he claims to be a mirror businessman, a " ".

However, in fact, he is a powerful and terroristic existence. He is with men and women trading soul, while stopping the spells such as the time, just a matter of helping him.

What is his name, from where it is a mystery, people can only guess that he is a devil with a flesh entity.

There has been such a description in the setting of the "Hunter":

"There are many contact records on the book, which can be traced back to thousands of years ago, different cultures, different names. However, they are all devil's incarnation. On this land, we call him Giant Odim, occasionally called mirror Master, or a glass of glass. "

- Professor Shakesik

The original series of games and the protagonist of the novel, he has been separated from the danger in the journey, sometimes relying on himself, sometimes relying on others to help.

One of the most weird aids is from the mirror master, this story comes from the "Wizard 3" DLC Stone.

The hunter is tied to an Ophiger boat, and it is about to be sent to the header. At this time, the mirror master suddenly appeared.

Mirror Masters reminded Jerlot that they once met, in the hotel in Bai Guyuan, He has suggested that Jelot came to the Nifer Empire to look for Yenefa.

Now, He is also willing to extend a helping hand ... but it is not a cost.

If Jerlot hopes that He helped him escape from this ship, he must go to a crossroad with He.

After the hunter agreed, there was a strange mark on his face. It feels like the mirror master covered a seal in him, as a proof of contract.

Because of some unhappiness, the hunter has wanted to cancel the mirror master.

Then, the mirror master raised a hand, then ... stopped time.

Even Jerlot originally suspected that Oldem is an evil creature, this move - and the next dark talk - there is no doubt that he doubts his doubts.

The mirror masters clearly stated that Jerlow has no choice. It can only complete their transactions, as if you emphasize His threats and terrible, the mirror master kills a person nearby ... Just use a spoon.

Jerlot knows that he can only do it by Master Master.

However, he found Professor Shake Lak, this professor claims that Di Demo is from the devil from the foreign world, and he can't seal it, but there is still a way to deceive him.

Because the mirror master likes gambling, as long as Jerlot puts forward a gamble, he is likely to agree.

After defrauding this devil's creature, as long as you win the gamble, you can beat him forever.

But today's mirror masters are no longer just Octim, but Ronald Oimdis, He is no longer a gambler, and it is no longer a gambler.

The gambling psychology, He no longer has weakness, at least in the current world, in 1876 "Wizard" world, He really became a perfect existence.

---- The water is finished.


"Friends of friends ..."

The first sentence of Ronald made Li Non.

"Ha, what are you?"

Ronald walks to the sofa, not slow, "I should know the answer."

Li Non smiled: "Devil from the outside world."

"Mr. Li Ni, compare with me, at least your place is more like a devil, your appearance makes Philip-kino to challenge my desire, you disrupted the underground order of Novi Guri, you called Bringing the unfortunate seeds to the rich peaceful country, but ... "Ronald said, His eyes were covered with dark darkness, laughing:" You caught my interest, this It is the biggest malicious thing you bring to this world. "

Li Nuo burys the head and said: "Sorry, I don't have your kind of voyeurism that can read other people's ideas, so can you explain white spots?"

Ronard air-handed, the coffee that Failea hasn't passed in His hand, drinking a bite, sniffing a strong aroma, closed eyes as enjoying the general saying: "As you said, 100 The coffee in the orchard is unusual. It is a unique variety in the world. Like you, it is scarce and exists in various era. It is wrong. It should be said that you are a different blender.

I have been a gambler in a few hundred years ago, lost to a hunter name called Jerlot, just as the hunting man, in the dark, I lost a hundred years of time, until one day, I was People awaken ... "

Li Nuo broke: "I guess that the person is from the foreign people like me?"

Ronald, "I can learn from the human brain to all know everything, but I can't read what he has experienced, just like this person does not exist in this world, this situation is only Two explanations:

He is higher than my creature, but I have no negation soon, because his weak is unexpected.

Or he comes from the outside world, not the other world of the terrible governance, but a space that should not appear in this world, or the area of ​​the world, such as heaven or hell. "

"The deny wakes up to me? Conquer the world?" Li Nuo laughed.

Ronald Road: "He just wants to get my strength, get my help, so I made an agreement with him, one I think he is impossible to complete."

Li Noo couldn't help but spit: "It seems that you have been sleeping for a few hundred years, can you ask what agreed?"

"Of course, this is not a secret." Ronald gently shrugged, drinking coffee, said: "I told him that I have a very important East Tibet in Valent, if he can come back, I promise him. Request. "

"Is there an unexpected surprise?" Li Nuo was noticeable from His expressions and Warren, and this matter has a great relationship with the "blood source curse".

Ronald Road: "Yes, I didn't think that Warren was already called Yaman at that time."

"It seems that there is not long after you wake you away now."

"The most important thing is that this person discovers a similar relic in Yather, there is something that I have never heard of and I have seen, as I even higher than this world, you can call those They are gods or devils.

I am curious about these things outside of my cognition, I have established contact with them, but I can't communicate normally, so I change your appearance, re-play the travel businessman traveling to the world, looking for people interested in mysterious things. I saw the change in the world in the past ten years ago, I found a old guy who specialized to study my mysterious school and let him study the things in place. "

"William master?"

Ronald laughed, praise: "It seems that you understand what you know far."

"What about people from the outside world like me?"

"Unfortunately, he fell into the remains of Yanyan, and soon they disappeared in this world until a few years ago, I saw him again, but he has become a vampire."

"I think I know who is it." Li Nuo smiled and said: "Ka Wei."

Ronald put the cup in half air, and the cup was so suspended in the air.

Li Nuo picked up the coffee maker to help Him.

"Thank you."

Li Noo returned to the table, turned the chair to He, and he said: "After the cold, do you say something?"

Ronald was drinking coffee and said: "You already know my business, are you not going to talk about you? About the outsider."

Li Nuo laughed, "even if I said, you can't hear it, such as ..."

Then Li Noo said all the rules related to the "endless cloister", and then asked after finishing: "What did you hear?"

"Your mouth is not right, and you said something completely unknown." Ronald revealed his doubts.

Li Ni shrugged, "That's it."

"It seems that I think it is right, you have also seen it in other people's people." Ronald is the corner, "" Have a higher level of things are controlling everything. "

Ronald did not stay on this topic too long, and said to the topic. "For you to find what I am looking for."

After Li Noisai, he was pondering in his heart. It turned out that Ronald didn't know that his own purpose was to hunt the shadower ... may be because of the system task, causing the mirror master to read relevant information. The leaders of "Endless Callhouse" are far from these gods or demon.

The leader of the space ... should be the man who is lazy, and very unbearable ...

After Li Nuo thoughtfully thought, he looked up: "I want you to help me kill the shadow of Kovir."

Ronard did not hesitate: "It is very simple, what you can do." He done, staring at Li Nuo's eyes, said: "My request is, I want to see your world, see See the dominates that is on everything. "

Li Nuang is about to open, Ronald stopped his words, "Don't agree casually, I know that you can't do it, so don't want to be lie."

Li Nuo was seen through the idea, I had to smile, "Well ... It seems to deceive the devil."

"I will place an eye in your body, which may help me see the world of foreign language."

"We ..." Li Nuo's eyes consciously got a white tea.

"Of course, you can include your two companions."

Ronald is like a coffee look, just like taxing landlords.

Li Noi knows what he is saying what is the eyes, Yaman, blood source, explore the eyes of truth ...

This condition cannot be easily promised.

Unless it is crazy.

"Why is so attached to our world?"

"Ning is here to do the highest existence, don't challenge my mysterious unknown, this is your idea I read." Ronald once again put the cup in half, "but not, I am not human, I am not just Unlimited life, I am even more eternal, I am more interesting to play, so I am more morable in those who want to have a mysterious power than I want, I think that other domain slaughter, I despise me like me, let me I have no time to doubt what I have a cognition in the millennium. "

Li Nuo smiled, "Just because of this reason, I am honored to be seen by you, becoming the child who is called."

Ronald Road: "You have chosen not accidental."

"Is it fate?" Li Nukoot.

The Ronald booth said: "You can say this, from you to 'green grass decocting' began to be the hunter, I will arrange all things.

The bottle 'green grass decoction' is I once guided an adventurer to get it. I only got a goodbye to see the hunter who had disappeared, including the way to go to Noviguri's road to meet Philip, these are I built. - Our fate. "

"IMHO, you are not allowed to be a lot of money." Li Nu words can only be described like this, "So, in addition to this, what is it? It is impossible to become a hunter and different Two ways of the world? "

"You know the answer." Ronald only lost such a sentence, no longer screaming, silently gazing Li No.

"Ah ..." Li Nuo sighed.

"Let me think about it, you set up two tests, the first is Philip, test my spirit will not be collapsed by those disgusting stuffs, passing the at least after you will inject your eyes in my body When I won't be as crazy as the card you summoned;

The second is to set a dark line to make me complete, it is to see Holland, seemingly simple, actually seeing Holland's difficulty, this is the test of execution.

Is it these? "

, ...

Ronald patted the palm, "Nice Analysis, I have seen more than a dozen people from the other world, only you have done all, but you still say something wrong, there is the last request I will decide whether to promise your request. "


"Kaji wants your life, so I want to be able to live."

Li Nuo is a smile interpretation: "The front is saying that the guy is strong than me, the side is to say that brave teenage, please don't escape your danger, courage is the necessary condition for the brave.

Ronald ignored his weird metaphor, moderately asked: "So Mr. Li Nu, is there any other objection?"

"If the objection is not, I want to know what the ability of Cartoon."

Ronald laughed, "If you tell you, you are not intended, let alone I don't understand your ability to have these alien people."

Li Nuo said silent, frowns thought, then then asked: "That takes the ball under the tree, what is the girl named Caine?"

Ronald smiled and pointed to some of his nose. "The agreement with her is just giving me a lot of fun, relieves waiting for you, and helps you active activities."

Poor girl ...

Li No thoughtless, burying his head: "Understand, I don't have any other questions, but let's let it know, if I kill the shadow, our agreement is not established."

Ronald, got up and said: "I will help you again."

He put a small bottle filled with a black liquid. "This is what I owe you in Noviguri. I originally wanted to send you the same throwing weapon, but now I am more needed. "

Then He put the cup in the hands of Faitna, and stationed to Holland's side, palm pressed on the head of Holland.

"In order to help you see the shadow, I decided to sacrifice my old friend."

In an instant, the skin of Holland began to collapse, such as the pleats like a moisture, just a few seconds, Holland's finalization for the beach powder.

"It is the fifth death of high-end vampire, I believe that the elders you are looking for will soon come to Pound Venis."

"Be your friend is really dangerous ..."

Ronard ignored Li Nuo's vomiting, continued: "As for the last thing to help you, I will let you reunite with your friends, so I ask you again, there is any other objection?"

Li Nu was calm, and he pointed out the liquid in the bottle: "You have a problem with the medicine to give me [Griffon Decoction], the formula is wrong."

"The problem is here."

After Him left a inexplicable, he took the palm.

Following Li Nuo only feeling in front of him, Faisina's cup fell to the ground, crisp sound, and the cup fragments For Maljo, Failea also disappeared here.

The tea glance gazing everything around him. Fernna didn't see, Holland turned into a beach powder, and there was a arm on the ground in Maljo burning flame.


Malja made a painful voice, his right arm and the neck were severely burned, the arm was still braving, Li Nuo and tea reservoir should not be 3721, rushing on his arm, put him Semi-dead, went to the flame extinguish.

"Li Noo, what happened?" Tea is holding food into the mouth of Malj, while pinching his chin to chew him with his hand.

Li Na took Ronald left the black bottle on the table, and he said: "Ready, the end of the script is coming."